Chapter 158 You are mine alone
My fairy family said that she wants to marry me!

Ning Zhen said that he no longer wanted to become an immortal and wanted to marry me!

I'm not happy at all!
Not at all!

"what are you laughing at?"

Just when I was laughing so hard, a gloomy voice sounded beside me.

"Ye Chenchen?" I exclaimed, "Why are you back?"

"How could I come back without your summons?" Ye Chenchen said angrily, "I was entrusting you with a dream!"

"In a dream?" I finally came to my senses, "You have something to do with me?"

"I saw a woman at your grandma's grave. She paid homage to your grandma and then left."

Ye Chenchen's words instantly woke me up from my sleep.

Ignoring my sleepy eyes, I hurriedly lit the incense.

When Ye Chenchen appeared, I rushed over.

"What kind of woman?"

"I am only responsible for guarding the tomb, and you didn't let me find out her whereabouts! Besides, I can't leave the cemetery!"

My eyes suddenly became gloomy.

"However, I picked up a business card!" Just when I was frustrated, Ye Chenchen took out a business card. "She dropped it before she left!"

I excitedly took the black business card and saw a line of words: Gu Shengnan, President of Rizhao Group.

Could she be my mother?
She hated the name 'Zhao Di', so she changed her name to 'Sheng Nan'?
"Thank you!"

After saying these two words, I turned around and ran out of the funeral home.

Rizhao Group is a company that only started up in the past ten years.

Operating various industries such as real estate and heavy industry.

It is said that Chairman Gu Shengnan is a legendary figure and one of the top [-] richest women in Asia.

I once saw her interview on a financial channel, but only briefly.

With a nervous and complicated mood, I arrived at the gate of Haicheng Rizhao's head office.

But the Rizhao Group is heavily guarded and has strict access control.

Not even a fly can fly in, let alone me.

When I was considering whether to ask Ning Yi for help, a Land Rover passed by me.

After a slow stop, a woman dressed in neutral clothes stepped out of the cab.

A well-fitting suit will flatter your figure to the best of your ability.

Her long black hair was meticulously tied into a bun, looking simple and capable.

"Gu Shengnan!"

I subconsciously called out, causing the woman to turn her head.

A fair and clean face without makeup came into view instantly.

At just one glance, I saw something familiar in her eyebrows.


"follow me!"

Before I could say anything, Gu Shengnan waved and then walked forward on his own.

The staff were all respectful and respectful along the way and did not try to stop me at all.

Gu Shengnan opened an office door, walked straight in and sat on the boss's chair.

She picked up the cigar on the table, lit it, took a puff, and then looked at me with squinted eyes.

But the smell of this cigar made me burst into tears for a while.

"You finally found me?"

" know me?"

"I don't know you!" Gu Shengnan tapped the ashes with his index finger, "But you and I are very similar, I think you should be my daughter!"

She admitted it!

So, I found my mom!

All of a sudden, complex emotions came to my mind.

Thousands of words were spoken, but in the end they only turned into tears.


"Don't call me mom!" Gu Shengnan interrupted me before I could get emotional. "I only give birth to you but not support you. I can only be regarded as your biological mother. In fact, I have no feelings for you!"

Having said this, Gu Shengnan took out a stack of checks.

"How much does it cost for you to not bother me?"

For a moment, I was completely confused.

"I...I didn't come to you for money!" "Is it to reminisce about old times?" Gu Shengnan raised his eyebrows at me, "I have nothing to do with the Shen family and I don't want to!"

Since Gu Shengnan said that, I probably understand.

I am not a shameless person, and I will not fail to understand good words.

"President Gu, I just want to thank you for paying homage to my great-grandmother and find out why you left the Shen family in the first place, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary!"

"I worship your Tainan because she is the only person in the Shen family who is sincere to me!"

Just as I was about to turn around and leave, Gu Shengnan spoke.

"I left you because I was forced to conceive you, and I was unwilling to give birth to you! Neither you nor I should live in this world!"

Ha ha!

I thought what was waiting for me was a touching scene of mother and daughter recognizing each other, but I didn't expect it would be such indifference and determination.

All the tadpoles found their mother, but when I found my mother, she didn’t want me, she even hated me!
"Then you shouldn't have given birth to me!"

After saying this, I left without looking back.

But after I stepped out of the gate of Rizhao Group with my head held high, my body instantly became decadent.

He lowered his head and walked along the roadside dejectedly.

As I walked, a dark shadow blocked the road ahead.

Looking up, I saw Ning Zhen.

I didn't say anything, I just glanced at my mouth aggrievedly.

Ning Yi frowned and then opened his arms.

My nose felt sore and I threw myself into his arms.

"Xianjia, I found my mother!"


"But she doesn't want me!"

"That's great!"

Ning Yi's excited voice made me hold back my tears.

"My mother doesn't want me anymore, why are you so happy?"

"It's best if everyone in the world doesn't want you, then you will be mine alone!" Ning Ting raised her lips, "So, do you think I should be happy?"


"Okay, okay!" Ning Zhen rubbed my head, "Even if everyone doesn't want you, I won't want you!"

"The hook!"

When I raised my little thumb childishly again, Ning Ding did not push me away like before, but smiled and extended his slender finger.

With Ning Yi around, I felt at ease.

At first, I deliberately kept a distance from Ning Yi because of Situ Jin, but love is like a raging fire. Once it burns, it cannot be stopped.

Even though I pretended not to care, my heart was unknowingly close to Ning Yi.

Just because Ning Yi said, "I won't cultivate immortality anymore," it was worth going through fire and water for me.


The day seemed to calm down again.

Without Situ Jin's harassment and Feng Qingluan's trouble, I became more and more cheerful.

I completed my schoolwork quickly and my grades improved rapidly.

But the funeral home is getting busier and busier.

"An'an, pick up the guests, I'll be there soon!"

At about ten o'clock that evening, I received Director He's number.

Pick up guests?

What kind of guests are you accepting at night?

However, Director He's tone seemed to be very panicked.

So I hurriedly opened the door of the funeral home, and not long after, a van hurriedly came.

As soon as the car door opened, two middle-aged men carried out a woman wearing a red Xiuhe dress.

When I got there, I realized that this woman was pale and not breathing at all.

Without thinking much, I placed the woman in the crystal coffin.

Not long after the two men delivering the body hurriedly left, Director He drove over in his car.

"Director, why are you in such a hurry?"

"This girl just got married yesterday, but she lost her temper even before she went to church. Her husband's family thought it was unlucky and wanted to send her body back to her parents' home, but the girl was an orphan and her parents had died long ago, so they gave her body to her after the autopsy showed no abnormalities. Give me some money and leave it to me. Hey, leave all the mess to us!"


(End of this chapter)

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