
After hearing my proposal, Ning Yi decisively refused.

"Walking through the gates of hell will not only damage your muscles and bones. If your soul leaves the body frequently, it may not be able to return to its original place. By then, you will really be dead!"

"Yes!" Director He quickly responded, "The Xian family is right! Minus 14 has been lying down for so long, and she doesn't care about lying there for a few more days! If you die, who can help her?"

This time Minus 14 did not speak, but nodded in agreement.

That's right!

If his life is gone, let alone his accumulated virtue, even Ning Yi cannot worship him.

"Then how long do I need to rest before I'm 'near-death' again?"

"Seven days for the dead are the first seven days, and seven days for the living are reincarnated! To put it bluntly, the human body's blood needs seven days to renew, so this period of time is enough to filter out the yin energy in your body."

Hearing what Ning Yi said, I nodded in understanding.

"So I can also use the seven days of training to find out how to enter the Monkey King Peak! Director He said that there is a virgin forest, and most of it has not yet been developed. Those who can enter the interior must be professional institutions! So as long as I find out who The agency may be able to know the true identity of Negative 14!”

"Yeah!" Director He nodded, "An An, you are getting smarter and smarter!"

"Hehehe, I think so too!"

Ning Yi frowned slightly when he heard me boasting about myself.

"Okay, let's have a good rest first!"


Leaving the soul makes me physically and mentally exhausted, and it’s time for me to have a good sleep.

In order to prevent me from being disturbed, Ning Yi also took away my mobile phone.

I slept soundly, without any dreams.

Just when I was asleep, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

I tried to wake up, but my eyelids were too heavy.

No matter how hard I opened it, I couldn't open it.

Just when I was sweating profusely, an unintentional kick gave me an instant surprise.

After a while, I got up and opened the door.

"An'an, someone is looking for you!" Director He said, "Originally I didn't want to disturb you, but she said that human life is at stake! So..."

"Male and female?"

If it was Situ Jin who came, I would definitely not see him.



“She’s very beautiful and elegant!”

Director He rubbed his hands and said this, suddenly blushing.

That pretentious look made me grin.

Without asking any questions, I hurried out.

When they arrived at the door, they saw Mrs. Situ.

"Mrs. Situ?"

"An'an, I couldn't get through when I called you. When I got anxious, I came directly to you!" Mrs. Situ said this and held my hand. "An'an, it's normal for lovers to argue, but breaking up is too serious, right? Do you know how much Xiao Jin likes you? He is drunk at home now, shouting your name while Cry! I really can’t stand it anymore!”

"What did he tell you?"

"He said he had a conflict with you and you broke up with him!" Mrs. Situ held my hand tightly and refused to let go. "An'an, who is not a sage and can make mistakes? If Xiao Jin did something wrong, I apologize to you! As the saying goes, it is the fault of a son who does not teach his father. If his father died early, it is my responsibility! An'an, please forgive him. OK?"

"That's all he said?"

If Situ Jin tells Mrs. Situ all the ins and outs of the matter, I will respect him as an honest gentleman.

Unexpectedly, he just avoided the important and took the easy.

"Why...is there anything else?" Mrs. Situ slowed down her voice, "An'an, tell me what's going on!"

"He hit me!"


Mrs. Situ let go of my hand like an electric shock, her eyes widened.

"As you heard, Situ Jin hit me!"

Speaking of this slowly and unhurriedly, I turned away.

"How could this bastard do such a thing?" Mrs. Situ slapped her thigh hard, "If I knew this was the reason why you broke up, I would have no shame to come to you! A man's hands are used to conquer the world. Yes, he’s not a woman-beater! It’s all my fault! It’s me who spoiled him!”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Situ suddenly bowed to me.

The speed was so fast that I had no time to stop it.

By the time I reacted, she had straightened up.

"An'an, Auntie, I'm here to help you!"

"Mrs. Situ..."

"Don't worry! It's true that Situ Jin is my son, but at the same time I am also a woman! As a woman, I understand you! Put yourself in your shoes, if I were you, I would also break up! Because domestic violence is the same as cheating, only The difference between zero times and countless times!”

Originally, I thought that Mrs. Situ would use her status as an elder to kidnap me morally, but I didn’t expect that I would judge a gentleman with a villain’s heart!

