Chapter 97 Don’t cause trouble!

"Don't worry." Liris said to comfort him.

No one expected to encounter such a thing.

"I'll hand over the matter to Casey and let's go find Ming Luo together." Lei Sheng had no intention of giving up. "Where did she go missing? If we follow the route, there's a chance we can find her."

Several other people nodded repeatedly.

The people in the live broadcast room were also filled with emotions.

"Although it's a bit of a drag, this is what teammate friendship should be like!"

"Touched, never give up on anyone!"

"The game was fine. If you are still so indecisive on the battlefield, I think Blue Star will take the pill sooner or later."

Several people who lost Bai Mingluo's whereabouts searched again and did not give up.

"Sneeze!" Bai Mingluo, who didn't know he was being tricked, sneezed.

Yadivis suddenly turned his head to look at her, with a genuine expression on his face: "I told you not to eat just now and you still didn't believe it, now you have to suffer."

Bai Mingluo: "..."

Just a sneeze!
The players from the Jumen team were very fast and flew over in just 10 minutes. The assistant in the team hurriedly checked Yadivis from head to toe and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he was not injured.

"Wait a minute, help Mingluo take a look. She seems to have hit her head." Yadivis stopped the assistant who was packing his things and about to leave.

As soon as these words came out, not only Yadivis' teammates were stunned, but even the following monitor shook its round ball body.

"Who? Who are you talking about?"

"Didn't Xia Lin'er say they weren't together? What's going on!"

They didn't believe it was true until they saw Bai Mingluo coming out from behind Yadivis.

There was still no trace of Bai Mingluo in Po Jun's live broadcast room. The audience was still feeling regretful, but someone climbed over the wall from the live broadcast room next door and threatened to find Bai Mingluo!

What is the situation!

"Where does your head hurt?" The male assistant of their team was a little uncomfortable with Bai Mingluo, but he still asked.

"This way." Bai Mingluo pointed to him without any pretense, pointing to the place that was still aching.

He looked at her for a moment, said something offended, and pressed her head twice with his gloved hand. Bai Mingluo frowned slightly when he touched the painful spot.

"Fortunately, no bones were injured." After the inspection, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief, put his hand on Bai Mingluo's head, and the wireless therapy device started to operate. After a while, Bai Mingluo felt that his mind was much clearer. .

"Thank you." She nodded.

The Hef family has many preferential treatment based on the temple. Although it is a bit surprising to have a therapist in the team as an assistant, it is not that difficult to accept.

"You're welcome, my name is Nita. I've heard of my school girl's name for a long time." Nita opened her mouth to speak politely when Bai Mingluo improved.

Bai Mingluo glanced at the blue uniform he was wearing and smiled sweetly: "Really? I wonder what the senior has heard about me. I want to know too."

Looking into her rippling blue eyes like autumn water, he was a little at a loss: "Well, this, that..."

"Nita is an honest person, don't tease him." Yadivis arrived in time and dragged Bai Mingluo away.

He didn't use much force, and Bai Mingluo didn't bother to break away, knowing that he was going to take him over there for discussion.Nita was left stunned on the spot, and he came to his senses only when someone called him.

"Senior Bai, it's been so long!" Xia Lin'er looked at this woman who made her teeth itch, and she had to force a smile on the surface.

Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows at her, then looked behind her with a surprised expression: "Senior Sister Lei is not here?"

Now that he knew she was with Yadives, why didn't he come to pick her up?

"Yeah, why didn't Lei Sheng come? Didn't I tell you that Ming Luo would be with me?" Yadivis also said.

Hearing this, the other people in the team all looked at Xia Lin'er.

After all, Yadivis only contacted Xia Lin'er at that time, and the others did not hear the conversation between the two at all, and did not know that Bai Mingluo was actually with the captain.

Xia Lin'er dared to do this, so she naturally had a good excuse. Her eyes flickered, she smiled brightly at everyone, and expressed her thoughts: "Although Lin'er also wants to tell her, this is a competition after all. In the final analysis, Senior Bai is still enemy."

"Lei Sheng cares so much about her, which shows that the Po Army needs Bai Mingluo very much. If she is allowed to go back, it will definitely cause trouble to us!"

Her inner and outer intentions were not to take advantage of this good opportunity to eliminate Bai Mingluo!
Putting aside personal grudges, Xia Lin'er's proposal is still a good idea now, so she is not afraid to let others know.

Sure enough, the teammates looked at each other, but no one raised a voice to object.

"No," who knew that the person who voted no would actually be Yadivis. He moved in front of Bai Mingluo, his rejection obvious, "She saved me, I will not retaliate."

If Bai Mingluo hadn't helped him, Yadivis wouldn't know where to eat sand now!
"Brother!" Xia Lin'er glared at him and stomped her feet coquettishly, "I can repay my kindness at any time. If we don't eliminate her now, she will help Lei Sheng deal with us later!"

Bai Mingluo didn't mind watching the excitement: "That's right."

Yadivis: "..."

Don't make trouble!

Seeing that Yadivis still refused to let go, Xia Lin'er became anxious and rushed forward unprepared to pull the badge off Bai Mingluo's chest.

No one expected her move, but they didn't expect that Bai Mingluo would move faster. When Xia Lin'er stretched out her hand, she had already pulled Xia Lin'er's arm and led her towards her.

Just as Xia Lin'er was about to turn around, she felt a sudden pain in her arms and a sudden tightening of her neck, as if someone was strangling her throat - Bai Mingluo grabbed her collar, then turned around neatly, and used her forcefully. On the ground, bursts of dust were rising.

"Bai Mingluo, how dare you!"

Her carefully maintained face was rubbed by the rough sand, and Xia Liner screamed loudly, her mood of wanting to kill Bai Mingluo reached its peak at this moment!
The good thing is that the sand is covering her face, so that others will not be able to see Xia Lin'er's ferocious face clearly.

"You made the first move. I was overly defensive at best." Bai Mingluo tilted his head and saw her struggling in his hands like a loach. She didn't look as proud as before.

"Let Lin'er go!"

"You freshman, don't bully others too much!"

Before Yadivis could say anything, Xia Lin'er's supporters started shouting anxiously, fearing that Bai Mingluo would do something to their noble goddess.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!" There was an angry shout, and everyone looked at Yadivis's face and fell silent.

Bai Mingluo let go of his hand and stepped aside, letting them help Xi Yalin'er up in a hurry.

Xia Lin'er's hair was messed up, her makeup was messy, and her eyes were filled with tears. She looked really pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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