Chapter 43 Candidates

"Amidst the tide of beasts, she braved the thorns and thorns!"

"The beauty saves the hero, it's her!"

Qingyan and Hui Lingling sang and read aloud to the class, seemingly attracting attention.

Bai Ming, who was deeply hurt by this, fell to his forehead.

"Luoluo, if I had known you were so powerful, I should have formed a team with you from the beginning!" Hui Lingling eagerly wanted to squeeze into a stool with Bai Mingluo. Bai Mingluo sat on the corner of the remaining stool with a dull expression.

"But being too high-profile is not a good thing. Some people on the Star Network have already started calling you the new goddess of White Star Academy. You can't sit still!" Qingyan looked a little gloating.

Hui Lingling wowed: "In that case, Xia Lin'er failed to find trouble for you last time, will she let the temple take action?"

"How is it possible? The temple doesn't care about these aristocratic families," Qingyan disagreed. "Besides, it's been a century, and the temple staff are just looking for jobs. How many of them really believe in God."

Hui Lingling quickly covered her mouth: "You can't say that, be careful of those old antiques from the temple coming to trouble you!"

Qingyan rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, what did Naqis do today? I haven't seen her all day!" Hui Lingling thought of Belief in God, and said that the Flor family is also a Believer sect, but they didn't see her, which was a little strange.

"Dean Tang Bin is looking for her," Bai Mingluo swallowed the food in his mouth, "It seems to be about the Star Cup."

"Oh oh oh, it's the Interstellar Cup!" Hui Lingling got excited for no reason, "The next semester will be the Interstellar Cup, so soon!"

Qingyan said and glanced at Bai Mingluo who was wiping his mouth, "Why did you call Naqisi? Mingluo doesn't want to go?"

"Well, it depends on the situation." Bai Mingluo slowly cleared away the plates.

Qingyan looked at her sideways and said unhurriedly: "Yes, a certain person is a famous person now. I don't know how many people are asking you to attend the banquet. Of course there is no rush."

Hui Lingling chuckled and said: "If Luoluo wants to go to the Star Cup, she will have to compete with Sisi. Who allows each class to only have one spot?"

Faced with the two men's teasing, Bai Mingluo shook his head helplessly.

But when it comes to this matter, Bai Mingluo is also a little concerned, thinking about waiting for Naqisi to come back and ask. Who knows that before Bai Mingluo can ask, Naqisi comes to her and says straight to the point: "It's about the Star Cup, Dean. Two places were given to our class, and the other one is you."

The Star Cup has regulations that each camp has five teams of players, three teams are senior students, and the other two teams are composed of freshmen.

The four schools of White Star Academy selected one spot from each class to form a new team.

Bai Mingluo was the first to make an exception.

"Originally, the dean chose me," Narcissus said bluntly, "but Mingluo's performance in the freshman competition was amazing. After discussion, the dean made an exception."

Among the freshmen in this class, the one with the highest status is Naqis. Coupled with her strong strength, she is the inevitable No. 1 choice for the Star Cup.

It's a pity that Bai Mingluo, a dark horse, was killed halfway.

Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows: "Then there is one more person from our Grolanpa Courtyard?"

Nazis nodded: "Yes, the dean told me to let you compete with other people and eliminate one person."

As Naqisi was a semi-appointed member, Bai Mingluo was not confident that he could definitely defeat her, so the dean would not let the two of them fight.

"But isn't this unfair?" Bai Mingluo hesitated.

Participating in the Star Cup can help her quickly accumulate fame, and she will have more confidence to deal with the temple. But if she can't participate, Bai Mingluo has another way. "Glolanpa Court has always respected the strong." Naqisi looked at her quietly, with a hint of comfort in her eyes.

Naqis added: "And the dean also said that starting from our session, such rules will be implemented in the future. Anyone who thinks they have the ability to defeat the participating candidates can initiate a challenge."

White Star Academy has not changed its rules for many years, and Tang Bin did a lot for her.

Bai Mingluo was a little helpless, but more moved by being believed. It would be hypocritical to refuse now.
"Don't put too much pressure on me." Nazis gently squeezed her shoulders and whispered softly.

"I know, thank you Naqisi," Bai Mingluo just shook his head for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh a little after he recovered, "You look like my sister."

Narcissus blinked.

"That's not right. With your personality, you are more suitable to be my sister!" Bai Mingluo said with a smile.

"Ming Luo..."

"Hey, don't do it! I'm going to have a fight with them, bye~"

The girl was like a nimble rabbit, she let go of her hand and disappeared.

Naqisi shook her head helplessly, but the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

It would be nice if there really was such a sister.

The next day, Bai Mingluo invited people from several other classes to come to the training ring to compete.

"Qi Ji?" Seeing the familiar person, Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows slightly, "You are actually a candidate for Class Two."

She thought it would be Shishad, the slut.

Speaking of this, Qi Ji puffed up his chest proudly: "Of course, Master, I'm not a vegetarian. It's easy to get first place!"

"That's nice to say. Come up and practice it later, and then you'll know if you've made any progress." Bai Mingluo smiled.

Qi Ji: "..."

Hiss, my butt hurts a bit.

The small talk was over, and Bai Mingluo was about to get down to business. She said to a few others: "Any of you who have discussed with me know the importance of my subordinates, and I got this quota because it was the dean's preference. I am worthy of my name." But he didn’t obey.”

The other people looked at each other, and they must be lying if they said they were not angry. Over the years, one person from each class has been selected, but today the dean made an exception and gave two places to one class. Not only did it break the rules, but it also seemed to be mocking other classes. ability.

But after hearing what Bai Mingluo said, their anger was not so strong. Bai Mingluo was indeed very powerful. However, in a class with so many talents, not participating in the Star Cup was a loss for the college.

And looking at Bai Mingluo's beautiful face, the anger in the hearts of several boys gradually changed.

Ahem, actually it’s not impossible to let girls go.

Bai Mingluo had been alone for many years in his previous life, so he didn't know how to guess people's hearts. Once he reached her level, strength was everything, and there was no need to use this method anymore.

And when dealing with these children, she didn’t want to make too many twists and turns, and said bluntly: “The dean also said that anyone who thinks they have the ability to beat the candidates can challenge them, so I will challenge everyone present today. Initiate a challenge, if any classmate can hit me within ten moves, I will consider myself incompetent and will have no complaints."

Hearing this, several people were shocked, feeling first happy and then sad.

(End of this chapter)

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