Faced with such an unexpected situation, Situ Jin just glanced at his mouth.

Then, he straightened his body.

“Looks like it’s time to replace my car!”

I don't think it's a problem with the car?
It was parked fine, but suddenly the glass cracked.

It would be excusable if the windshield was damaged, perhaps because a passing car ran over the cross and jumped.

But the rearview mirror inside also cracked, which was very strange.

"I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do. I'll take you back home and make an appointment another day!"

Situ Jin's words made me breathe a sigh of relief.

The tense body suddenly went limp.

"Then... let's make an appointment next time!"

"Yeah!" Situ Jin nodded, "We have a long way to go!"

Situ Jin didn't say a word the whole way, he walked me to the door of the funeral home and left.

After I entered the lounge, I hurriedly took out my mobile phone.

"Xianjia, is it you?"

Looking at Ning Zhen's name on the phone case, I whispered.


Ning Yi appeared, looking dead indifferently.

"Did you sabotage Situ Jin's car?"

"Why do you think so?" Ning Yi suddenly pulled him down.


Why do I think so?
Without evidence, my guess is just a guess.

Even if I suspect that Ning Yi is behind this, I still need evidence.

"I...I'm just asking!" At this point, I paused. "Ning Yi, I have decided to have a good relationship with Situ Jin!"

"so what?"

I glanced at my mouth, took off the phone case from the memorial tablet and put it on the table.

"So I won't take you with me when I go out on dates again!"

When Situ Jin gave me a mobile phone, I refused.

Although he didn't show anything weird when he looked at my phone case, he felt a little guilty.

It is wrong no matter how you think about it, showing off in front of your boyfriend with a mobile phone case with another man's name engraved on it.

I think Situ Jin's sudden interruption of the date must have something to do with this.


After a long silence, Ning Yi turned away.

"Then...Xianjia, you go back!"

They looked at each other in silence, it was too embarrassing.

In other words, I don’t dare to be alone with Ning Yi.

Without the eyes of the world, I am afraid that my emotions will not be suppressed and surge out.

This time, Ning Yi didn't speak.

Appeared without a sound, and disappeared without a sound.

I thought for a moment and took out my phone.

"Situ Jin, what are you doing?"

After saying this, I went about my own business.

About a quarter of an hour passed after I finished my work. When I picked up the phone again, Situ Jin’s message came belatedly.

"I'm not feeling well. I'm just lying down!"

Because I was used to Situ Jin's instant reply, I was a little unhappy about his late news.

But after hearing that he felt uncomfortable, he hurriedly called.

It rang for a long time, but there was no answer.


Did he faint?
Without thinking too much, I rushed directly to the motorcycle in the courtyard.

I haven’t touched a motorcycle since my last race.

Because it is too heavy and attracts wind, it is far less convenient than a small electric donkey.

But now, I need to get to Situ Jin quickly.

It took me only 10 to [-] minutes to reach the destination, which was more than an hour away. This shows how fast the journey was.

The motorcycle didn't stop, so I turned over and got off.

Carrying a lot of things, he rushed into Situ's house.

The housekeeper of Situ's family opened the door for me and went to work. When I found Situ Jin, he was lying on the bed motionless.

I stepped over in two or two steps and stretched my hand to his nose. I felt the gentle breathing, and then I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he wiped Situ Jin's forehead with the back of his hand, but it didn't feel hot at all.

"Situ Jin..."

Situ Jin called out softly, but there was no response.

Afraid of waking him up, I backed out.

I found the kitchen and started washing the ingredients I brought.

"Miss Shen, what are you doing?"

Just as I was holding on to the stove with my cheeks drawn, the housekeeper came over.

"Make porridge!"

Millet and white fungus porridge, my great-grandmother would cook it for me when I was sick when I was a child. It is the most beautiful taste in my memory.

"What a coincidence! I am also making porridge for the young master!" The housekeeper smiled and wiped his hands with his apron, "Miss Shen, what kind of porridge are you cooking? I am cooking the best blood oats porridge!"

"Blood swallow?"

The word "high quality" sounds very expensive.

"It's bird's nest! The kind that costs tens of thousands of yuan per tael!" The housekeeper said with a smile, "Miss Shen, would you like to have a bowl to taste first?"

"No... no need!" I waved my hand awkwardly.

"It's okay! My wife told me that Miss Shen is the future young lady of our Situ family, and we will treat you as one of our own!"

"What are you doing? It's so fragrant!"

Just as I was rubbing my hands nervously, Situ Jin suddenly walked in.

"Bird's nest porridge!" Before the housekeeper could open his mouth, I spoke first. "The butler made bird's nest porridge for you!"

To be honest, compared to bird's nest porridge, my millet porridge is simply inferior.

"That's not the case for the young master!" The housekeeper waved his hands hurriedly, "Miss Shen even cooked millet porridge for the young master!"

"Oh?" Situ Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! Miss Shen hurried here to see the young master and then came to make porridge. She sat in front of the stove for more than an hour." "Really?" Situ Jin came over, "Let me take a look!"

