Chapter 23 Not Like Me

Hui Lingling's ears twitched, and she pressed Bai Mingluo's shoulders and came closer: "Who is it?"

Naqis: "Ming Luo and me."

Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows, but Hui Lingling didn't look surprised and sat back down again.

Each freshmen class will select someone to compete with the second-year students. The euphemistic name is to enhance communication between the two levels, but in reality it is more about showing off their own talented players.

There are only two places in each class. After all considerations, it is not surprising that Bai Mingluo and Naqisi were selected.

Both of them were born in aristocratic families, and they were good at fighting. Although the others in the same class were about the same, these two were the most powerful!
This is not something to show off! When Zhu Yanjue handed over the list, his lips burst into laughter.

"We will go together then." Naqisi said concisely and concisely.

Bai Mingluo made a no problem gesture.

The competition lasts for one week. During this week, they don't have to go to class and just compete with the second graders twice a day.

"Goddess Bai, here!" Lively Qi Ji waved his arms in the crowd, standing out.

His loud voice also attracted the attention of others, and they saw two beautiful and graceful ladies walking towards this direction. Although they were wearing the stone green uniforms of the Grolanpa Courtyard, they still could not hide their colors. .

Everyone has a love for beauty, so along the way, people are inevitably looking at her.

"Goddess Bai, you are so beautiful today!" Qi Ji did not hide his admiration.

Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows, lifted his hair and threw it back happily: "I haven't seen you since the holiday, and my martial arts skills haven't improved, but my mouth is a lot sweeter."

Qi Ji chuckled and scratched his hair.

Two people were selected from each class, and the exchange students in Class [-] were Qi Ji and Shisade.

Shi Sader was No. 1 in Class [-], and although Qi Ji couldn't beat him under Bai Mingluo's guidance, he could still tie, so the spot fell to these two.

After the last meeting, Shishad didn't dare to look down on Bai Mingluo, but he didn't have a good look towards the two of them.

Zuo Bai Mingluo didn't care that he liked him and was too lazy to talk to him.

Waiting for other classes to gather behind, there were too many people, and a boy was squeezed over and almost bumped into Naqisi, but Bai Mingluo reached out to stop him.

The boy who couldn't stand still felt an irresistible force supporting his back, making him unable to move.

"Come closer to me." Bai Mingluo said to Naqisi.

Naqis nodded.

Seeing Naqisi coming over, Bai Mingluo let go of his hand and ignored the boy's shocked gaze.

Wow, this girl is so strong!
To say that Bai Mingluo and Naqis knew each other, it was because they didn't know each other in class, but after getting along for a long time, Bai Mingluo discovered that this guy was not aloof at all, he just simply didn't like to talk.

All she could think about was how to fight, so she didn't like to talk, and her reactions were usually slow. Bai Mingluo always felt like she was looking at someone else's stupid daughter, so she took more care of her.

"It's really Bai Mingluo. I heard that she got double perfect scores in the final exam!"

"It feels different from the rumors. You don't think it's love brain, do you?"

"She's so good-looking. Is Lin Haoxuan out of his mind to look down on her?"


It's nothing more than rumors and gossip. Bai Mingluo's ears have become numb these days.Of course Naqis also heard it. She turned her head slightly and asked curiously: "You and Lin Haoxuan?"

"I'm not familiar with it, I don't like it, I don't like it." Bai Ming didn't even move his eyes.

Naqisi said slowly and did not continue to ask.

After gathering, Bai Mingluo and Naqisi went to the dining hall to have breakfast.

The time when the two of them went to eat was unlucky. It happened to be the time when everyone came to eat, so there were so many people in the canteen that they had to wait in line for a long time.

Bai Mingluo opened the window and looked inside: "This, thank you for this."

After ordering porridge and steamed buns, Bai Mingluo found a place to wait for Naqisi and started eating in small bites.

Naqisi was no longer surprised by Bai Mingluo's birdy stomach and said nothing. The two of them were concentrating on eating when they suddenly heard a commotion in the crowd.

"?" Bai Mingluo looked over with his cheeks bulging from chewing.

I saw a beautiful girl walking through the gate, and the man next to her looked at her with admiration in her eyes.

"Wow, it's the second-year goddess Lin'er!"

"Why did she come to the dining hall today? Doesn't the butler usually bring food here?"

The sisters who were sitting down to eat after Bai Ming were discussing with envy.

Goddess Lin'er?Bai Mingluo swallowed his food and felt that the name sounded familiar, so he looked at it carefully.

Xia Lin'er in the crowd seemed to feel something, turned her head, and met Bai Mingluo's eyes.

Without letting Bai Mingluo wait any longer, Xia Lin'er came over by herself.

She was wearing Linsa Huaboyuan's yellow and black uniform. The waist design outlined her slender waist. The pleated skirt, which was shorter than Bai Mingluo's high-waisted skirt, highlighted the young lady's fair skin. Long legs.

"Miss Bai, it's been a long time no see~" Xia Lin'er said enthusiastically, "I didn't expect to meet you at White Star Academy."

"Do we know each other?" Bai Mingluo asked, looking at the twinkling light in her eyes.

Xia Lin'er blinked innocently: "Miss Bai is really a noble person who forgets things. We met last time at Senior Brother Haoxuan's birthday party, and you accidentally poured a drink on me!"

She deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "accidentally", as if she was afraid that others wouldn't know.

When old things were brought up again, those gossips came again, and their whispering voices were like flies that couldn't be driven away no matter how hard they tried.

Xia Lin'er listened and felt very proud.

You said she likes Lin Haoxuan?Haha, she didn't fall in love with that guy, she just pretended to be interested in Lin Haoxuan, and then made Bai Mingluo go crazy in public. She could have fun and add an extra innocent persona to herself, so why not?
Nakis frowned, put down her chopsticks, and was about to stand up to argue, but Bai Mingluo held her back and patted the back of her hand comfortingly.

"Miss Hef is magnanimous, so she won't care about my carelessness, right?" Since she gave him the steps, Bai Mingluo followed the steps without hesitation.

Hearing that this was not the answer she expected, Xia Lin'er's expression froze for a moment, then quickly returned to its original state: "Of course, we are all classmates!"

"Miss Hef is really kind-hearted. Unlike me, apart from being able to play a little, read a lot of books, and get double full marks in every exam, she doesn't seem to have any merits to say," Bai Mingluo said with flashing eyes. His tone was very sincere, "I really envy my senior sister. She can make you feel inferior just by her beauty!"

Xia Lin'er: "..."

A breath caught in his chest.

Not only does this mean Versailles, but it also makes it clear that she is a worthless vase!
(End of this chapter)

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