The uncle wiped away his tears and was about to lead a few people into the secret room. He walked in front anxiously, followed closely by Yue Xinyi.

Seeing this, Bai Mingluo approached Yun Jingsheng and said silently: "Turn off the thermometer, I can hear the sound of your gears turning."

Although it was very quiet, almost no sound, Bai Mingluo, who was very close, was still somewhat aware of it, coupled with the sudden temperature.

Yun Jingsheng said obediently, and then the temperature on his palm quickly cooled down like a fire stick fading when it gets cold.

Bai Mingluo felt a little cold again, frowned her eyebrows, and was about to speak when she suddenly thought of why she had to hold hands with him!
She suddenly broke away. Yun Jingsheng looked at her a little confused, but he didn't speak and continued to lead people forward.

Go through the small door and there is a smaller room inside.

This house is actually an ancestral hall! Bai Mingluo was surprised.

And in the place of worship, the crystal ore that emits a faint light is particularly obvious.

"Father..." Yue Xinyi obviously knew what this was, and was shocked and frightened.

Yun Jingsheng shouted: "Yue Chen."

The uncle, Yue Chen, stopped and stood aside. He looked at his daughter and said, "Originally, only the family heads of the past generations knew about these things. Now, I won't hide them from you either."

His voice was full of history: "Three hundred years ago, Blue Star was not like this. Our ancestors were just ordinary people."

"Back then, the Zerg invaded, civilization was destroyed, and humanity was destroyed. Our ancestors were lucky enough to survive to the end, but were almost killed. Fortunately, they were saved by someone, and that person was the God of Creation."

Bai Mingluo glanced at Yun Jingsheng, but his expression was calm and unwavering.

"The God of Creation gave our ancestors a zero-light crystal, which is this stone. It can help our ancestors find their destined person, but the side effects are so damaging to the body that they are passed down to every generation. But our ancestors still used it for the sake of all mankind. "

"With the help of our ancestors, we found those Destined People who were still alive and worked together to drive away the Zerg."

After Yue Chen finished speaking, Yue Xinyi was very shocked.

She knew that her eyes were hereditary, but she didn't know that she got them this way.

Yue Xinyi had noticed Bai Mingluo a long time ago, and the dazzling light was hard to ignore, but seeing her following Yun Jingsheng, she did not speak.

She saw that everyone had color, except Yun Jingsheng.

Yun Jingsheng stepped forward and easily took away the Lingguang Crystal.

The light in the room was dim, and Yue Xinyi's heart trembled for some reason, as if something was different.

"You guys go out." Yun Jingsheng looked at the two father and daughter.

Yue Chen pulled Yue Xinyi away without saying a word, leaving space for the other two.

"What do you want to do?" Bai Mingluo's heart skipped a beat when he heard the sound of the secret room door closing.

Although a man and a woman were alone in the same room, Bai Mingluo didn't panic. For her, it was a matter of minutes to get this little weakling.

"This is the Zero Light Crystal," Yun Jingsheng said. "It contains a concentrated liquid of spiritual enlightenment. If you don't use it, it can gradually affect the people nearby to cause mutations, just like Yue Xinyi did."

"The mutation allows her to see everyone's mental power level, but currently no one is activating it."

"Don't look at me with such suspicious eyes," Yun Jingsheng said helplessly, "The energy of the Zero Light Crystal is too great. The ancestors of the Yue family had 2S mental power to barely use it. Later, civilization would be destroyed, let alone 2S, not even S-level ones. It's hard to find." "So... you mean, you want to use this to stimulate my spiritual power?" Bai Mingluo seemed to understand what he meant.

Yun Jingsheng nodded, thought for a while and then said: "This process will be very painful."

For Bai Mingluo now, the pain may be unbearable.

But Bai Mingluo couldn't refuse. The Zerg had already appeared, and it was difficult for her to compete with her current strength. If she could restore 3S's mental power, the result would be completely different.

In just a moment, Bai Mingluo made a decision: "Come on."

Perhaps as expected, Yun Jingsheng was not too surprised. He put the zero-light crystal into Bai Mingluo's hand, stretched out his hand to cover it, and held it tightly. The seemingly solid crystal instantly turned into powder, and the light in it automatically found its way. Lord, got into Bai Mingluo's body.

Bai Mingluo's head went blank, feeling like she had entered another fantasy world, but what followed was a bone-chilling pain. Her legs suddenly softened, and Yun Jingsheng caught her and helped her sit on the ground.

That kind of pain is not physical pain, but internal pain, in the meridians, and in the cells. Bai Mingluo has forgotten everything, and his only thought is to persist in the past!
After a while, Bai Mingluo broke out in a cold sweat, her messy black hair stuck to her pale and beautiful face, and the sound coming out of her throat was broken when she was in extreme pain.

Yun Jingsheng held her with one hand, and gently placed the other hand on her forehead to use the wireless therapy device, hoping that this would alleviate her pain a little.

Time passed by, about two hours, and the torture finally ended. Bai Mingluo opened his eyes, but he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

Yun Jingsheng held her in his arms to give her a place of support, and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work."

"..." Bai Mingluo didn't speak, because he had no strength and was still recalling the pain just now.

She immediately used her mental power, and the returned 3S mental power made her feel so happy that she temporarily forgot about the physical pain.

Mental power is a very mysterious thing, just like a big data network. Under its detection, everything can be seen at a glance.

The higher the level, the more you can see.

Bai Mingluo could even see the fluctuations in mental power on the Yue family's father and daughter who were guarding outside the gate, but Yun Jingsheng really had no mental power at all.

She began to wonder if she had made a mistake. This guy looked like a pretty boy.

But at this time, this pretty boy did not wait for her to answer, and picked her up on his own initiative!
Bai Mingluo suddenly lifted into the sky: "!"

What are you going to do!
"Don't move, I'll take you to rest." Yun Jingsheng was dumbfounded by her stubborn limbs, "You can't lie here all day."

Bai Mingluo calmed down: "."

Well, I'm sorry he doesn't have the heart and courage.

The obedient Bai Mingluo looked much cuter. Thinking of this, Yun Jingsheng subconsciously blinked his eyes faster.

Hey, why do I have time to think about this? Could it be that I haven't done anything since I've been here for too long, are the mechanical parts aging?

So he sent Bai Mingluo to the room, and he let go and ran away.

Bai Mingluo, who was thrown on the bed and almost had his bones broken, had questions on his face: "???"

Are you okay? Your face changed too quickly!
Anyway, after staying in bed for a few days, Bai Mingluo hurried back to the special forces team, only to find out that they had not concealed the news here, and now the entire galaxy knew that the Zerg were attacking again.

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