Chapter 83 Flame Snake Cave
In fact, Bai Mingluo liked this little girl very much. She was not strong, nor stunningly beautiful, but she had a kindness that was more precious than being strong and beautiful.

Pure kindness makes her eyes clean without any impurities.

Bai Mingluo rarely saw such a clean person.

The little girl's nose felt sore when she heard her words, and she almost burst into tears, and she quickly turned sideways.

This was the first time someone praised her in person and didn't think she was dull and nosy.

She knew that she had a weak temper and could not make up her mind about everything. Even if those friends didn't say it, Zhang Bao could feel their disappointment.

Zhang Bao doesn't want to disappoint everyone, but she really, really can't do it well...

"By the way, why are you called Zhang Bao?" Seeing that she was still in a low mood, Bai Mingluo changed the topic.

"Ah," Zhang Bao was stunned, sniffing and said in a muffled voice, "My father got this. He said that any daughter in the family is like a jewel, so he called me Zhang Bao."

"So, your parents still like you very much." Bai Ming frowned and smiled.

"Yes, my parents, my brother, and my brother are all very good to me!" Speaking of her family, Zhang Bao's mood actually improved a lot, but she was a little disappointed when she thought of something, "So I don't want to make these unhappy things." I'm afraid they won't be happy if I tell them about it."

"It doesn't matter, we will be friends from now on. If you are unhappy, you can tell me." Bai Mingluo felt that he had the talent to be a mentor.

Zhang Bao nodded shyly, still feeling nervous, and Bai Mingluo didn't force her.

Until Liris called her: "Captain, the mecha has been inspected and there is no problem."

"Okay," Bai Mingluo agreed, and then said to Zhang Bao next to him, "I'll go out first."

She jumped out of the cockpit and saw Naqis still there waiting for their team's assistance to check the mecha, and walked over to take a look.

"Is there any damage?" Bai Mingluo bent down slightly and asked in Nazis' ear.

Nakis nodded lightly: "I was swept by the sand whale's tail just now, and the engine became looser."

Bai Mingluo waited with her.

The support team of their team was probably not very familiar with the structure of the epic mecha. After removing the parts and fixing them, they actually didn't put them back on for a long time.

Bai Mingluo couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked over and snatched the parts from his hand, and installed them in a few clicks with his astonished expression.

"Button." The girl tapped the shell of the mecha, which looked the same as it had never been disassembled, and gave him a look.


Aid: "..."

Thank you, it has been connoted.

The team finished repairing and continued to move forward. During the process, they encountered two more gerbils. Bai Mingluo did not take action, but Qi Ji, Liris and Naqisi took care of them.

In fact, Liris's attack ability is not bad. His heavy mecha weapon is a long knife, but as a backup, he usually uses heavy artillery to support his teammates, and his cooperation with Qi Ji is also good.

"That's good. Qi Ji's contact with you was not in vain." Bai Mingluo teased Liris.

Liris: "."

Does it mean the cold jokes Qi Ji told him along the way?

"We're here, ahead is the Star Beast Cave, inside the mountain." Hua Fengjian reminded.

Looking along the direction on the map, we can indeed see a dark cave between the brown rocky mountains.

"We are almost close to the edge of the desert." Bai Mingluo pushed the lever and continued to fly forward for a while.

Hua Fengjing responded: "Yes, but there used to be a vast expanse of rocky mountains. Star beasts were not willing to go there, let alone people."

Looking at the hole that could accommodate a mecha, Bai Mingluo was the first to bear the brunt: "I'll go in and take a look first, and you can come back down if everything is alright."

"Captain, be careful!" Knowing that Bai Mingluo's character was like this, Hua Fengbiao did not stop him.Qi Ji also said: "If you are in danger, call us immediately!"

By the time Nakis and the others caught up, Bai Mingluo had already slipped in like a rabbit. Nakis followed without even thinking, and even the commander of their team didn't stop him.


Flying to the ground, it was pitch black. Naqisi turned on the mecha's lights, her ears moved slightly, and she heard a rustling sound coming from the right, and the sword came out!

The spear caught the sword light, and then Bai Mingluo's strange voice was heard: "Oh, Sisi, is Sisi going to kill you regardless of the friendship between her former classmates?"

Nakis breathed a sigh of relief. When she heard the clang, she already realized something was wrong: "I thought it was a star beast. Just hope you're okay."

"Of course it's okay. I just went over there and took a look. It's quite safe down there. Let others come down as well." Bai Mingluo retracted his gun.

"it is good."

After receiving the captain's message, other people in the team also entered the cave one after another. Each mecha turned on the lights, illuminating the dark place very brightly.

"There is actually a cold pond here." Hua Fengbiao was surprised.

Not far ahead, around the corner, there is a cold pool of black water, the bottom of which can't be seen even when the light shines on it.

"Are there really star beasts in this place?" Qi Ji looked around, but he didn't feel that there was an environment for beasts to live in this poor place.

Naqis said: "Do you feel that the temperature in this place is very low?"

Logically speaking, they were in the desert, and even if it wasn't that hot in the mountains, they wouldn't feel cold.

Others had also turned off the air conditioners one after another. When they heard Naqisi's words, they all noticed something was wrong.

"Ming Luo?"

Finding Bai Mingluo standing there silently, Naqis called her strangely.

The red mecha stretched out its hand and made a "stop" gesture, which made others afraid to make any move.

What did you find?

In fact, Bai Mingluo's situation is indeed not good.

In her previous life, she relied too much on her mental power. Just like in this situation, without the help of instruments, she could tell if and how many star beasts there were by scanning with her mental power.

It's a pity that this body can't withstand such a powerful force, and I feel a splitting headache after even the slightest use.

After training for so long, Bai Mingluo can only show a little bit of mental strength, and he must be concentrated.

She slowly revealed her wisp of smoke-like mental power and went deeper. The speed of her mental power was very fast, and she immediately saw the aboriginal people here.

Yan snake.

Bai Mingluo "saw" piles of red poisonous snakes circling everywhere in the depths of the cave. The number was astonishing.

There was a heavy pain in his head, and Bai Mingluo immediately withdrew his mental energy and closed his eyes to relieve the discomfort.

"What's wrong, captain?" Seeing that she didn't respond for a long time, Hua Fengbiao came over and asked.

"Ah, this..." How do I tell him that I already know what kind of star beast this is.

She was still thinking about her words when her eyes inadvertently glanced at the wall, and her expression suddenly calmed down.


Accompanied by the high-pitched female voice, there was the sound of a spear being thrown out and cutting through the air.

 Daily tips:
  [Month: Hua Ming is the second surname, famous for being a healer, and is from the Temple. 】

(End of this chapter)

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