"An'an, I love you!"

Ning Yi's words made my heart shrink violently.

Then, it jumped wildly and irregularly.

I love you too!

But your confession came too late!

"An'an, I don't want to achieve perfection anymore, can you come back to me?"

Ning Yi's voice was no longer as cold and arrogant as before, and his tone was so cautious that it made people feel distressed.

"I can not……"

I lowered my head and whispered.

At this moment, I didn’t dare to look at Ning Yi at all.

I'm afraid that with just one glance, my strong composure will be shattered.

"Can't what?"

"I can't accept you!"

It was difficult to say this sentence, and I buried my head lower.

"Do you still like me?" Ning Zhen's big hand suddenly touched my head, "Don't lie!"

"I... don't like it anymore!"

It’s over, I feel so uncomfortable!
The feeling of duplicity is really uncomfortable!

"Look at me!" Ning Yi said in a calm tone, "I want you to look at me and say what I just said!"

"Ning Yi!"

With a low drink, I raised my head.

When our eyes met, my back felt numb.

"Say it!" Ning Yi looked at me aggressively, "An An?"


"I want you to tell me yourself that you don't like me!"

Ning Yi pressed harder and harder, causing me to finally collapse.

"What do you want? When I loved you, you rejected me coldly and heartlessly. I made up my mind to let you go, but you turned around to keep me! Ning Yi, I don't like you anymore!"



Ning Yi frowned and took out the mobile phone case with his name engraved on it.

"Since you don't care about me anymore, there is no point in keeping this tablet."

Having said this, Ning Yi threw the phone case into the air with a wave of his hand.

Just when I exclaimed and subconsciously raised my head, Ning Zhen lowered his head and covered my slightly opened lips.

The cold lips rolled over her lips wantonly.

My three souls and seven souls were instantly withdrawn.

Like a controlled puppet, unable to resist and forced to cater.

But after my mind was blank for more than ten seconds, I finally came to my senses.

He pushed Ning Ying away violently and backed away.

"No! No! I can't be sorry to Situ Jin!" After muttering this, I looked at Ning Yi angrily. "If you miss it, you will miss it. You can never look back! From now on, you will follow your path of cultivating immortality, and I will cross my single-plank bridge. Our relationship can only be that of believers and Baojiaxian!"


That night, I hid outside.

During this period, Director He and Zai Zai both called me, but I didn’t answer and then turned off my phone.

I don’t know how much will be deducted for absenteeism!

But I'm glad I kept my limits.

Although I like Ning Yi, I can't feel sorry for Situ Jin.

It's so cold on a summer night.

I crossed my arms and walked aimlessly on the road, encountering many lonely ghosts along the way.

But no matter how tragic their death was, it couldn't attract my attention.

As I walked, I came to Situ's house unknowingly.

At this moment, the sky has turned pale.

I didn't want to disturb Situ Jin's rest, so I leaned against the door.

Leaning on it, I actually fell into a trance and dreamed.

In the dream, Ning Zhen actually kissed me forcefully again. Just when I was struggling desperately, someone suddenly pushed me.

With a jolt, I opened my eyes suddenly.

After adjusting his vision, he saw clearly that the person in front of him was Mrs. Situ.

"An'an, why are you here?"

"Mrs. Situ!"

"Why isn't Xiaojin with you?"

Situ Jin is not at home?

Then why didn't he send me a message or call me last night?
"Let's go in first, our hands are so cold!" Mrs. Situ said this and looked towards the yard hurriedly. "Butler, make some warming soup!"


After drinking a big bowl of soup, my body finally warmed up.

Mrs. Situ took my hand and rubbed it gently.

Seeing the worry on her face, I felt very warm.

"You're still laughing!" Mrs. Situ glared at me, "Why didn't you call or knock on the door when you came?"

"I'm afraid of waking you up!"

"It's just a quarrel. Why do my family care about this? You didn't sit at the door all night, did you?"


"You're such a stubborn kid!" Mrs. Situ hit me gently, "But it's quite cute. No wonder Xiao Jin dared to offend the Feng family because of you!"

"Mrs. Situ, how did he break off his engagement with the Feng family?"

In fact, I have always been curious, but when I asked Situ Jin, he changed the subject.

"The Feng family is capable, and our Situ family is not weak either! We found evidence that Feng Qingluan removed her uterus, and gave them the secret book that the Feng family has been asking for. For reputation and personal gain, they also We can only reduce big things to small things.”

"What secret code?"

