Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 96 The Alluring Imperial Master (31)

Chapter 96 The Alluring Imperial Master (31)

"I'm going to teach her a lesson. It just so happens that no one has tried the poison I recently developed."

Su Linglong then looked at Jiang Jian, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, "Be careful, she has great martial arts skills."

Jiang Jian snorted and lifted Su Linglong's chin with his fingertips, "There is no master in the world who can resist my Huagu Powder, Linglong doesn't believe it?"

Su Linglong tilted her head. There were too many attractive men around her, so she would not be seduced by Jiang Jian. She said in an indifferent tone, "I just remind you not to underestimate her."

The disappointment in Jiang Jian's eyes was fleeting, and his voice was low, "Linglong, just wait and see."

Su Linglong didn't care when Jiang Jian walked out of the private room. Her eyes followed Jiang Jian's figure to Mingyue's private room.

Jiang Jian doesn't know martial arts, but no one can use medicine as well as him. No matter how powerful that national master's martial arts is, he will be dead if he gets even a little bit of medicine powder.

When the time comes, she must squeeze this bitch's tendons and drain the bitch's blood in order to avenge the space.


A figure fell from the entrance to the private room on the second floor. When Su Linglong came back to her senses, she saw Jiang Jian, who had sworn to be alive, lying on the ground on the first floor with his life and death unknown.

Su Linglong couldn't believe this scene, but as the front-line boss, she had to step forward. After putting on the veil, she walked to the first floor coldly and ordered, "Take him to the medical center for treatment."

A boy carried Jiang Jian to the hospital. There were many people eating on the first floor of the hall. Su Linglong asked the shopkeeper to compensate the injured customers on the first floor and give them a free meal today.

Finally, Su Linglong led people to the private room on the second floor and asked someone to open the private room door. "It's inappropriate for you two to cause trouble like this in the front line."

In the private room, only Mingyue was still enjoying the hot pot, and there was a man lying next to her. This meant that Jiang Jian's medicine was effective. Why didn't Mingyue get infected?

Su Linglong's brows and eyes were full of irritation. She said that this person had great martial arts skills, but Jiang Jian was still so conceited.

Mingyue picked up a large piece of beef and put it into the pot, saying slowly, "Do you have any evidence?"

"I saw you kicked downstairs with my own eyes!" Su Linglong's nose was so angry that her nose almost twisted. Why is this person so shameless?
Mingyue snorted and smiled at Su Linglong, "You are mistaken. He wanted to jump off the building and we couldn't stop him. Do you blame us?"

"Why are you so shameless?"

How could Jiang Jian jump off the building if he told lies with his eyes open!

The smile on Mingyue's face disappeared, "If you take away the spiritual spring water you saved, you're going to slap it on your face, right?"

She was a killer before she traveled through time. Su Linglong was keenly aware of the danger and instantly entered a first-level combat state, "What are you going to do?"

"I just collected your spiritual spring water, what's the rush?"

Mingyue glanced at the boiling hot pot in the pot and sighed deeply, "You can eat the meat after one minute."

Mingyue moved her wrist, stood up and walked towards Su Linglong step by step. Su Linglong took a step back and said, "Stop her!"

After receiving the order, several boys rushed forward. Mingyue slapped him one after another, causing several boys to faint and fall to the ground.

"They are just ordinary people, how long can they stop him? Obediently hand over the spiritual spring water, and they will suffer less."

Su Linglong groaned, feeling that Mingyue's hand on her shoulder was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and she even heard the crisp sound of fractures in her shoulder.

Su Linglong took out a cloth bag from her arms. Su Linglong gasped in pain, dripping with cold sweat, and handed it to Ming Yue tremblingly.

"now it's right."

Mingyue opened the bag and looked at the five neat bottles of spiritual spring water. He threw them all and fell on the ground. The jade bottle shattered on the ground. The spiritual spring water that was finally accumulated seeped into the floor and disappeared completely.

Su Linglong was no longer calm. Does she know the value of these spiritual spring waters?The questioning voice was sharp and harsh, "What are you doing?! This is spiritual spring water! You are ruining things!"

(End of this chapter)

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