The interstellar villain is delicate but can fight

Chapter 28 The rich martial arts idiot

Chapter 28 The rich martial arts idiot

"They didn't hurt you, right?" Bai Mingluo turned his head and looked at the boy who had just spoken. He was wearing the clothes of Kenta Ter Academy and he was a conductor.

"Just a few extras," the boy said disapprovingly, looked her up and asked, "Are you Bai Mingluo?"

"Yes, could it be that my reputation has spread throughout Kentate'er Courtyard?" When Bai Mingluo spoke, his eyes were so bright that they could hold an entire galaxy.

The boy was quite speechless: "They called your name just now, and I'm not deaf."

Bai Mingluo blinked: "Okay then."

I thought she was famous.

It can't be said that although not many people know her good name, her bad reputation is also known to everyone, and she is famous in disguise.

"Ahem, my name is Victor, and this is my friend Zhang Yu." Victor said and glanced behind him.

Bai Mingluo also followed suit, and at first glance, his eyes were filled with the color of an emerald green forest.

Zhang Yu has a handsome face and sparse eyebrows. He is also wearing the uniform of Kentateer Academy, but his aura is light and transparent, and he looks a little indifferent and inaccessible.

"Thank you." Zhang Yu spoke, and his voice was as cold and distant as the person he was.

The green eyes are like elves!Bai Mingluo blinked and quickly came back: "It's okay, I just like to do good things."

Narcissus, who was walking over, looked at her twice and asked, "Do you want to do something good?"Maybe he likes to make peace with her.

Victor's expression was treacherous: "They can't do anything to me if you don't come. If it weren't for the fact that the academy can't fight in private, I wouldn't let them go."

Bai Mingluo was curious: "Does it count if you beat Shi Sad?"

"What? I fought him seriously in the ring, but he was so stupid that he took the bait with just one provocation, and his martial arts skills didn't improve at all!" Victor rolled his eyes.

Bai Mingluo agreed with this aspect.

"But how can you report to the commander if you are so good at fighting?" Bai Mingluo asked curiously.

"Awesome is awesome, and I don't like fighting. I think it's comfortable to just be a verbal leader, right?" Victor raised his eyebrows.

Bai Mingluo: "..."


"Bai Mingluo."

While a few people were chatting, they saw that the crowd that was originally gathered here suddenly made way tacitly, and a young man walked slowly over, looked at Bai Mingluo and shouted.

Bai Mingluo looked around and saw that it was Yadivis!
"Ahem, there was no winner in the last fight. Can you add a light-brained friend so that we can continue the discussion next time when you are free?" Yadives came over specially and said bluntly.

He was not good at words, but he really wanted to spar with Bai Mingluo again.

Bai Mingluo looked at him several times, but he didn't refuse. He opened his brain and stretched it out, saying, "I have a delicate body, so we have to pay by the second."

"Then I'll pay double the price and also pay for the medical expenses." Yadivis didn't understand the meaning, but said to Bai Mingluo seriously.

It actually refreshed Bai Mingluo's understanding of Yadivis.

A rich martial artist.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" A clear female voice came, making the originally quiet crowd become noisy again.

Bai Mingluo looked up and saw a pair of amber pupils that were almost the same as those of Yadivis, but the girl's color was lighter, as if water had been mixed into them.Yadivis looked at Xia Lin'er, and his tone was still the same as before: "Ming Luo and I met late, so we want to be friends."

Bai Mingluo glanced at him and called him by name just after they met him. This young man seemed familiar to him.

Xia Lin'er was not surprised by his attitude. Although the two were biological siblings, he had been strictly trained since he was a child and was rarely at home. The two were not familiar with each other.

"That's it, classmate Bai, long time no see," Xia Lin'er held out her hand with a just right smile on her face, "I didn't expect to meet again. I'm Xia Lin'er, do you still remember me?"

Without reaching out to hit the smiling person, Bai Mingluo also raised the corners of his lips and held her hand back: "Of course, Senior Sister Lin'er is still so beautiful."

When Bai Mingluo is not smiling, she is inconspicuous, like a flower in a greenhouse. Although it attracts attention, it is not to the point where you can't take your eyes away. But when you smile, it is like a hundred flowers in bloom. Once people's eyes fall on it, , it’s hard to see anything else.

Even Xia Lin'er, who is also a girl, couldn't help but stare at it for a moment.

The side face of Yadivis, who was standing next to him, also had an inexplicable blush. He looked away and coughed twice to hide it.

I hadn't noticed Bai Mingluo's face just now, why was my heart beating so fast now?

Bai Mingluo's smile quickly subsided, and he retracted his hand at the same time. He ignored these people who were in a daze, turned around and pulled Naqisi: "Let's go eat."


Looking at Bai Mingluo's leaving figure, a trace of unknown emotion flashed in Xia Lin'er's eyes.

Just thinking that most of the goddess titles she managed to achieve through hard work had changed hands, made her furious.

"Lin'er, do you have anything to do with me?" Yadivis also recovered and asked.

"Ah," Xia Lin'er blinked and raised a bright smile, "It's not a big deal. Brother, are you free now? I asked the butler to bring food, so we can chat while eating."

Being reminded by this, Yadivis also felt a little hungry and nodded: "Okay."

The two left on foot. When passing Zhang Yu, Xia Lin'er's face showed a little surprise, but when she thought about his lack of family background, she felt that there was nothing interesting to see.

"Hey, Zhang Yu, why do I think Xia Lin'er looks at you weird?" Victor rubbed his arms, as if he had goosebumps.

"You are wrong, let's go." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Victor didn't ask any more questions, and caught up with him in a few steps. He turned around and saw Zhang Yu on the transfer page, showing the word that the transfer was successful, and said, "Are you transferring pocket money to your sister again?"

Talking about his younger sister, Zhang Yu's eyes softened a lot: "Well, after the scholarship was handed out, I just bought her snacks."

"What a girlie," Victor looked like he couldn't stand him. "Your parents give her twice as much living allowance as you do. Are you still worried about her starving?"

"It doesn't matter if a girl has more money, she's not your brother." Zhang Yu glanced at him.

Victor was speechless, he really couldn't speak to their family.

By the way, Bai Mingluo and the two rushed to the dining hall and finally grabbed the last portion of braised pork ribs!
"Wait, rinse it before eating." Seeing Bai Mingluo stuffing it into her mouth in a hurry, Nazis couldn't help but find it funny.

She gave the cooked pork ribs to Bai Mingluo and put it in her mouth. Her cheeks were bulging. When she heard this and looked up at Nazis, she looked like a fat and chirping bird.

"Well, thank you!" Bai Mingluo smiled and rolled his eyes.

Nakis paused, but Bai Mingluo's stomach growled so loudly that he didn't notice anything unusual about her.

(End of this chapter)

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