"The things passed down by our Situ family ancestors seem to be related to Chuma Xian, right? I don't like these things the least, so there is no use in keeping them. It's worth it to get Xiao Jin's freedom back!"

"Is that a family heirloom?"

"What a family heirloom!" Mrs. Situ shook her head, "For those who are useful, it is a treasure! For those who are useless, it is trash! The treasure of our Situ family is you, our future daughter-in-law!"

Mrs. Situ's words made me smile sheepishly.

I am really lucky to have such a sensible person as my mother-in-law!

"An'an, when do you plan to get married?"

"Marriage?" I said with a dry face, "Isn't it too soon?"

"How fast!" Mrs. Situ patted my hand, "You have no father, no mother, and no relatives. It will be easier for us to take care of you if you get married! You can don't have children first, since you are still young anyway."

"Mrs. Situ!"

"You still call me Mrs. Situ so young? You have to call me auntie if you don't call me mom, right?"


Just as he was talking, Situ Jin walked in from outside.

I stood up quickly and smiled at Situ Jin.

Situ Jin didn't say hello to me, but called "Mom" first.

"Xiao Jin, where were you last night? An An has been waiting for you!"

When Mrs. Situ said this, she kept winking at Situ Jin.

"I... have something to do!" Situ Jin walked up to me, "Have you had breakfast?"

"No!" I shook my head, "Shall we go out to eat?"

"Go out to eat?"

"I mean... a date!"

"Oh, a date?" Situ Jin smiled bitterly, "Are you sure you can go on a complete date with me?"

Looking at Situ Jin's sad expression, I felt a little guilty.

Ning Zhen had been causing trouble before, causing our dates to be frequently interrupted.

"I've turned off my phone!" I said quickly, "If the sky falls, I will complete this date with you today!"

This move proved my determination to start a relationship with Situ Jin, and also ended my thoughts about Ning Yi.

"Silly boy, other girls have taken the initiative, why haven't you responded yet!" Mrs. Situ hit Situ Jin anxiously, "If you don't go, I will go for you!"

"Mom!" Situ Jin glared at Mrs. Situ helplessly, "I know it well!"

"Why are you pretending to be serious! I don't know who was so depressed that he stayed up all night and called An An before dawn! You, hurry up!"

"Let's go!" Situ Jin looked at me.



It sounds like such a beautiful word!
In order to prevent any emergencies, I left all my mobile phones at Situ's house.

When I got into Situ Jin's car, he wanted to take me to Zhuangyuan Building, but I insisted on stopping at a very ordinary breakfast shop.

"Since it's me who proposed the date, let me take you!"

"But don't you like the food at Zhuangyuanlou?"

"It's delicious, but it's too expensive!" I laughed, "Just go on a date, you can do it! The wontons and pancakes here are really delicious!" Situ Jin didn't say anything, just Find a place to park.

But when he arrived at the crowded snack bar, Situ Jin seemed a little cautious.

The diners walked around with soup and water from time to time. As soon as they passed by Situ Jin, Situ Jin immediately sat upright.

So, I found a place to sit in the corner.

I took apart the disposable chopsticks and handed them to Situ Jin, and pushed the wontons that arrived first in front of him.

"I eat here almost twice a week, but it's a pity that it's too far from the school, otherwise I would come here every day! These wontons have thin skin and lots of meat, and they taste great! You..."

Speaking of which, I happened to see Situ Jin wiping the disposable chopsticks again and again with a tissue.

Then he picked up the hot water bottle next to him, poured a cup of boiling water, and put the chopsticks in.

After ironing it for a long time, I picked it up.

He took a small bite of a wonton and put it back in the bowl.

"What did you just say?" Situ Jin suddenly looked at me.

"Are you not used to eating here?"

"Don't worry about me, I just have no appetite!" Situ Jin smiled, "You eat! Watching you eat makes me happy too!"

Good food is meant to be shared!
Eating alone is a completely different feeling than two people devouring it.

And looking at Situ Jin's slightly disgusted eyes, I instantly lost my appetite.

"How about you do the next date?" I whispered, "I'm afraid I'll mess it up!"

"That's good!" Situ Jin stood up, "Are you full? Let's go shopping!"

I am full?
I have not eaten!

Glancing at the wontons on the table, I could only get up.

Situ Jin threw 100 yuan on the table without even asking for change, took me and left without looking back.

Perhaps Situ Jinbi will arrange it for me.

He took me to high-end shopping malls and luxury stores, and bought a lot of them whether I wanted to or not.