"The housekeeper's bird's nest porridge is ready! You can first..."

My words were swallowed back instantly after Situ Jin opened the lid.

Where is this porridge?

This is simply rice!
A pot of rice fills up the casserole.

"I'm sorry! I put too much rice and not enough water!"

"I'm just about to eat it!" Situ Jin said softly, "Butler, please drink the bird's nest porridge, I have no appetite!"

"Thank you sir!"

The housekeeper left happily with the bird's nest porridge, leaving my Situ Jin alone.

Situ Jin filled a bowl of rice, picked up the spoon and ate it.

After taking only a few bites, I choked and stretched my neck.

"I'm sorry!" I said guiltily, "My great-grandma used to do it for me. I have never practiced it myself."

"So, this is your first time?" Situ Jin stopped what he was doing.

"Well!" I was a little embarrassed, "I only caught a little bit at first, but I thought it was a little bit less. It might not be enough for a grown man like you, so I added more and more, and finally... But don't worry, next time Get back to me and I’ll know what to do!”

"So, you're not angry?"

Situ Jin's words stunned me for a moment.

"What are you angry about?"

"Are you really not angry at all that I didn't reply to your message immediately or answer your call in time?"

"No! I'm just worried that something happened to you! If you have a cerebral infarction or a heart attack, it could be fatal!"

"Ha..." Situ Jin turned away and chuckled, then turned back to look at me. "Don't worry, I'm in good health."

"Then why are you unhappy today?"

Finally, I got to the point.

"You want to know?"

"Well...as your girlfriend, can I know?"

"I'm angry that you don't consider me your boyfriend!"

I guessed it right!

I took out my phone and handed it to Situ Jin.

With just one glance, Situ Jin narrowed his eyes.

"Where's the phone case with your Baojiaxian engraved on it?"

"Take it off!" I smiled sheepishly, "I'm sorry! It's my first time falling in love and I don't have much experience. I thought I just wanted to get along with you like I did before. I didn't expect that there are differences between teachers and students and lovers. the same!"

"Silly!" Situ Jin finally smiled, "An'an, I am willing to accept the existence of Baojiaxian and worship him with you! But I just hope that he will not come between us when we are alone."

"Yes!" I nodded lightly, "If there is anything wrong with me, just tell me directly and I will work hard to change it. This millet porridge...no, it's millet. Don't eat it!"

"No, we can't waste it!" Situ Jin took back the bowl, "I want to eat everything my girlfriend made!"

"Then I'll eat with you!"

"No!" Situ Jin hurriedly protected the pot in front of him, "My girlfriend made this. If you want to eat it, let your boyfriend make it!"

Seeing Situ Jin working hard, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"By the way, I have another good thing!"

As I said that, I took out a glass bottle from my bag.

"Canned yellow peach!" Situ Jin exclaimed, "I was just thinking about this bite!"

"This is a panacea! As soon as our children get sick, the parents will bring a bottle of canned yellow peaches and the medicine will cure the illness immediately!"

“It tastes better if it’s chilled!”

"I learned how to make canned yellow peaches from my great-grandmother. I will make it for you next time!"

I said happily while pouring yellow peaches for Situ Jin.

"Well, I'm so happy to have a girlfriend!"

After Situ Jin ate a large piece with a look of enjoyment, he suddenly glanced at the millet.

"After eating canned yellow peaches, I no longer have the appetite to eat millet!"

"What should we do? We can't waste it!"

"Give it to my big brother so it won't be wasted!"


Western suburbs cemetery:

Situ Kuang looked at the bowl of dry rice, his face turning green and white.

"What is this stuff?"

"Brother, this is the millet porridge An An specially cooked for you!"

"Porridge?" Situ Kuang's eyes widened, "If you hadn't told me, I would have thought it was glass glue!"

"Brother, you won't refuse to eat my girlfriend's thoughts, right?" Situ Jin sighed, "My An'an has endured this for a long time!"

"But you know I'm happy with everything!"

“So I specially brought durian juice and fermented bean curd!”

"Xiao Jin, don't do this!"

"Brother, do you still want to have a good relationship with your younger siblings?"

"You stinky boy!"

Watching the two brothers joking around, I couldn't help but laugh.

Ke smiled and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why can Situ Jin see Situ Kuan?
You must know that in the past, when they communicated, they still needed me to be the mediator.

Only when Situ Kuang is possessed by me can they communicate unhindered.

Just when I thought of this, my phone suddenly rang.

When I saw the name 'Director He', I felt inexplicably uneasy.

He walked aside and then connected.

"Hey, Curator!"

"An'an, I really don't want to disturb you! But..."

"what happened?"

Listening to Director He's voice, it seemed that something big had happened in the funeral home.

"Say it!" Seeing that Director He was silent, I said hastily. "Dropped the body again?"

"more than!"

"What does more than mean?"

"Not only are there three bodies missing! The guests from Group B who were carrying 14 cabinets also had the body of Chef Lao Chen!"

... (end of this chapter)

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