"Yeah! Fortunately, I listened to you, otherwise... tsk tsk tsk! I didn't like her at first. Without the support of my parents, I had no pretense. Although Xiaohu has been raised by her for several years without working, our little tiger will have a big future. of!"

"Yeah, mom, don't be angry! She died outside anyway!"

"Hey, didn't your Aunt Zhao say that the matchmaker would come to our house today? Why..."

As soon as Zhang Mei said this, she suddenly looked at me.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Mei's tone was unkind and full of impatience.

"Aunt Zhao asked me to come!"

"Are you a matchmaker?" Zhang Mei looked me up and down, "I have never seen such a young matchmaker!"

"Mom, in this era we call this a matchmaker!" Cheng Feng said with a smile, "Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here soon! Please come in!"

Mother and daughter hurriedly opened the door for me to enter, and then placed a fruit plate mixed with candies and melon seeds in front of me.

Apparently, this was leftover from yesterday's wedding.

Looking around, there were still faint traces of glue on the wall.

Lu Juan's body was still cold, but they tore off the happy words early.

"I heard that you just had a happy event yesterday!"

My words made mother and daughter look at each other.

Then, Cheng Feng smiled.

"It's not a happy event, it's an engagement party! But the girl was born with a disease, and she got sick immediately before things were done. So this marriage is over! You can't delay my brother's marriage just because she's sick. dont you agree?"

"Yes!" I nodded reluctantly, "What about the young man? Please introduce me in detail!"

"My son's name is Cheng Hu, and his sister is Cheng Feng! It means that a tiger can become a phoenix, and the township chief gave it to him. When I gave birth to him, it almost cost me half my life. He was kept in an incubator in the hospital for a month before he survived, so I He is so precious! He is 24 this year, 1.8 meters 96 and [-] pounds!"

1.8 meters 96 and [-] pounds?
Is this a bamboo pole?

"What's his job?" I asked, holding back the disgust in my heart.

"Chef, your craftsmanship is excellent!" Zhang Mei gave thumbs up repeatedly.

"How much pay?"

"Less than 10 yuan a month!"

"How much is that?" I couldn't help but frown, "We need the real situation to match you with a suitable girl!"

"Then how would I know! He hasn't gone to work yet!" Zhang Mei grinned, "But my son is great. He can be independent wherever he goes to work. It's easy to earn tens of thousands of dollars a month!"

"Yes, my brother is a potential stock!" Cheng Feng, who was standing next to him, chimed in, "How can one become rich right away? Why not rely on the couple to work together!"

Laugh to death!

Really make excuses!

An idle vagabond was praised by them as being like a flower.

But I don't care, I just want to take this opportunity to find Lu Juan's wandering soul.

"Then what do you want from the woman?"

My words made Zhang Mei and Cheng Feng look at each other.

Then, they all looked at me.

"Urban registered permanent residence, a decent job, preferably a [-]-to-[-] job, so that I can take care of my mother. My mother has supported us siblings for so many years, and she deserves to be happy! The woman's parents must have pensions and be in good health. Being able to take care of themselves, after all, the married girl is throwing water, if they get sick or have a disaster, they can take care of themselves, and they can also help at critical moments!"

Shameless and invincible!

How did she say this?

Is this girl married to your family, not sold to your family?
If you don’t give a bride price, you still pay it back?

"A girl's salary shouldn't be too high, just 8000 yuan a month. Half of it will be used to pay for the mortgage, and the other half will be used for living!" Zhang Mei continued, "I will take care of my son's money to prevent them from lavishing money and having children in the future. Are there many uses for it?"

"You still want the woman to pay the mortgage? Do you want her name to be written in the house book?"

"Why should the house we bought have her name on it? My mother worked so hard to save this!" Cheng Feng glanced at her mouth, "If she wants to live a sincere life with my brother, does she still care about this?"

Where's my knife?
I want to kill people!How did this weird family come together?

Why did Lu Juan marry in?
"How much do you plan to pay as a bride price?"

I suppressed my anger and gritted my teeth.

"In what age do we still need betrothal gifts?" Zhang Mei covered her mouth, "This betrothal gift is a bad feudal custom and is not allowed by the country! The young couple lives a life of love, not money, don't you think so?"

"According to what you said, there is no need to organize the wedding?"

"That's okay!" Zhang Mei suddenly said with a serious face, "Although betrothal gifts are a bad habit, we are all honest people, so we have to give them! I prepared 8000 yuan, as a good omen for getting rich along the way."

"The bride price is not for the mother's family, but for the living fund of the young couple. It should be at least [-], right?"

"Fifty-eight thousand? Wouldn't that cost the lives of our whole family!" Zhang Mei slapped her leg, "How can I, a widow, have so much money?"

"Mom!" Cheng Feng patted Zhang Mei and then looked at me. "Fifty-eight thousand is fine, but I have to drive a car with him so that my brother can go to work more easily in the future!"

"How much does the car cost?"

"At least 20 yuan upwards! Otherwise, can we still call a taxi?"

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

He overturned the fruit plate and started clapping the table.

"You guys are crazy! The 20 RMB gift will cost you your life, and the [-] RMB car is what you want! What does this girl want from you? Is it because you are mean or because you are obsessed with money? All the men in the world are dead. Your family is the only one left? You really dare to raise conditions!"

"Why are you talking?" Zhang Mei got angry, "We will pay the matchmaker after the deal is done, and it's your turn to make irresponsible remarks!"

"Yes! My brother is excellent, and we are qualified to negotiate terms! There are so many girls out there, and they are all chasing my brother! How do you do business with your service attitude?"


"Then I want to see how good your brother is!"

Suddenly, Ning Yi broke into the door, raised his hand and threw a man as thin as a bamboo pole to the ground.

"Little tiger!"

Zhang Mei and Cheng Feng shouted and rushed over to help the man up.

Only then did I see the man's face clearly.

He looks about twenty years old, with rat eyes and some cross-eyes.

The sharp mouth and monkey cheeks look like a weasel turned into a spirit.

The way his crooked mouth twitches is extremely funny.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Mei shouted, "You dare to bully my son and you will die!"

Zhang Mei shouted and rushed towards me, but was knocked over by Ning Zhen with a slap from the air.

He rolled around on the ground several times in embarrassment and didn't stop until he hit the wall.

"Killed! Help!"

Cheng Feng was stunned for a moment, then held his head and rushed outside.

I kicked her waist, and when she fell to the ground, I grabbed her hair.

Then, he stuffed all the hair into her mouth.

Seeing this, Cheng Hu clenched his fists but did not dare to move.

"What exactly do you want?"

"How did Lu Juan die?"

When the name Lu Juan was mentioned, Cheng Hu suddenly panicked.

Zhang Mei struggled to get up, but Ning Zhen glared back.

"Say!" I raised my voice.

"I don't know!" Cheng Hu cried sadly, "I met her in a restaurant. I was the chef and she was the waiter at that time. We fell in love as soon as we went back and forth. She was so easy to pursue, so I just brought her around casually. After a few meals, she was so moved that she unexpectedly became pregnant!"


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