Chapter 74
"Come to give me something." Bai Mingluo put the box on the table, picked up the water glass and took a sip.

Lin Haoxuan's eyes brightened slightly, and he raised the corners of his mouth as he took the box over.

Bai Mingluo liked to give him things before, so he didn't think much about it this time.

However, when he opened the box and took a look, his heart skipped a beat.

Lin Haoxuan's thoughts formed a messy net, and the net became tighter and tighter, reaching straight to his heart. He gave up after a dull pain.

"Ming Luo..." He said in disbelief.

He knows, of course he knows what it is!
"I'll return this to you. As for the one I gave you, it's up to you to return it." Bai Mingluo looked very casual.

"Why!" Lin Haoxuan looked very hurt. He clutched the bracelet tightly and his eyes were red.

Just as Bai Mingluo was about to speak, he heard footsteps coming from upstairs, and someone came down the spiral staircase.

"Oh, have I disturbed you?" The visitor was a little surprised when he saw them.

Bai Mingluo was also surprised when he saw him: "Minister Lin?"

Lin Yan blinked and waved to say hello to her: "Miss Bai."

"Uncle." Lin Haoxuan stood up and rubbed his eyes twice to cover up.

Uncle!?Bai Mingluo had a blank expression on his face.

She knew that Lin Yan's surname was Lin, but didn't he have black hair?The ancestors of the Lin family have blond hair!
"Hi," perhaps sensing Bai Mingluo's confusion, Lin Yan smoothed his hair and said with a smile, "I dyed my hair black. It's necessary for work."

I’ve never heard that the Star Alliance has this rule.Bai Mingluo complained secretly, but did not get angry in front of him, and nodded to him.

The Star Alliance does not have this rule, but the nature of Lin Yan's work is somewhat special, and his blond hair is too eye-catching, so he had to dye it.

"I'm here to see your grandma. I'll leave after reading it. You guys can continue chatting." Lin Yan's eyes glanced at the two of them, which was somewhat meaningful.

Bai Mingluo: "..."

"I'll take you out, uncle!" Lin Haoxuan might also want to calm down.

Lin Haoxuan walked him to the door, then turned around and looked at Bai Mingluo with a bit of humble caution.

"Lin Haoxuan," Bai Mingluo put down the water glass and raised his eyelids, "You are not a child anymore. I want to save your face because I don't want to say anything too unpleasant."

"But I, obviously..." Lin Haoxuan wanted to say something else to refute.

"It's the hardest thing to say about feelings. Just like you were dismissive of me before, I have no feelings for you now." Bai Mingluo cared about the original owner's love and did not say the word "hate". "You should know how to be entangled." In my mood, it would be good for both of us to separate now."

"I like you, I like you." Perhaps he was finally forced into a desperate situation. The doorknob on Lin Haoxuan's mouth could no longer be closed tightly. He almost murmured in a humble tone, "I always remember the first time we met. You were wronged at the banquet and hid in a corner of the garden crying."

He was just passing by, but never thought about it. He saw the little girl huddled in a ball, shrugging her shoulders and crying pitifully. The silver moonlight fell on her black hair that spread like a waterfall, like a layer of mist.

"Why are you crying here?" Lin Haoxuan asked.

"They all don't like me, they say I'm a motherless child..." The little girl revealed her face from her arms, with a face as stunning as the moon goddess with tears in her eyes.At that moment, Lin Haoqing's heart beat faster, and his compassion prevented him from leaving, so he stretched out his hand towards her:
"It's okay, I like you."

So the little girl looked at him with wide eyes and carefully held his hand. From then on, there was a little tail on his back.

After hearing this, Bai Mingluo felt completely calm, and even felt that Aunt Zhou was right.

She, a pampered young lady, was trapped by the "prince" for so many years under such a clichéd plot?
"Do you like me before or now." Bai Mingluo asked.

Lin Haoxuan was stunned and confused: "Is there a difference?"

Aren’t you Bai Mingluo?

Maybe it was indeed the original owner who once made his heart beat, but what he did later also made his love shaky. It wasn't until he saw Bai Mingluo's change that the dusty love became active again.

She sighed, turned to look at Lin Haoxuan, whose eyes were already red, and said in a calm tone: "Being a hero doesn't matter in the past, not to mention I'm just a woman."

"Just think that the person who likes you is dead." Bai Ming frowned and could not help but reveal a trace of sadness, which quickly disappeared. "Return the token of love. I hope you will take a good road in the future and don't worry about me." waste time."

She added another sentence: "I don't like you, not at all."


Coming out of Lin's house, Bai Mingluo felt relaxed, finally getting rid of this burden!
Now he just concentrates on drawing. Bai Mingluo has been dealing with mechas in his previous life. Although he has never seen the design drawings, he can still draw based on his feeling.

The sun was very dazzling today. Bai Mingluo didn't bring an umbrella, so she let the dazzling light shine on her face, which inexplicably gave her some comfort.

The sun is so nice.

It would be nice if the original owner could see it too.


The days passed day by day during the drawing time. Bai Mingluo drew two drawings, one for the standing mecha [Zhantian] and the other for the auxiliary mecha [Luoshen]. These two mechas were the ones she came into contact with in her previous life. There are more of them, so it becomes easier to draw.

She sent the drawings of the Luoshen to Shen Su, promising him to cooperate with Fengxing Auction House again. The last time the Mecha Birds cooperated, except for the inexplicable blind date, everything else was very good, and the sales volume was considered high among high-quality mechas. Go high.

Generally speaking, auxiliary mechas don't have any particularly difficult processes, so it's easier to make.

Then she sent Zhan Tian to Lin Yan. She felt that the Interstellar Alliance would be interested in a fighting mecha and would have the strength to produce it.

Sure enough, less than 10 minutes after the drawings were sent, Lin Yan called.

"Minister Lin, aren't you busy today?" Bai Mingluo answered the phone with a brisk tone.

"I'm busy, I'm so busy. I'm still in the South District!" Lin Yan on the other end of the phone sounded familiar, "Isn't it because I saw your drawings, Miss? I was so excited for a moment?"

Bai Mingluo smiled: "This is considered the work of the design department, so why don't you find a colleague to hand it over."

"Don't tell me that I really think so. The commander-in-chief told me before that he didn't even tell him that Miss Bai was here, which made him lose all his dignity!" Feeling aggrieved, "There's also the matter with Haoxuan. When he gets angry, he even scolds me."

(End of this chapter)

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