Don't stop until the trunk is full.

But I don’t want those things, and I deserve them even more.

After all, we are still boyfriend and girlfriend.

Both parties must pay equal amounts to make the relationship balanced.

But obviously, Situ Jin's contribution broke the balance.

In the evening, we went to a western restaurant.

Everyone inside, from the manager to the waiters, all speak French.

I can barely communicate in English, but I know absolutely no French.

Seeing Situ Jin talking fluently with the waiter, I felt a little inferior for no reason.

"What's wrong?" Suddenly, Situ Jin held my hand. "unhappy?"

"No!" I shook my head, "You shouldn't buy so many things!"

"Is it a lot?" Situ Jin smiled, "If you hadn't been dragging me to influence my performance, one car wouldn't be able to fit it in."

"I just think..."

As he was talking, the waiter brought a bottle of red wine.

"You want to drink?"

"not us!"

"But, I don't know how to drink! Besides, you have to drive!"

"There is a chauffeur!" Situ Jin said softly, "Don't worry! After we finish drinking, let's go watch a movie! You said you would give me a complete date!"

To be honest, I was embarrassed to refuse Situ Jin.

So, I could only bite the bullet and nod.

However, eating in a Western restaurant is really troublesome. You need knives and forks, and each tool has its own purpose.

But I'm used to eating meat in large quantities, so it's more satisfying.

But seeing Zhou's guests maintaining their graceful manners, I could only freeze and take pictures.

"Cheers to our date today!"

Situ Jin raised his glass and touched it to me gently.

I hesitated, picked up the red wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

I originally thought it was very unpleasant to drink, but it tasted sweet and left a sweet aftertaste in my mouth after I swallowed it.

"Like champagne!"


"I drank secretly when I was a kid!"

"Oh, that one you're talking about is not real champagne!" Situ Jin poured it for me again, and then touched another glass with me. “I’ll bring you a nice bottle of champagne another day!”

I nodded and drank another gulp of the red wine in my glass.

After three cups, the whole esophagus felt warm.

When the surrounding sounds became noisy, all my attention fell on Situ Jin.

"Where did you go last night?"

Feeling that my head was heavy, I supported it with my hands.

"Haha, you sound just like a wife questioning her husband who stayed out all night!"

Situ Jin's words made my face dry.

"I'm just asking casually!"

As I said that, I picked up the wine and drank it to hide my embarrassment.

"Where did you go last night?"

"I'm going to find you!" I said quickly.

Not only did I look for it, I sat at the door all night.

"What about before you find me?"


My head was in a daze and I couldn't react.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember! Are you full? Let's go watch a movie!"

See a movie?
I haven't watched a movie in a long time!


Situ Jin took me out of the restaurant and went straight to a movie theater I had never been to.

After entering, I realized that this was a couples movie theater.

In front of the huge screen, there is a toffee chair and a huge bed.

The dim lighting heightened the ambiguous atmosphere.

"Isn't it the kind of movie a group of people watch?"

"I don't want others to disturb us!" Situ Jin said, "Don't worry, this cinema belongs to the Situ family. This theater is private to me and no one else has come in."

I said nothing more and leaned back on the taffy chair.

When the image appeared on the screen, I concentrated.

But the next second, Situ Jin suddenly sat down next to me.

The sofa was very soft, and as soon as Situ Jin sat down, I couldn't help but fall towards him.

In order to maintain balance, I stretched my body with all my strength to prevent myself from touching him.

Less than a few minutes after the opening credits started playing, Situ Jin suddenly held my hand.

"Your hands are so small!"

"Oh, I'm a woman, so naturally I'm small!"

I laughed dryly, not daring to move at all.

But when Situ Jin came closer with his wine-smelling mouth, I could no longer remain calm.

"Watch a movie!" I said hurriedly.

"Look at you!"

When Situ Jin said this, he suddenly hugged me.

When his hands moved to my collarbone and started to undo the buttons, I finally panicked completely.

Situ Jin's hand opened like an electric shock, and I jumped up.


"No?" Situ Jin frowned, "What do you mean no?"

"It's just... we can't do this! It's too fast!"

Yes, the progress is too fast and I can’t accept it!

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend, why not do what boyfriend and girlfriend should do?"

"I need to take my time!"


Suddenly, Situ Jin smiled.

He lit a cigarette and took a drag, then looked at me with squinted eyes.

"It's just me, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You would rather have sex with a Baojiaxian than have sex with my boyfriend?"

... (end of this chapter)

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