heritage? !
Could it be that my mother who died young left it to me?
Although the Shen family has declined, it was once a famous and wealthy family.

At that time, it was important to have a well-matched family. Being able to marry into our Shen family proved that my mother's natal family was not a small family.


What a blessing!

First a promotion and a salary increase, and then an inheritance from the air!
Shen An'an, your life has begun to counterattack!
"Here!" I slapped my bank card in front of Ning Zhen, "Give it back!"

"What? Have a fever?"

Ning Zhen raised his hand and reached for my forehead, but I quickly dodged it.

"What's the fever? I'm fine!"

"The little money fan doesn't even want money?" Ning Yi frowned, "It's either a fever or an evil spirit!"

"Bah, bah, bah!" I glanced at Ning Zhen and quickly put on my coat. "I don't even care about your little money! By the way, how much do I owe you?"

"Forty-four thousand!"

"Ha! When I get back, I'll pay you back [-] yuan, and the extra money will be used as interest!" Having said this, I put on my sunglasses smartly. "Please call me...little rich woman from now on!"

I turned around and left the funeral parlor with a whisper.

In order not to look too shabby, I rented a luxury car instead of riding a small electric donkey.

After arriving at the meeting place, I asked the driver to circle there several times before getting off the bus.

While he was looking around, a man carrying a lunch box appeared in front of him.

"Shen An'an?"

I was stunned for a moment and looked the man up and down.

The man had his hair parted in the middle, wearing a vest and shorts, and a pair of muddy Jiefang shoes on his feet.

"Wen Guoliang?"

"Are you successful? You don't even call me uncle anymore?"

This sentence made my heart tighten instantly.

Didn’t you come to talk to me about the will?

Why are you dressed so plainly!
and many more!

Foreign famous brands like to popularize our leftover gadgets. Steel ball ornaments and Grandma’s rubber shoes can become big hits.

"Uncle!" I quickly said with a smile, "We haven't seen you for a long time and I almost didn't recognize you!"

"So are you! A woman's eighteen-year-old transformation is getting uglier and uglier!"



When Wen Guoliang said this, he took all the food in the lunch box into his mouth in a few mouthfuls.

After chewing quickly, he raised his sleeves and wiped his mouth carelessly before looking at me.

“Let’s talk about wills!”

The exciting time has finally arrived!

How do I spend the money I get?

I can't quit my job at a funeral home, after all, I am now the deputy director.

How about redecorating it?
Create another worship APP and conduct memorials online?

I'm such a clever little ghost!

"I heard that you are too naughty?"

Wen Guoliang's words suddenly made my heart sink.

Why doesn't this elder look like an elder?
Why are you talking so rudely?

"Yes, she died!"

"Then she left you a lot of inheritance after her death, right? Although your mother died very early, she is qualified to inherit it!"

"Are you here to ask for my inheritance?"

Suddenly, I understood Wen Guoliang's true intention.

"What else?" Wen Guoliang frowned, "Although she is not your biological mother, she is your father's wife! The law stipulates that she has a share in the property of your Shen family! As her only living relative, I Have the right to inherit her legacy!”

"Uncle, why are you here..."

and many more!

What did Wen Guoliang just say?
Is she not my biological mother?

"Wen Wan is not my biological mother?" "Why don't you know?" Wen Guoliang's eyes flickered, "I thought the Shen family told you, after all, you are so old! When my sister married into your family, you It’s not the full moon yet. She ignored past grudges and brought you up like a slut. No credit but hard work, right? If you have a conscience, quickly give her to me! Otherwise, I I’ll go to court and sue you!”

"I'm really not my mother's biological child?"

"Is that still fake?"

"I don't believe it!" At this point, I took out my phone. "Unless I see it with my own eyes!"

Electronic incense, Ning Yi appears.

Before Wen Guoliang could react, he packed him up and took him away.

