The interstellar villain is delicate but can fight

Chapter 56 I want to open the mecha

Chapter 56 I want to drive a mecha!
She knew that Bai Song had concerns, but she had long wanted to actually touch a mecha outside. There was an opportunity right in front of her, how could she let it go!
"Of course my Mingluo family is doing well, but..."

"Huh, since you don't agree, I'm going to be angry. I'm angry!" The little girl glanced at him. She had already figured out Bai Song's temper and immediately used soft violence.

Bai Song ouched twice, not daring to say anything to refuse, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay!"

After a silent comparison in his heart, Bai Mingluo regained his smiling face, took Bai Song on his arm and walked into the factory, saying sweetly: "Daddy is the best."

She found that when she came here, she didn't seem to have much improvement in other aspects, but her face became a lot thicker.

The equipment in the factory is very complete. The workers wear uniform work clothes and work diligently at their positions. When they saw the two people coming in, they just nodded and continued to work on their own.

Bai Song took Bai Mingluo all the way to the empty space where the mechas were placed, where several staff members were checking the equipment.

Bai Mingluo's eyes turned slightly red as he looked at the mecha in front of him.

Yes, that was all 300 years ago.

"How are you? It's exactly the same as the drawing you gave me. Dad, I will personally supervise the work and watch what they do!" Bai Song said, patting his chest proudly.

"Yeah, exactly the same." Bai Mingluo held back his emotional tears and smiled.

She knew that with Blue Star's current level of technology, it would take a lot of effort to achieve this effect.

"Have you checked everything?" Bai Song waved to the people holding the equipment.

They had safety ropes hanging on their bodies and fell from all directions of the mecha. Their boss came over and reported: "Boss, the inspection is complete, there is no problem!"

Bai Song: "Okay, then the test site..."

"The layout is also completed. Just waiting for the testers to arrive, our mecha will officially leave the factory!" The boss smiled and was very happy.

They have made so many mecha parts in the factory, but this is the first time they have made a real mecha!
This is not only their breakthrough, but also the beginning of the future development and progress of the factory. Everyone is full of confidence!
To say why the Bai family's factory can be so big, it all depends on Bai Song's eye for talent and excellent management skills. Even though he is round and easy to talk to, he can fight from the huge Bai family. Come on, how can the person who has the right to speak be so helpless?

But in front of his daughter, Bai Song will always be the kind father.

"Haha, okay, okay!" Bai Song was also infected by their emotions, he laughed, and pulled Bai Mingluo to introduce to them, "This is my daughter, she designed the mecha blueprints!"

Being praised by Bai Song in front of so many people, even Bai Mingluo blushed slightly.

The workers suddenly realized: "It turns out to be the eldest lady!"

Bai Mingluo had never been to the factory before, and this was the first time they saw him.

"Ahem, I'm here to check on the mecha," Bai Mingluo reached out and touched his earlobe, smiling shyly, "I'm also here to be a tester."

The workers were shocked, and the boss said bluntly: "Miss, testers need to be skilled in mecha operation. Improper operation may cause injuries!"

"Yes, Mingluo, this is not a simulated world. What if I get hurt somewhere?" Bai Song found every opportunity to try to get Bai Mingluo to give up this idea.

Bai Mingluo glanced at him sideways, and he immediately shut up and said nothing.

"Don't worry, I drew the mecha drawings myself. I know which screws are loose and nothing will happen." Bai Mingluo's attitude was also very firm.

Today, she just wants to activate the mecha!
After rounds of persuasion, Bai Mingluo could not be swayed. Bai Song took the clean handkerchief that Aunt Zhou had used to wipe Bai Mingluo's sweat and bit it in grievance. He was stopped outside the test site and watched helplessly as Bai Mingluo crawled. Entered the mecha.

Familiar cockpit, familiar console.

Bai Mingluo almost thought she was still 300 years ago, but looking at the scene outside the window, she calmed down again. "Beep--"

"Miss, miss, please reply!" The worker's voice came from the headset, and Bai Mingluo pressed down to answer.

"I'm in good condition, let's start testing." Bai Mingluo couldn't wait.

"Okay, we are applying for permission to raise..."

There are three tests before the mecha is put on the market, namely flight test, pressure test and weapons test.

Logically speaking, these need to be carried out in specific places for experiments, but Bai Song was rich and found someone to smooth the relationship and put the test site directly on the back mountain.

It’s also about finding a place that’s big enough!
After obtaining the license, only two official inspectors are needed on site to conduct testing.

At this time, the inspector was already observing and scoring with professional equipment. He watched the mecha lift off to the exact position and put a tick on the suffix for lift-off.

"The lift-off is complete, please request the first test." Bai Mingluo adjusted his perspective and said.

After receiving permission, Bai Mingluo yanked the push rod, and the silver mecha opened fire, disappearing into the clouds almost in the blink of an eye.

Her father: "!"


Driving so fast!
The flight test requires operating the mecha to circle the circular channel at the fastest speed for three times to test the aircraft and its maximum speed.

But no one dared to maximize the speed on the first lap!

In just 2 minutes, Bai Mingluo had already completed the first lap and returned.

"The speed is OK, but the internal parts of the aircraft are in the wrong position. There is a noise when turning, probably at the lower part of the left wing."

Bai Mingluo's voice came from inside the machine, because during the flight, it was not very clear.

When the workers heard this, they immediately recorded this.

The inspector also opened his eyes and asked: "How do you know?"

"I heard it." Bai Mingluo pushed the lever nonchalantly and started running for the second lap.

The inspector opened his mouth, feeling that Bai Mingluo was perfunctory. How could anyone be able to hear the sound of parts with their ears?
He didn't know whether he was bragging or not. Anyway, Bai Song, the slave girl, was already bragging: "As expected of my precious daughter, she is amazing!"

After three laps, the silver mecha returned to its original location and asked the workers to correct the errors she pointed out before starting the next pressure test.

The compression test is to test the loss of the mecha under natural factors such as water, fire, wind, etc. Usually, if it is less than 10%, it is considered qualified.

"Daughter, be careful!" Bai Song watched Bai Mingluo operate the mecha to enter the water pressure tank, his heart was pounding and he was extremely nervous.

Bai Mingluo checked the oxygen reserve, and when there was no problem, he went deep into the water pressure.

Waterproofing, pressure resistance, and oxygen supply are the most basic three items. If you can't even pass these standards, don't even mention it on the market.

(End of this chapter)

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