Chapter 37 They are pretty cool!
Bai Mingluo looked at the time as she walked. 45 minutes later, she squinted and saw the light beam in front of her.

Qi Ji danced happily: "There is light, it is the exit!"

However, when the three of them got closer, they realized that this beam of light was coming from above. When they looked up, they couldn't see how high it was.

"Here, how do we get up there?" Qi Ji was dumbfounded.

"The hole is too small, and the mecha obviously can't get through. We can try stacking the mechas, but the space above is too small. I don't know if I can stack three of them..." Hua Fengbian muttered something in his mouth. .

Hearing him talk about it gave Qi Ji a headache: "Why don't we blast it with one cannon and open the hole wider?"


"You idiot!" As soon as Bai Mingluo said these two words lightly, Hua Fengbian followed closely and gave him a blast, "You just wanted to bury us all when you opened fire!"

Qi Ji knew he was in the wrong, so he pursed his lips and touched his head, daring not to speak.

Bai Mingluo looked around, thoughtfully.

"Have you ever felt that something is watching us?"

The girl's sudden voice made the two guys who were looking up at the hole get goosebumps.

Qi Ji couldn't care less about arguing with Hua Fengbian. He grabbed her arm in fear, glanced left and right, and said tremblingly: "Bai, Sister Bai, don't scare me!"

"There are only three of us in this place!"

Hua Fenggan also looked around, and there was indeed nothing else except the inner wall of the rock.

Bai Mingluo did not answer Qi Ji's question and closed his eyes to listen.

Just when the two were confused, a black unknown object suddenly flew towards her from the wall behind Bai Ming.


Qi Ji couldn't help shouting with his eyes wide open.


However, as if there were eyes on her back, the girl pulled out the short dagger from her waist and threw it, killing it with one blow and fixing it on the wall. The hoarse scream of the thing stopped abruptly.

The short dagger is the initial weapon given to each character when entering the game, and is not counted in the number of weapons.

"Be careful, it's a karma bat." Bai Mingluo recognized the thing when she heard its voice, and the next second, the silver scale gun appeared in her hand.

"Ye bat, the one that can become invisible according to the environment?" Hua Fengjian's cultural class was good, he couldn't help but frown, "But they are social animals..."

No, commanding means following the instructions.Bai Mingluo didn't hear the rest of what he said, because rows of emerald green eyes lit up on the wall.

"Let me go, the number is not hundreds, but thousands!" Qi Ji was stunned.

"You two get into the mecha, be careful not to die!" Bai Mingluo warned them.

The sound of adding 10 points to Bai Mingluo's eyes just now made Bai Mingluo's eyes light up: "This is a big order!"

I was worried that it had been delayed for so long and there was no place to collect points, so the business bats came up to give them to me. They were so good!
"Hey, Sister Bai, hurry up and get into the mecha!" Qi Ji and Hua Fengbiao entered the mecha, only to find that Bai Mingluo was still outside, anxious.

"To deal with such small things, the mecha's field of vision is not clear," Bai Mingluo muttered without expecting them to hear them, looking at these things, the silver scale gun turned around in her hand and changed to a position that was convenient for her. , "I can do it alone."

After that, she picked up the silver scale gun and rushed into the group of business bats. The business bats probably had never seen such a fierce person. They were frightened for a while and flew around for a while. They only reacted when they saw the corpses of their companions on the ground. Come over and attack Bai Mingluo in groups.Looking from the outside of Qi Ji and Hua Feng Bian, we can only see the bats surrounding Bai Mingluo in a circle. The scene is like ants moving corpses, which makes people shudder.

"Holy shit, no, no, no, I have to help her, cannonball?!" Qi Ji recovered after being frightened, and hurriedly looked for buttons on the console.

"and many more."

However, before Qi Ji could launch the cannonball, the light screen of Huafeng handle popped up to stop him.

"Look inside those dark shadows."

Qi Ji followed what Hua Fengbian said and looked over. Among the pile of black bats, the green HP+1 was very obvious.

"Captain, she's fine, but if you shoot her over, she'll probably be back to the resurrection point." Hua Feng's eyelids twitched.

On the one hand, I didn't expect Bai Mingluo to be so good at fighting. On the other hand, I thought Qi Ji was really stupid.

"Yes, how could Bai Mingluo die so easily!" Qi Ji breathed a sigh of relief and praised, "Waffle, you are really smart!"

Huafeng handle: "..."

I want to throw him into the pile of karma bats.

Bai Mingluo and the other three disappeared during the live broadcast. While everyone was feeling sorry for themselves, they stared blankly at the scoreboard of Team 360, which was as sharp as a rocket ride. The person in charge of the simulation cabin was so frightened that they went to check if something was wrong. A malfunction occurred.

The person in charge of the simulation cabin was confused: It’s okay, the program can run!

Ten minutes later, everyone fell into silence as they looked at No. 10's more than 1 points on the ranking list.

This must have pouted all the eighteen generations of Star Beast ancestors!

The silver scale gun pinned the last fleeing bat to the ground. It let out a piercing scream, and then the space suddenly became silent.

Bai Mingluo no longer remembered how many bats she had killed. She opened the page and looked at the more than 3000 points to calculate.

Excluding the previous sand scorpion points, she should have... killed more than 300 of them this time, right?
"Huh? You haven't done that yet, have you fainted?" Qi Ji hurried over, only to find Bai Mingluo standing calmly on the spot, not even showing signs of breathing heavily, and he was suddenly confused.

Doesn't she die every time after a fight?
Bai Mingluo closed the page and raised his eyebrows at the two people who came over: "Don't worry about points now, just think about how to get out."

Hua Fengbian glanced at her head subconsciously, and saw that the HP value was no longer displayed. The blood volume was full, and he secretly thought to himself——

What kind of monster is this?Even if he didn’t get hurt after the fight, all the previous injuries were actually healed!
"Then I think it's better to try my suggestion. Once the cannonball is fired, the most likely thing is to return to the resurrection point!" Qi Ji said with a playful smile.

The other two people looked at each other with contempt in a tacit understanding. Qi Ji was frustrated and stretched out his hand to make a zipper sign on his mouth to indicate that he would not continue talking.

However, Bai Mingluo took a look, drove the mecha and placed it under the entrance of the cave. He quickly climbed to the top of the mecha.

"Commander, do you have a flying hook?" Bai Mingluo estimated the height and turned around to ask.

Hua Fengbian paused: "Yes, there is. Do you want it?"

"No, brother, why do you have everything? Your family owns a supermarket?" Qi Ji couldn't help but look up and down Huafeng Handle.

"There is no assistance, so of course I have to take a foolproof approach."

Giving the boy a roll of his eyes, Hua Fenggan took out the flying hook rope from the mecha and threw it to Bai Mingluo.

(End of this chapter)

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