Chapter 69
After finally recovering, the two of them touched their empty stomachs. Bai Mingluo apologized and invited Hua Fengpin to his home for dinner, but was rejected.

"No, I probably went out today and didn't read the almanac. I'd better go home first." Hua Fengping patted the clothes on his body and glanced at Bai Mingluo with his little eyes, as if he was afraid that she would bring bad luck to him.

Bai Mingluo: "..."

Don’t you have any classmates to love? Command!
Bai Mingluo, who knew he was in the wrong, suffered Hua Fengpin's disgust. After sending him to the car, Bai Mingluo also hurried home. After such a long delay, it was already evening when he got home. Bai Song had already rested. Fortunately, Aunt Zhou was afraid of Bai Ming. I was hungry, so I left a midnight snack.

"Oh, Miss, eat slowly, eat slowly!" Aunt Zhou looked at Bai Mingluo who was devouring the food and advised, "Don't choke yourself."

"Hmm!" His stomach finally stopped growling. Bai Mingluo nodded and slowed down his eating speed.

"Didn't you say that someone invited me to dinner? The food was not delicious?" Aunt Zhou asked strangely.

Bai Mingluo shook his head and nodded again, making Aunt Zhou confused.

But it was hard to tell Aunt Zhou about this matter, for fear that she might think about it again, so Bai Mingluo swallowed the food in his mouth and swallowed this matter as well.

As for Huafeng handle, he is measured.

After washing up, Bai Mingluo lay on the bed and saw the apology letter sent by Shen Su a long time ago. It was so sincere and touching.

His behavior made Bai Mingluo sigh. If Lin Haoxuan's attitude was half as good as his, he wouldn't have taken action again and again and made everyone unhappy.

There is no way to measure things like feelings.

Bai Mingluo fell asleep peacefully after replying to Shen Su that he didn't have to worry. The friendship between the two would never be alienated.

Three days later, the Keira family drove a low-key spaceship and came to the Bai family to pick up people as promised.

Because the person he wanted to meet was quite special, Bai Mingluo didn't want to dress up too casually, so he chose a less flamboyant lake blue two-piece dress, with a gauze bow hairpin of the same color on his head, and pearls hanging from it. , making her look smaller and more exquisite.

"Aunt Zhou, I'm going out!" Bai Mingluo waved goodbye to Aunt Zhou before boarding the spacecraft, holding the folder with the drawings in his hand.

Aunt Zhou held the handkerchief and waved reluctantly: "Come back soon, Miss!"

Bai Mingluo turned around and entered the spacecraft, looking at the internal structure.

For a high-ranking member of the Interstellar Alliance, even a seemingly ordinary spaceship was not ordinary. Apart from the expensive security devices, there was also a very discreet attack box within two steps, which amazed her.

"Do you usually use these for your spaceships?" Bai Mingluo reached out and lightly touched the wall, asking with slight curiosity.

How much does this cost!
"No," she was accompanied by the commander's subordinate named Wang Yang. Hearing Bai Mingluo ask, he answered, "Miss Bai is a distinguished guest. Ordinary people don't get this kind of treatment."

Bai Mingluo nodded. It seemed that the Keira family's financial resources were not terrifying.

Unknowingly, they arrived at the control room of the spacecraft. The two pilots controlled the spacecraft without looking away and did not notice anyone coming in.

Looking at the official layout of the cab, Bai Mingluo was filled with emotions, as if he had gone back to the first time he went to the command podium with his mentor.

"Miss Bai seems to be very interested in spaceships?" Wang Yang naturally noticed Bai Mingluo's mood and asked.

"Yes," Bai Mingluo did not deny it. "Although the structure of the spaceship and the structure of the mecha are very different, the principles can be related."

She's good at piloting mechas, so she's also quick at getting started with starships. "What Miss Bai said sounded like a commander!" Wang Yang smiled and rolled his eyes. "The commander often tells us not to stick to the form in front of us, especially weapons that can kill the enemy."

"Yeah, that commander is quite easy-going!" Bai Mingluo put his hands behind his back and walked lightly, showing a relaxed state.

Hearing the word "easy-going", Wang Yang seemed to twitch his lips in embarrassment: "Haha, that's right."

He is indeed quite easy-going when he is not directing operations.

The two chatted like this and soon arrived at the home of the head of the Keira family.

Under the sunlight, a huge castle came into view, consisting of a main building and several tall towers next to it. The crimson roof was particularly eye-catching.

The wall outside the castle is covered with green vines, like defending soldiers, filling the entire gap.

"Miss Bai, be careful where you step."

The spaceship stopped at the gate, and Wang Yang took the lead, walking in front to guide.

Bai Mingluo stepped off the spacecraft and was led into the door by Wang Yang.

Once inside, you can even feel the majestic momentum of this castle!
This is not only because the building is big enough, but also because of the place itself, the indescribable feeling, like an ancient mantra, impenetrable yet inexplicably awe-inspiring.

Wang Yang couldn't help but smile when he saw Bai Mingluo's expression. It wasn't a mockery, but a kind teasing: "You must be shocked when you first come here. I was like that when I first came here."

"Have the Keira family ever studied architecture?" Bai Mingluo raised his head and allowed her to see some patterns.

If I must say it, this castle itself is more like a "fortress" than a "castle".

At first glance, you must have seen its appearance, but upon closer inspection, you will find that the rules of these buildings are traceable. If there is a war one day, this place will be a perfect shelter that can be attacked and defended!
"Miss Bai really has a sharp eye, you can see it all!" Wang Yang was simply amazed by her keenness.

"What a wise eye, you just see too much." Bai Mingluo disagreed. She had gone on field trips with her mentor before, and had been in contact with all departments. The Security Department liked to do this, and she didn't even escape her mentor's home.

Before Wang Yang could ask in detail, Bai Mingluo changed the topic: "By the way, I don't know what I will call the commander when I see him later?"

With that old man's seniority, should she also call her great-grandfather?
In fact, the stars at her time did not distinguish between these false names. After all, everyone lived a long life, and there were many people who could live to be two hundred years old.

"Um..." Wang Yang was really stopped by the question and thought for a moment, "Are you calling the head of Keira's family? Or senior Barnett?"

After all, Bai Mingluo is different from people like them, and he is not the old man's subordinate. As a junior, he should be more approachable.

Facing Bai Mingluo's speechless gaze, Wang Yang scratched his hair and looked a little naive: "Oh, just look at it and shout, the commander doesn't care about this."

Bai Mingluo stopped and Wang Yang saw that he had already arrived at the door. Without saying anything, he opened the door and asked Bai Ming to step in.

"The commander doesn't like having outsiders at home, so apart from the housekeeper and a few maids, there are only members of the family and invited guests." Seeing Bai Mingluo's eyes sweeping around the empty living room, Wang Yang He could more or less guess what she was thinking.

 Daily tips:
  [Keira: The fourth surname by nickname. She mainly commands starships. She is good at strategic layout and has a great say in the Star Alliance. 】

(End of this chapter)

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