Seeing the stone falling, I closed my eyes subconsciously.

When he opened it again, he saw Director He.

"Damn it, you scared me to death! It was just a little bit close, and you came up without me fishing!"

As soon as Director He finished speaking, he was suddenly lifted away by a big hand.

Then an angry Ning Yi appeared in sight.

"Shen An'an, why didn't you call me when you did such a dangerous thing? You ignored me after you fell asleep and didn't tell me where you were going! What do you think I am?"

"what are you saying?"

I was ashamed and angry, and I wanted to get back into the water.

Director He next to him looked like he was watching a good show.

Seeing me glare at him, he quickly turned around.

"You don't know what I said? Then I will remind you of memories! Funeral parlor! Lounge! One hundred..."

"Don't say it!"

Before Ning Yi could finish speaking, I quickly covered his mouth.

"Shen An'an, do you still dare to make your own decisions?"

"I don't dare anymore!" I suppressed my words and lowered my head.

"Still want to get rid of me?"

"Don't dump me!" My voice became lower and lower.

"Can I still come to you when I need money?"


My face felt hot and I pinched Ning Zhen bitterly.

"I want you to say it!"


Damn man!
Just the chill that spreads around my body can make me give in immediately.

"louder please!"

"Yes!" I shouted aggrievedly.


Ning Yi picked me up and said, "If you mess with me again, I'll make you 1000 yuan!"

God damn it!
Are you threatening me just because I like you?


1000 yuan will kill you, you idiot!


Maybe Director He saved him too early, so I only saw a fragment.

I didn’t see the woman’s face clearly, but I saw her throwing stones.

This means that Minus 4 did not drown accidentally.

Even if it is not a homicide, there are still people who deliberately want to die without saving his life!

Who is that woman standing on the shore?

However, since I have 'suspended death' once, I have to recuperate for a few days before I can continue.

I have to say, the feeling of choking on water is really unpleasant.

And because the water was a little dirty, I had signs of a slight lung infection.

“Why not find a clean swimming pool?”

When Lan Qingqing asked this question, I was stunned for a moment.

"Or fill the bathtub! Even if the water is filtered, its source is groundwater!"


"According to the logic you told me, shouldn't it be feasible?"

"Why didn't I think of it earlier!"

I raised my hand and slapped him on the head.

"Don't fight! You're not smart to begin with!" Lan Qingqing frowned, "How about you try it next time?"

"it is good!"

"Fortunately, the lung infection is only a minor infection, otherwise I'm afraid it would be the root cause of the disease! Your yin energy is so strong, ordinary medicine may not be able to cure it."

"thank you, I know now!"

"Have a good rest these days!"

"But I have something to do!" I said quickly, "I want to take this opportunity to investigate Professor Corpse's affairs!"

"Is it just a few days away?" Lan Qingqing said with a 'you are disobedient' expression, "He has been lying in the morgue for so long and he doesn't care about these three or two days, right? Besides, what if you don't have one?" With their own bodies, there is nothing we can do to help them bury them in their graves!”

That's right, then take a few days off! …

These days, it is quite peaceful.

Probably because of his illness, Ning Yi took on the responsibility of taking care of me.

In front of and behind the bed, I was very busy.

Cooking skills and housework have also made great progress.

Who would have thought that this guy who once shouted that he was going to kill me would now seem to be taking care of my daily life with a little nanny, except for carrying me to the toilet.

So, what is our relationship now?

Or the default couple?
I still like Ning Yi in my heart, but I don’t dare to express my feelings anymore.

"Oh no!"

As soon as I finished washing, Minus 4 walked in through the door.

"Why didn't you knock on the door?"

"The matter is urgent and I can't take care of it!" Minus 4 looked panicked, "Come and take a look, something is wrong with Professor Corpse!"

Professor Corpse?
Without thinking much, I rushed into the morgue.

The moment he stepped in, he saw Professor Corpse huddled in the corner.

He hugged his legs and shivered.

The body is already translucent.

"Professor Corpse!"

"I woke up and found him like this, and... I couldn't touch him!"

If it's minus 4, it makes my heart skip a beat.

"Ning Yi!"

With a call, Ning Yi appeared.

"Xianjia, look what's wrong with him? He..."

"His time has come!" Ning Yi looked solemn, "I told you that if a lonely ghost stays in the world for too long, his soul will eventually scatter!"


These four words made my heart tremble.

I tried to help Professor Shi up, but my hand went through his body.

The corpses looked at Professor Corpse with sadness in their eyes.

"Professor Corpse, hold on! I'm going to help you investigate as soon as I recover. I really plan to do this! Can you just wait for me? It'll be quick!"

Professor Corpse slowly raised his head and tried his best to smile.

"Girl, I know you want to help me, and I thank you. But, I'm afraid I can't wait any longer. There is a saying that death is not the end of life, forgetting is. I forgot everything because no one remembers it. I."

My nose was sore and my vision was instantly blurred.

"Professor Corpse blames me! If I didn't take care of this stupid disease, I might be able to find out your identity! I have an clue. I won't lie to you, I really have an clue! But..."

"Silly boy, why are you crying? Maybe this is a relief for me. And I have met you, a very talented student, and I have met so many friends. It is really a blessing for me who has no relatives or friends. ”

Looking at Professor Shi, I was choked and speechless.

Even though he comforted me like this, I still blamed myself to the point of feeling heartbroken.

Just a few days, just a few days and everything was lost.

"Professor Corpse, you are the most educated here, and we have always admired you!"

"Yes, if I had known that the accident would happen so quickly, we should have cherished the time we spent together, and I should have learned more about culture from you!"

"Professor Corpse..."

Seeing all the corpses crying together, I couldn't hold back at all.

If Ning Yi hadn't held me in his arms, I probably wouldn't have been able to stand up at all.

"Don't cry, don't cry at all." Professor Shi smiled, "Girl, you have brought us a lot of warmth and joy since you came here, which perhaps we have never experienced before. Don't blame yourself, don't be sad, I hope You can be happy forever, thank you for taking care of me for so long, thank you..."

As Professor Corpse spoke, his figure became more and more transparent until he completely disappeared.

My tears blurred my vision.

Four of the twelve compartments of the morgue are now empty.

I used to come here just to make money, and I just thought it was a job I had to take.

But as time went by, I discovered their cuteness.

These lonely ghosts wandering in the morgue are kinder and cuter than some people!

From the beginning, I approached them in order to accumulate moral virtue, to the end, I sincerely wanted to help them. This kind of change was something I never predicted.

I will never let the tragedy of Professor Corpse continue to happen!

I must send all my ghost friends into reincarnation safely!


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