This woman is more established than some men.

"Auntie, I'm sorry!"

"It's our Xiao Jin who is sorry for you!" Mrs. Situ gently held my hand, "An'an, I will discipline Xiao Jin well in the future, and you... I hope you can find someone who truly cares for you. Even if you and Xiao Jin has no chance to become a family, and I hope you will be well!"

"Thank you auntie!"

I wanted to send Mrs. Situ off, but she refused.

After watching her leave, I turned around and headed back.

Originally I didn't know how to face Mrs. Situ, but this time I finally let go of the big stone in my heart.

I fell asleep again until I woke up naturally, and then I started to do business.

After consulting online, only two outdoor clubs have adventure projects to enter the Monkey King Peak.

However, the price is extremely expensive!

Seven figures!
I have never seen so much money in my life!
But because of Minus 14, I had no choice but to make the call.

The first company was called 'Free Flying'. When they heard that I was going to explore Monkey King Peak, they rejected me one after another.

They said that the country had issued protection regulations for virgin forests and they could not trespass without permission.

The most important thing is that the environment there is really dangerous.

But when I asked them if they had ever taken a mother and daughter on an adventure before, they flatly denied it.

And told me that it was impossible for them to bring a child into a place that was probably inaccessible to adults.

In desperation, I went directly to another club called 'Mysterious Lost'.

The mysteriously lost office location is a very ordinary office building.

A red-haired young man at the front desk took me to meet the person in charge.

"Where is your target adventure destination?"

After the red-haired young man poured coffee and handed out snacks, and after a complete set of services, the person in charge looked at me with a smile.

"I want to go to Monkey King Mountain!"

As soon as these words came out, the person in charge immediately changed his expression.

"Sorry! I'm afraid I won't be able to go to Monkey King Peak!"

"Why?" I asked quickly, "I see your company has this adventure project!"

"That was a promotional draft from a few years ago and I forgot to change it!" the person in charge said apologetically, "Monkey King Peak is now a primeval forest protected by the state! No entry is allowed, let alone logging and damage! Once discovered, my company will not only If you can’t keep doing it, you may be jailed!”

"I can add more money!" I blurted out with my head burning.

"Everyone wants to make money! But I can't make this money!" The person in charge said this and stood up. "Ayong, see the guests off!"

"Think again!"

"Really can not!"


After being kicked out, I felt a little downcast.

But before they had gone far, the red-haired young man named Ayong caught up with him.

"Can we really add more money?"

A Yong's words shocked me for a moment.

Does he mean he has connections?

"Can you take me there?" "I don't have that ability, but I'm interested!" A Yong lowered his voice when he said this. "He once opened an adventure club, but that club suddenly closed down a few years ago, and he switched to selling outdoor products! But his experience is enough to be more experienced than the guides of 'Mysterious Lost' and 'Free Flying'! "


I nodded blankly, turned around and left.

In fact, I am already moved.

But he was afraid that A Yong would raise the price, so he could only pretend not to care.

"Hey, don't leave!" Ayong caught up again, "He can really take you into the Monkey King Peak!"

"I only believe in the most professional team!" I glanced at A Yong lightly.

"Wen Xiang is the most professional!" A Yong said quickly, "Wen Xiang is the boy I told you about! As long as you can give us enough money, he and I will help you get into the Monkey King Peak!"

I didn't say anything, but looked A Yong up and down.

This move made Ayong anxious.

“The price is negotiable!”

"How many?"

"This number!" Ayong made a sign of nine with his hand.

"Ninety thousand?" I exclaimed.

"Other clubs used to charge 10,000+ for this project! I only want [-], and it's already half the price!"

"As far as I know, other clubs have dedicated teams that follow them [-] hours a day. They not only have experienced guides, but also are good wilderness survivors and first aid personnel. They have a team of at least ten people. How dare you two charge me [-]?"

"Then tell me a price!" Ayong waved his hands anxiously.

"Here!" I held out five fingers.

"Fifty thousand?" Ayong's eyes widened.

"Five thousand!"

"Do you think you are buying vegetables at the wet market? Do you want the bargaining to be more outrageous?" Ayong glared at me, "5000 yuan is not even enough for equipment! At least [-] yuan!"

"Six thousand!"

"Are you kidding me?" A Yong snorted coldly, "6000 yuan can make you hairy!"

