My phone is broken and I can't turn it on no matter what I do.

In order to reply to Situ Jin's message, I could only ask Zai Zai to borrow his phone watch with my phone card.

Although it looks a little funny, at least the basic functions are there.

After hurriedly browsing Situ Jin's news, I went outside the funeral home to call him.

Soon, the call was connected.

"taste good or not?"


"You sound very unhappy!" Situ Jin said with a smile, "Who offended my little girlfriend? Tell me and I will help you teach him a lesson!"

When Ning Zhen's face suddenly flashed across my consciousness, I shook my head vigorously in an attempt to get rid of it.

"No! It's just that... my phone accidentally broke!"

I'll take it to a mobile phone store tomorrow to see if it can be fixed.

Mobile phones are not valuable, but the photos and videos inside them are the most precious.

"Haha, what a big deal! If the old one doesn't go away and the new one doesn't come, I'll buy you a new one!"

"No!" I said quickly.

"You don't have to be polite to me! You are my girlfriend, so I should give you gifts! And boyfriends and girlfriends need to give gifts occasionally to warm up the relationship!"

"Situ Jin, I really don't want it!"

In fact, I just said that casually. All I need is a word of relief.

"By the way, An'an, if your Baojiaxian doesn't like the golden nanmu, can I replace him with a piece of fine sunken wood as a memorial tablet?"

"He doesn't deserve it!" I said angrily.

It’s still heavy wood!

I can't wait to bury him now!

Breaking my phone is an unforgivable crime!
"An'an, did you and Bao Jiaxian quarrel?"

"No! Now I just want to work hard to make money and send him away as soon as possible!"

"As the saying goes, it's easier to invite a god than to send him away! An'an, please be patient! Why don't you marry me now, so that you can have a big family to worship him!"

"Don't be kidding!"

"I'm serious!" Situ Jin put away the smile in his voice, "Maybe we can get married first and then fall in love!"

"No!" I refused decisively, "A marriage without love is a grave!"

"Idiot, I'm kidding you! Are you serious? You go back and have a good sleep first, and then go on a date with me full of energy tomorrow, okay?"

"it is good!"


"Huh?" I said with a dry face, "You are so childish!"

"A man kills a boy, haven't you heard? An'an, see you tomorrow!"


Is this what falling in love is?

There is no feeling of blushing or heartbeat, but it is very comfortable.

Maybe as time goes by, I may not really fall in love with Situ Jin.

Anyway, we are still young and have plenty of time.

After returning to the lounge and washing up, he was about to go to bed, but when he accidentally glanced at the altar table, he was shocked.

What kind of unscrupulous guy dug such a big hole in Ning Yi's tablet?

If Ning Zhen finds out about this, he will have to skin him!

I have to fill up the tablets before Ning Yi finds out!

While he was anxiously moving around, there was a sudden sound under the needle.

He walked over and opened the pillow, and unexpectedly saw his cell phone.

What was displayed on the cracked screen of the phone was a photo of me and my great-grandmother.

The missing piece of wood with Ning Zhen's name on the tablet was missing, and the mobile phone was perfectly placed in the middle.

Ning Yi helped me fix my phone?

And by the way, you made a mobile phone case with your own tablet?
Thinking of this, I instantly lost half of my anger.

But how do I get down this step?
After thinking about it, I made a bowl of instant noodles.

After placing it on the altar table, he knocked lightly.

"eat supper!"

"I don't like junk food!"

After Ning Zhen appeared, he glanced at the instant noodles casually.

"But I know you are poor and I don't want to waste your time."

Seeing Ning Yi holding up instant noodles, I raised my phone.

"Did you fix it for me?"

"It's just convenient!" Ning Yi said lightly.

"The repairs are really ugly!"

These words made Ning Yan raise his head sharply.

"I spent so much effort to repair it, and you think it looks ugly?" Ning Ding raised his hand and gave me a hard slap on the head. "Do you deserve a beating?"

