Chapter 71 Engagement
"Ahem," Barnett coughed twice and talked about other topics, "That boy Laiyang was raised to be arrogant by his family. Has he ever had conflicts with you before?"

"Yeah, he doesn't even think highly of me yet." Bai Mingluo said, but he really didn't take his actions to heart. In the end, he was just a child.

"Haha, boys always want to attract attention, especially in front of people they like. If they don't know how to express themselves, they can only tease them." Barnett seemed to have something else to say.

Before Bai Mingluo could think about it carefully, Barnett asked again: "You should have one this year, right? Do you have someone you like?"

Bai Mingluo opened and closed his mouth, and couldn't help but find it funny: "I can't tell that my great-grandfather still likes me."

"Of course I don't have much to say to others. You are so outstanding, Mingluo, so of course you still have to fight for my great-grandson." Barnett could see that Bai Mingluo was not such a fussy person, so he spoke less roundaboutly, "Ke You also know the situation of the Ila family. No matter what Laiyang says, I will train you as the next head of the family. If you get engaged to him, I will try my best to train you."

This was also a coincidence. Barnett was very talented, and it just so happened that this was his great-grandson who was somewhat interesting. He was embarrassed to say that his great-grandfather still had some considerations.

If Bai Mingluo also likes Laiyang, this is a complete win-win situation.

However, Bai Mingluo was really not interested in this young boy, but she also respected Barnett very much and did not want to be separated from him, so she declined: "Thank you for your kindness, great-grandfather, but I suffered from this last time." , I don’t want to think about this for the time being.”

"Is he the boy from the Lin family?" Barnett frowned. Of course, he knew a little bit about the rumors about Bai Mingluo.

Bai Mingluo pretended to be sad and rubbed the corners of his eyes.

The Lin family is truly a scourge.Even though he didn't say anything, Barnett could not help but feel a little resentful in his heart. After all, he saw that Bai Mingluo was a little girl, and he was an old man who couldn't say much, so the matter was just revealed.

The two chatted for a long time, until dusk fell on the horizon.

"It's getting late, I'll take you back." Banai was still very thoughtful, but he also knew that Bai Mingluo couldn't be delayed.

"Great-grandfather, stay here. I can go out by myself." Bai Mingluo didn't want an old man to send him out so far. "You should be tired after talking to me for so long. You should rest first."

Barnett knew that as an elder, Bai Mingluo felt restrained, but he didn't force it. He called the maid next to him: "Lilith, help me take Mingluo out."

Lilith: "Okay, old man."

Lilith is a middle-aged woman, dressed as a maid. She must have won Barnett's trust. She made a "please" gesture to Bai Mingluo: "Miss Bai, please."

Bai Mingluo waved goodbye to Barnett and let Lilith lead the way downstairs.

After taking the elevator to the first floor, Lilith took an umbrella from the shelf and then shaded Bai Mingluo before going out.

After all, dusk was approaching and the sun had not yet set, so Bai Mingluo did not refute her kindness.

After just a few steps, Bai Mingluo saw a group of people appearing on another path, whom he had met before.

Yue Xinyi walked in front with an umbrella held by a waiter in white, followed by Laiyang and a pale woman. She was talking to Yue Xinyi at this time, her face full of gratitude.

Bai Mingluo didn't hide his steps, so he was naturally noticed by the people over there. Laiyang's eyes lit up slightly when he saw her, as if he had something to say, but he didn't come over because of others.

Yue Xinyi also followed his gaze, nodded and smiled at Bai Ming, with a very friendly attitude.

Bai Mingluo smiled back and asked Lilith: "Isn't that the saint? Why is she here?"

Lilith took a look and said, "Mrs. Tim is sick. She should have gone to the temple to hire a therapist, but she didn't expect this to be the one who came."

"That person next to you is Laiyang's mother?" Bai Mingluo heard it and couldn't help but take a second look.This woman's appearance is not stunning, but she is also delicate and beautiful. She is just sick and inevitably a little haggard.

Laiyang, on the other hand, always looked arrogant when seen in school. Unexpectedly, in front of his mother, he was as well-behaved as a cat with only trimmed claws.

"Yes, Mrs. Tim suffered from a disease when she gave birth to Young Master Laiyang and was unable to have children. Her health has not been very good since then and she rarely comes out to move around." Lilith said simply.

To say that giving birth to a child is a journey through hell for every woman, no matter 300 years ago or 300 years later, it is just like the mother of the original owner.

However, the technological level of 300 years ago could not guarantee that a pregnant woman with dystocia could be saved. Bai Mingluo felt sad and was somewhat resistant to giving birth.

After all, she had not had a mother in her entire life, so she didn't think she could be a good mother.

They all met, but Bai Mingluo politely went over and said hello.

"Hello, Miss Bai." She nodded back.

Feeling Yue Xinyi's gaze lingering on him and quickly moving away, Bai Mingluo felt a little confused.

Maybe it's because she is from the temple.

"Madam, there is no need to see her off, just stay." Yue Xinyi nodded to the woman again and left slowly with her attendants.

"Laiyang, you'd better go and send it off for me," Mrs. Tim said to Laiyang next to her. "It must have taken a lot of effort for the Holy Lady to treat my injury."

Laiyang had to listen to his mother's words. He glanced at Bai Mingluo and quickly caught up with Yue Xinyi in front.

"This is Miss Bai, please don't blame me for being negligent just now." Mrs. Tim said quickly.

It was him who came to disturb her, but Bai Mingluo didn't think anything of it: "Madam, you're welcome. I'm about to leave. I just came to say hello when I met her."

Mrs. Tim also saw Lilith standing behind her and said with a smile: "Good boy, come and sit here often when you have time."

The two had nothing to talk about when they first met, and they soon parted ways.

When he walked to the gate, Bai Mingluo saw that the spaceship belonging to the temple had just taken off. The saint had left, but Laiyang was still standing there.

"I saw the spaceship. No need to send it off. You can go back to see your great-grandfather first." After calling Lilith, who wanted to accompany her, Bai Mingluo walked towards Laiyang who was standing at the entrance of the spaceship.

When Laiyang saw her coming, he stood up straight, crossed his arms and pretended not to care, and asked, "What did great-grandfather tell you?"

"I didn't say anything," Bai Mingluo looked at him, not knowing what he thought of, and a smile appeared on his face, "I just want to tell you something."

Laiyang blurted out: "What's the matter?"

The girl stepped forward and smelled the slight fragrance of flowers into her nose. Laiyang couldn't help but shrink back, but he was unable to retreat because of the spaceship behind him.

 Daily tips:
  [Flor: The third surname by nickname. He is famous for designing mechas. Within three generations, a talented mecha master must be born, and he will also master the mecha trade. 】

(End of this chapter)

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