"In business, you have to bargain!" I said quickly, "You are allowed to bid, but I am not allowed to counter-offer?"

"Do you know that going to Monkey King Peak is very dangerous!" Ayong said impatiently, "Forty-eight thousand, if it's any less, we'll break up! If you don't even give out forty-eight thousand, don't go exploring, or Stay home and sleep!"

"Forty-four thousand!" Seeing Ayong turn around, I yelled hastily. "I'll cover the food!"

Ayong's eyes rolled around several times before stopping on my face.

Maybe he did some math and felt that 6000 yuan for food was more cost-effective.

"Deal!" Ayong quickly shook my hand, "If my brother hadn't been in a hurry for money, I wouldn't have accepted this loss-making deal!"


Bargaining from [-] to [-] is considered a bit of skill, right?
But, I can’t even come up with 4000 yuan now!

Forty-four thousand, how do I get it together?

In desperation, I found Director He.

"What?" Director He narrowed his eyes, "Salary advance?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" I nodded repeatedly.

"How many?"

"If possible, I would like to advance half a year's salary!" I whispered.

"Half a year?" Director He frowned, "Why do you want so much money?"

"I found someone who can take me to the Monkey King Peak, but the price is [-]! Including food expenses, [-] is about the same!"

"As far as I know, entry to the Monkey King Peak is prohibited! An'an, don't be fooled!"

"Probably not?"

"You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others! And you have already advanced two months' salary to that teacher Situ. I'm afraid you will advance half a year's salary..."

In order to repay the 'overtime pay' and various miscellaneous expenses that Situ Jin gave me, I have already advanced my salary.

Seeing Director He's expression of embarrassment, I struggled in my heart and finally made a decision that went against my ancestors.

That is...buying the ancestral home!

Anyway, my great-grandmother is gone, so there is no use keeping the ancestral home.

Instead of just seeing things and thinking about people, let’s make them more meaningful.

After saying goodbye to Director He, I returned to the lounge.

While he was rummaging through boxes and cabinets, Ning Yi suddenly appeared.

"What are you doing?"

"Look for the real estate certificate!"

"What do you want that for?"

"Sell the house!" I said angrily, "I want to enter the Monkey King Peak, but my budget is [-]. The curator can't advance his salary, so..."

"You want to sell your ancestral home?"


"No!" Ning Yi shook his head decisively, "That has all the memories of your childhood, and you must not sell them!"

"But I can't borrow loan sharks, right?" When I said this, I lowered my face in frustration. "It's all my fault that I don't have the skills, otherwise I wouldn't have sacrificed myself for a mere tens of thousands of dollars!"

"It's just money, I'll give it to you!"


"Ah what?" Ning Zhen grabbed my head and straightened my bent waist. "follow me!"


Following Ning Yi, we came to an automatic teller machine.

When Ning Yi took out a bank card, I was shocked.

A Baojiaxian actually has such things in the human world!
When Ning Yi entered the password, I was shocked again.

Because the password is actually my birthday!
When the balance appeared in front of me, I was shocked again.

There are nine digits before the decimal point!

Nine digits?
How much does that cost?
"Get it yourself!"

Just when I was counting with my fingers, Ning Yi suddenly stepped aside.

"Huh?" My voice trembled.

“Withdraw as much as you need! If it’s inconvenient to hold cash, just transfer it to your card!”


"Why are you pouting?" Ning Yi frowned.

“I didn’t count how much nine figures were!”

"One hundred million!" Ning Yi said lightly.

"[-] million?"

I screamed and covered my mouth.

He looked around warily before lowering his voice.

"Xianjia, where did you get so much money?"

"Is it weird?" Ning Zhen rolled his eyes at me, "What can I do if I don't make money with such a long life?"

"You are so rich and you still watch me live a miserable life?"

"I can't use my own money to let you worship me, right? Then what do I need you for?"


Although he was unwilling to do so, he had to say that what Ning Yi said made sense.

"I will pay you back later!"

"what ever!"

As soon as I withdrew the money, Ning Yi disappeared instantly.

When he showed up again, he was already outside the cash machine.

"Xianjia, your card!"

"Leave it to you!" Ning Yi waved his hand without looking back, "I don't like to manage money!"

... (end of this chapter)

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