After being taken to Lan Qingqing's hospital, Lan Qingqing directly drew blood and hair samples from the unconscious Wen Guolianghe.

"My mother is no longer here, can this be used to test it out?"

"Yes!" Lan Qingqing nodded decisively, "Both my mother and uncle came from the chromosomes of my grandfather and grandmother. If you are blood relatives, then 50.00% of your chromosomes come from your mother, and 20.00% of your chromosomes come from your uncle. Wait a moment, I I will use my position to give you the results as soon as possible!"

"Thank you Qingqing!"

"No need!"

After Lan Qingqing left, I waited anxiously in the corridor.

Ning Yi wanted to talk to me several times, but in the end he didn't speak.

He probably saw my nervousness.

About an hour or so later, Lan Qingqing came back.

Looking at the diagnosis results in her hands, my hands couldn't stop shaking.

"Shall I announce the results?" Lan Qingqing whispered.

"Yeah!" I nodded vigorously.

"You have no blood relationship with the subject!"

"So, he is not his biological uncle!"

Speaking of this, I felt weak at my feet.

If Ning Yi hadn't helped him in time, he might have collapsed to the ground.

"That's the theory!" Lan Qingqing tapped her chin gently, "You have no blood relationship with him!"

Isn’t Wenwan my mother?

So who is my mother?
If Wen Wan is not my biological mother, does this mean that my biological mother is still alive?
Thinking of this, I became more and more excited.

Feeling that my whole face was hot, I quickly raised my hand and slapped it hard.

"Shen An'an!" Ning Yi grabbed my hands, "Are you crazy?"

I squirmed and was about to speak when Wen Guoliang came running up with a roar.

"What did you do to me? Why did you bring me to the hospital? Shen An'an, let me tell you, you must give me your inheritance! Otherwise, I will come to your school every day to make trouble, and you will not be able to live in peace or die well!"

Seeing Wen Guoliang looking like a rogue, I felt a little lucky.

Let me just say, how could such a good person like me have such weird relatives!
Since we have no relatives or friends, I don't need to show any affection.

"Wen Guoliang, you are not my biological uncle, why should you inherit from me! Don't say I don't have any inheritance, even if I do, it won't be your turn!"

"What a treason!" Wen Guoliang shouted angrily, "Don't you even call me uncle? You disown your relatives for money! What I inherit is not the property of your Shen family, but the inheritance that your Wen family gave to my sister! How dare you refuse to give it to me? I'm making you feel uneasy! Anyway, I only have one life, and I don't care about face. If you, a little girl, want to play rogue with me, then let's see who is more shameless than the other!"

"According to national regulations, the first heirs of an inheritance are spouses, children and parents. When your sister, my stepmother, died, my parents, grandparents, were still alive. Even if she could be allocated my father's inheritance, she could only Divide it to a quarter. When she divides it equally between you and your parents, there will only be one-third and one-third left! So very little will get to you!"

"Although flies are small, they are still meat!" Wen Guoliang said this and rolled up his sleeves. "I don't care anyway, you have to give me back my sister's share!"

"Are you sure he's not your uncle?" Ning Zhen suddenly looked at me.


"Then I'll kill him!"

Seeing the murderous intent in Ning Zhen's eyes, I hurriedly stopped him.

But in Wen Guoliang's eyes, I was dancing in the air.

"Don't think that pretending to be crazy and acting stupid will prevent you from paying back the money!"

Wen Guoliang screamed and rushed over, but a needle stuck into his neck.

When Wen Guoliang fell, I saw Lan Qingqing.

"Did you kill him?" I was shocked.

I haven't asked him about my biological mother yet!
Maybe he knows the whereabouts of my biological mother!
"It's okay!" Lan Qingqing said calmly, "But I gave him a shot of diazepam, which will make him fall into a semi-conscious state and be able to see me at the same time!"

When Lan Qingqing said this, her face suddenly showed a bruised face.

... (end of this chapter)

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