Chapter 67 The Family
"Hello uncle." Bai Mingluo shook hands with him politely.

Laiyang looked at the sky and the earth, but he didn't look at Bai Mingluo.

In fact, judging from Laiyang's performance in school, his family should also be very strong. However, due to Keira's family situation, it is not surprising that his father has a temper that makes everyone smile.

The entire Keira family still regards the old man, Laiyang's great-grandfather, as the head of the family. In this era of extended interstellar life span, it is very rare for him to still have motivation at his age.

But not delegating power to the younger generations has also led to many factors. The biggest reaction is that those in the Keira family who are capable do not dare to fight, referring to Laiyang's grandfather and uncles, while those who are incompetent do not dare to provoke, like Laiyang's father.

Anyway, they don't expect the old man to fall in love with them anymore, so they can only put their hope in their own children. Unfortunately, Keira doesn't know where the heirs are, and the entire big family now has only one adult boy, Laiyang!
Thinking of the previous rumors, Bai Mingluo's thoughts changed a lot, but he still had the right smile on his face.

Laiyang's father is not a strong person, so he can only spend time with others and help the child as much as possible.

It is also a pity for the parents of the world.

"Hello, hello!" Tim was flattered. His son had a disagreement with her earlier, and he thought he would be ridiculed, but he didn't expect that Bai Mingluo would actually call her uncle.

Thinking of this, Tim said worriedly: "Laiyang has a bad temper, but fortunately Miss Bai is magnanimous and doesn't care."

"Uncle, what are you talking about? Laiyang is one year younger than me, so I regard him as my younger brother," Bai Mingluo joked, "Sister doesn't care about my younger brother, don't you think so, Laiyang?"

Laiyang rolled his eyes. After all, he didn't slap her in the face to disappoint his father.

Who is your brother?
"Okay, okay, Laiyang doesn't have any brothers or sisters, thank you Miss Bai for taking care of him at school!" The corners of Tim's mouth almost turned up to the sky.

Bai Mingluo continued to smile politely.

"Since Miss Bai regards Laiyang as her younger brother, we are all one family, so I won't beat around the bush." ​​Tim then got to the point.

Bai Ming nodded: "Uncle, please tell me."

"After the Mecha Bird came out, the head of the family was very interested in it. Knowing that you had something to do with Laiyang, he asked me to ask..." He looked at Bai Mingluo's face, "Can I borrow the design drawings?"

Bai Mingluo frowned slightly. It wasn't that she refused, but she was just curious. Why would anyone be interested in her mecha drawings?
"Don't worry, Miss Bai. You also know that the head of the family is the commander-in-chief of the Interstellar Alliance and will not do anything like plagiarizing designs. He is just simply interested!" Tim, like a frightened bird, quickly explained, "So He asked me to ask him in private. If it doesn’t work, I’ll talk to him when I go back!”

Speaking of the Interstellar Alliance, Bai Mingluo thought of Lin Yan who came home before. He also came because of his own design drawings.

Perhaps because his mentor in his previous life was also the commander-in-chief, Bai Mingluo had a natural affinity for this term, so he did not respond much to such a presumptuous request and nodded:
"Of course I believe that. If it's convenient, I'll visit you another day with the drawings."

Tim was overjoyed: "Is it true? Oh, that's great! If you can let Miss Bai move, I will send a spaceship to pick you up in three days!"

"Ah, that's okay." Bai Mingluo was slightly frightened by his enthusiasm.

After completing the task, Tim smiled like a flower on his face. He pulled Laiyang and blew another burst of white rainbow farts, and then he shut up and left after being stopped by others who couldn't stand it.

Bai Mingluo rubbed the corners of his stiff mouth, feeling that he didn't want to laugh for the next few days.

"Thank you for your hard work." The person who interrupted Tim was none other than Hua Fengpin.He didn't come originally, but was informed by Qi Ji later that he rushed over to join in the fun.

When Hua Fengbian arrived, the people in the venue had almost dispersed. He happened to see Bai Mingluo being entangled by Keira and his son and couldn't get away, so he came to help.

"Thank you, brother, Laiyang's father is also very good at talking. He has praised me for so long and he didn't even repeat a sentence!" Bai Mingluo was surprised and helpless at the same time.

Hua Fengping shrugged his shoulders: "That's what being a celebrity is like."

"Speaking of which, I didn't know you knew so much about mechas?" Hua Fengbiao was surprised by this, "Can you learn it just by reading a book? You are really talented."

"It doesn't count," Bai Mingluo was too embarrassed to tell him that he cheated, and spoke vaguely, "My mother is a mecha master."

Hua Fengbi showed a clear look and did not continue to ask. Instead, he changed the conversation to other topics: "When it comes to mecha masters, it has to be the Flor family."

"What's wrong with Naqisi's family?" Bai Mingluo, who stayed at home all day long to draw pictures, knew all about these families from gossips told by others. If you want her to know more about them, she really doesn't understand.

"How do you think the rankings of Chinese names and foreign names are ranked? Of course there is a standard of strength!" Hua Fengdian crossed his arms and didn't mind telling her more.

"Our Hua family relies on inheriting ancient methods to design mechas and is firmly in the first place. These days, whoever can control the mecha resources is the boss." He stretched out his finger and shook it.

Bai Mingluo also knew a little about the Hua family. His family was a completely ancient family with deep roots. The main family members inherited the peerless martial arts from ancient books. They were very fierce when fighting. It was also said outside. It's amazing.

Especially the current eldest son of the Hua family, Hua Zhuhe, has practiced to the point where the sword and man can be combined into one, and he can be said to be an invincible opponent in the world!

This is how the gossip was spread, but Bai Mingluo always felt that there was some moisture in it.

Hua Fengbian said slowly: "Mecha, materials, treatment, and talents, these are all necessary elements to be on the list."

"Our Chinese name is like this, and of course our nickname is also based on this standard. The Flor family in the nickname is famous for its mecha masters."

"I haven't heard Naqisi mention it." Bai Mingluo shook his head.

In other words, Naqis rarely mentioned things at home to other people.

"Of course, although mecha masters are famous, not everyone can become a mecha master. Obviously Naqisi does not have this ability." Huafeng handle clapped his palms.

He thought for a while and continued: "But I remember that her mother is a very famous mecha master. She has not published any new works in recent years. She is probably too busy managing the family."

Bai Mingluo nodded. Father Bai was so busy just caring about a factory, let alone other people.

"Hey," Hua Fengshan looked up and down at Bai Mingluo without knowing what he thought of, "If you develop the title of mecha master, maybe the Bai family's ranking can rise up and surpass the Lin family."

 Daily tips:
  [Hef: The fifth surname by nickname. He is famous for controlling mechas. He belongs to the temple. 】

(End of this chapter)

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