Chapter 40 OK, OK, you are awesome!
However, at this moment, an accident happened in front of the victory gate!
"Chen Su!"

Dozens of star beasts suddenly appeared and attacked the team just behind Bai Ming. Outside Bicheng was a public area, and everyone's default team mic was heard even by those watching the live broadcast.


Wow, it’s finally not a pantomime!

"Quickly, put the camera on that red mecha. I want to hear who it is!"

"I second the proposal, I second the proposal!"

"Wait a minute, everyone's point is wrong, why is there a wave of beasts at the end!"

That's right, a tide of beasts appeared inexplicably on the originally peaceful road!
The team behind Bai Mingluo was very unlucky to run into a star beast. One of them was caught by the Purple Scorpion King. It was agitated by the tide of beasts and raised its scorpion tail high to send the unlucky guy away. Return to the starting point!
Chen Su watched the scorpion tail getting closer and closer, and was so nervous that he couldn't even pull the putter steadily.

Ahhhhhh I'm going to die!

The silver spear cut through the sky and penetrated the Purple Scorpion King's head with one blow. The force was so strong that it pierced the armor shell and sent it off the assembly line.

Shen Su: "!!!"

"Why are you still standing there, let's go!" The red mecha followed, retrieved the silver scale gun, and moved back with Shen Su in one hand.

Everyone in the live broadcast room exploded again.

"So fast, so cool!"

"It turns out to be a young lady. Is there such a powerful girl in this freshmen class?"

"Hey, the voice sounds familiar."

"There are a lot of powerful girls in this class, especially from the Grolanpa Academy."

"Isn't the woman I mentioned earlier the famous woman who can kill a tiger with one punch?"

"It's so funny! The scandal of Grolanpa Court is being criticized! The girls in our home are all delicate little girls. You are welcome to tease~"

"Haha, a delicate little girl who can kill a tiger with one punch?"

"I'm off topic again, everyone!"


Bai Mingluo carried Shen Su back to the safe area, but did not leave. He raised his eyes to look at the tide of beasts that should not have appeared here. Sure enough, not far away, he saw several mechas rushing towards the finish line. .

"Strange, Captain, aren't those the people you rescued before? Shouldn't they be in front of us?" Hua Fengbiao followed Bai Mingluo's line of sight and saw those people, and suddenly felt strange.

The spear spun twice in the red mecha's hand. She didn't reply. She stepped forward and picked off a star beast that almost bit off Fu Jing's head.

Fu Jing was shocked: "Ah!"

"Stop yelling and run!" Charnold also endured her to the limit. Taking advantage of Bai Ming's fall to deal with the star beast, he grabbed her mecha and left quickly.

Amy, who was left behind, also wanted to retreat, but was stopped by the star beasts that surrounded her again. In a panic, she forgot how to operate the mecha and could only stand there stupidly.

Bai Mingluo arrived in time, pulled her out, and scolded: "What did you do? You actually made the beast wave change its route and come after you!"

Amy was stunned by the roar, and it took her a long time to stammer: "I, I don't know. After we encountered the beast tide, Jingjing said we could take the opportunity to kill some star beasts to earn points, and then she killed one It’s just a star beast, and I don’t know why they keep chasing us.”

Bai Mingluo frowned when he heard this: "What kind of star beast?" "It's just a small one, it looks a bit like a dog, sitting on the back of a stone elephant." Amy tried her best to remember.

"..." Fortunately, Bai Ming fell into the mecha, otherwise others would have seen her extremely disgusted and speechless expression.

I’m convinced, I’m really convinced!
"What's wrong, captain?" Hua Fengting couldn't help but ask as he watched Bai Mingluo carry Amy back without saying a word.

"Here, these three sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks," Bai Mingluo complained, "they didn't know how to run when they encountered a beast wave, but they dared to attack the leader. What's outrageous is that they succeeded!"

For a moment, I didn't know whether to say they were awesome or just stupid.

"Leader of the Beast Tide, ah!" A look of astonishment appeared on Hua Fengbian's face.

It is the habit of star beasts to migrate every once in a while. During the migration process, they will become very irritable, so they need to choose a leader to calm their emotions.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the more powerful one is the leader. The leader is usually a star beast cub with an affinity, so the attack power is not high, but no one is so stupid that they will have trouble with the beast tide and eagerly go up to beat the leader.

Who would have known that they would produce two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks this year.

Fortunately, it's a simulated world. If it were in reality... Hua Fengjing imagined it, and goosebumps began to appear on his body.

"Chief, what does that mean?" Amy listened to the conversation between the two with confused eyes.

Bai Ming clicked his tongue and muttered: "They said that I didn't listen in class, and the others didn't learn anything in their cultural classes."

Anthony, who was clearly heard outside the live broadcast: "."

Okay, okay, you are awesome!
In short, things have happened, and there is no point in blaming them. Bai Mingluo looked at several teams behind him that were attacked by the beast tide, and there were also people chasing Fu Jing to Bicheng in front. He sighed and picked up his weapons.

When the blade of the gun is unsheathed and encounters the sun, it glows with a faint silver light, as if it is enveloped in a soft veil of mist.

"Captain?" Hua Fengpin called her in confusion.

"I'll go to provide reinforcements. You and Qi Ji will go into the city first and take up the rankings." After Bai Mingluo said that, he started the mecha aircraft and flew forward like an arrow from a bow.

Hua Fenggan in the mecha frowned. The education environment he received since childhood could not allow him to understand the reason why Bai Mingluo did this. In his opinion, it was very unnecessary. They had already reached the end, so why bother with other people? Life or death?

Moreover, Bai Mingluo was too independent and did everything by himself. He and Qi Ji didn't ask for any help along the way.

But inexplicably, Hua Fengpin's prejudice against her had completely disappeared, and he listened to her words, turned around and flew towards Bicheng.

"Ah, I heard it. Isn't this voice from Class [-], Sister Bai?" Someone in the team who had arrived at the destination was surprised when they heard Bai Mingluo's voice.

His teammates cast disbelieving looks: "Did you hear wrongly? Even though she can fight, she won't be able to compete with the beast tide, right?"

He shook his head fiercely: "You can't hear me wrong. She had the same tone when she hit me!"

other people:"……"

Audience watching on the big screen: “…”

No, why is there such a proud tone in your affirmation?
"This mecha looks more and more familiar the more I look at it." Fu Cheng looked at the red mecha with its gun and swept through the beasts, and the feeling of familiarity became stronger and stronger.

"Let me help you take a look. Could it be the A380? The shell material seems to be similar." Upon hearing this, Zhu Yanjue opened the mecha warehouse next to him.

Fu Cheng shook his head: "No, it should be a little more advanced than it. Go to the front of the mecha warehouse and look around."

(End of this chapter)

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