Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 98 The Alluring Imperial Master (33)

Chapter 98 The Alluring Imperial Master (33)

In order to save Xiaoxiang's life, Shen Yu and Chen Yao took turns in the battle, barely setting up a full banquet.

I didn’t see roast suckling pig on the dinner table that night, but I did see braised pork ribs, vinegar pork, Sixi meatballs, sauced elbows...

Mingyue was very pleased, "You have grown up."

Three people are numb:...

My lord, I always get emotional when I see something delicious.

Habit is second nature.

"By the way, sir, there is another Jianghu person coming here to deliver a letter to you today."

Xiao Yuncai took out a letter from his arms and sent it to Mingyue.

Mingyue never leaves the table, her hands never leave the bowl, "Shen Yu, come and read."


Shen Yu took it naturally and tore open the envelope, "Your Majesty, I opened it lightly. I miss you so much after seeing Huaizhou. The common people thought that you and Zhang Wen, the corrupt official, were the same as each other. They disrespected you with your words and felt guilty and forgot about you..." …”

Mingyue, "Skip the old memories and get down to business."

Shen Yu glanced across the page and found a piece of paper full of words that the adults had come to collect evidence from him, a charlatan, and then nominated him to the emperor. He expressed his gratitude to Mingyue. There was only one or two sentences at the end to express the purpose of his visit. .

"My lord asked me to investigate Zhuangzi. It is true that someone has raised a group of private soldiers, and they are holding strange weapons."

Mingyue nodded, "I'll find out later."


Shen Yu walked aside, dipped in ink, and wrote a reply with beautiful handwriting.

"Xiaoyun told you that you are now my apprentice?"

Mingyue put away her chopsticks, raised her eyelids and looked at Chen Yao, with a pair of peach blossom eyes that looked at people as tenderly as water.

Chen Yao knelt down, worried and uneasy, "Yes, your lord's servant is not qualified..."

Her body is unclean and she is lucky enough to be able to serve adults. How dare she think about other things.

"What is unqualified?"

Chen Yao bit his lip and said, "Slave... dirty."

"I haven't seen you not taking a shower. Where are you dirty?" Mingyue bent down slightly, with slender hand bones, and raised Chen Yao's chin, looking at Chen Yao with tears in his eyes, his expression unchanged, " Isn’t this pretty clean?”

Tears welled up in Chen Yao's eyes, and Chen Yao felt that her eyes were misty, and the mist blocked her eyes from seeing the true face of the adult.

Only those eyes were bright, clean and clear, free of any impurities. They recognized her and redeemed her.

"grown ups……"

"Just say whether to do it or not. If you don't do it, people will get the upper hand."

Xiaoyun and Shen Yu had the deepest feelings for Chen Yao, and they couldn't wait to agree for Chen Yao.

Chen Yao burst into tears and laughed, "Your Majesty doesn't dislike me, how can I dare to find fault with you?"

"Hmm," Ming Yue said perfunctorily, but felt that she was losing her majesty, so she straightened her body, "It's easy to take over my position, just flatter me."


Chen Yao, who was ready to study hard, understand life, and see through the stars, was stunned.

"That's it, as long as you can flatter the emperor."

Originally, when she came to this world, she had the identity assigned to her by the little trash. Otherwise, where would the role of National Master come from?

Seeing that the adult's tone was sincere and not fake, Chen Yao fell silent, feeling as if his tears were in vain.

"Why do you have to flatter the emperor?"

Shen Yu's soft voice broke the silent atmosphere.

Mingyue looked at Shen Yu faintly, "Do you want to?"

Shen Yu said with a smile, "No, I want to take pictures of you."

"Your courage is commendable." Mingyue choked successfully, "I'm going to eat, so you don't have to follow me."

"Sir, come back soon~"

"Sir, we are waiting for you~"

"Stop eating sweets at night, adults."

Mingyue looked at these three girls complicatedly, making her look like a heartless man, what a mess!

(End of this chapter)

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