"It's just ugly!" I rubbed my head in pain, "A mobile phone case doesn't cost much, why do you have to make it by yourself?"

"This immortal's name is engraved on it, and there is no one like this among ten thousand!"

Ning Zhen raised his hand again when he said this, but when I subconsciously shrank my neck, he took it back angrily.

"It will be more convenient to carry my tablet with you and worship it!"

After saying this coldly, Ning Yi disappeared in an instant. …

The next day, I slept until I woke up naturally.

When I finished washing and opened the door to the lounge, I was shocked.

The yard is full of sunflowers.

They all held their heads high and looked up at the dazzling sun.

It looks full of life.

"An'an, where did these flowers come from?"

Director He walked over and looked at Sunflower with a blank look on his face.

Dress up?
When I'm stupid!

When Situ Jin asked Director He to pay me as overtime pay before, he also asked him to keep it a secret.

The funeral parlor planted so many sunflowers for me. How could he come in without Director He's permission?

I just casually said that sunflowers should be planted in the ground, and Situ Jin directly moved the sunflower garden to me!
Woohoo, so touched!

"I don't know either!" I shrugged, "Director, you don't know either, right?"

"Of course I don't know!" Director He scratched his head, "But planting sunflowers is quite nice! Sunflowers represent hope and new life, so it's good to give some comfort to the family members who come here."

"Then just plant it?"

"Let's plant it!" Director He said this and glanced at my mobile phone. “Where did you buy the phone case? It’s very unique!”

"I made it myself! Use waste!"

"Not bad!"

"Director, if I have something to do, I won't have breakfast here!"



"It's so full of love!"


After exchanging pleasantries with Director He, I quickly went back to wash up.

After putting on light makeup, I got on the electric donkey.

I was humming along the way.

This relationship is a bit happy.

When I arrived at the Zhuangyuan Building, I happened to see Situ Jin.

He came over to wait for me to park the car and took my hand.

"You don't know how nervous I am. I'm so afraid that something will happen to you again."

"Didn't I come here?"

"I've ordered something delicious, come with me!"

In the huge private room, there is a turntable table.

It is filled with all kinds of breakfast.

The fragrance overflows, making my stomach growl.

"So much, I can't finish it!"

"Try a little of everything, you don't need to eat them all." Situ Jin smiled, "Girls have a small appetite. I ordered all the snacks just to let you choose the ones you like, and I can order them directly for you next time. ”

"It's so wasteful!" I quickly sat down, "No, I'll try my best to eat them all!"

"It doesn't matter, I will accompany you to destroy them. To eliminate waste, sit up from me!"

I nodded, having no time to answer.

Because, it’s so delicious!
There’s so much, I can’t finish it.

I’ll pack it up and take it back to Ning Yi and the curator to try!

When I was eating hard, my cell phone suddenly rang.

Situ Jin looked at the situation, and then picked up my mobile phone.

"This phone..."

"Fixed!" I mumbled.

"This phone case is very special!" Situ Jin smiled, "Ning Yi? Isn't this the name of your Baojiaxian?"

"That's right! The phone case is made of his tablets!"

Having said this, I wiped my hands hastily.

After taking the phone, answer it quickly.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

"An'an, the body is missing again!"

"What?" I jumped up all of a sudden, "Number 14 again? Go and see if it's at Zaizai's place!"

"It's not minus 14, it's minus 5 and minus 6! After I finished my work, I went to the morgue to check, and found that they were gone! The entire funeral home, not even your room, was found! Well... you'd better come back! Can you Communicate with them and ask where those two have gone! Discarding corpses is something big or small!"

big head!

Why do I always get into trouble when we go on a date?
"What's wrong?" Situ Jin suddenly looked at me with concern.

"There's something going on at the funeral home!"

"I'll take you back!"

"I'm sorry! I'm so disappointed today!"

"It's okay, the days are long!" Situ Jin raised his lips slightly, "I have plenty of time to wait for you!"


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