Chapter 163 Are You Pregnant?

When Lin Dan panted and handed a packet of medicine in front of me, a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine entered my breath.

"That's it!" Lin Dan patted his chest. "Huang Po only gave me a week's supply and said the prescription was confidential and only she could prepare it. So, I have to get it next week."

"Lin Dan, give me your phone number!"

"Okay, my number is..."

After calling Lin Dan on his mobile phone, Lin Dan quickly saved my phone number.

"Don't drink this medicine again! Before I find out what's in it!"

"it is good!"

After saying goodbye to Lin Dan, I went to Lan Qingqing to get a pregnancy certificate.

For safety reasons, a urine test cup for pregnant women was specially installed.

After I returned home, I went to one of the few coffin shops in Haicheng City and took out Lu Juan’s birthday and asked the boss to rank me.

After taking it, the boss squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully.

"No wonder he died at such a young age. This is Da Yin's fate!"

The boss's words immediately attracted my attention.

"Boss, what's the fate of Da Yin?"

"You young people don't pay attention to the lunar calendar and only look at the solar calendar. No wonder you! If you see this girl's birthday converted to the lunar calendar, it happens to be a lunar month and a lunar day. By the way, when was she born?"

"It seems like... [-] o'clock!"

"If it's two o'clock in the morning, it's a cloudy time in a yin year, a yin month, a yin day!" The boss looked solemn, "With such a yin fate, not only will your life be miserable, but you will also have a high chance of dying young or dying unexpectedly. Alas... "

"Boss, is this birthday still so special?"

"Of course! It's better to believe in things passed down by our ancestors than in others!"

Suddenly, I felt compassion.

"Boss, please take a look at this for me by the way!"

As I said that, I wrote down Lin Dan’s birthday.

"April [-], [-]? This is also the birthday of a yin year, a yin month, a yin day!" The boss looked at me in astonishment, "If he was born at [-] o'clock in the morning, he would also have a fate of great evil and great yin!"

Lin Dan and Lu Juan who died were both born in the yin year, yin month, yin time, and yin day. They were both pregnant and took Huang Po's decoction!

This is definitely not just a coincidence!

Seeing my boss getting busy, I quickly took out my phone.

'What time were you born? '

After a while, Lin Dan responded to the message.

'Four o'clock in the morning. '

When I saw these four words, my heart sank.

It seems that it is not that simple to fool Huang Po.

"All right!"

After a while, the boss handed me the tablet.

Seeing me taking out the red hydrangea, he frowned.

"What is this for?"

"Wrap the hydrangea and send it back to the deceased's in-laws!"

"How much does this daughter-in-law hate the old woman?" The boss was stunned. "The reason why the new daughter-in-law's soul marries her husband's family is because they want her husband's family to live in peace. Even if they die, they cannot be reincarnated. Their souls can only be entangled with the daughter-in-law's forever until they are gone. .”

"How can I crack it?"

"Don't put the red hydrangea!" the boss said, "remove the red hydrangea and you can crack it! It seems that this man doesn't understand everything. If you engrave your husband's name together, the man will die suddenly within three days. Die. Tsk tsk tsk..."


I raised my lips, paid the money and turned around to leave.

Riding a small electric donkey against the whistling wind, I arrived at Cheng's house.

After knocking on the door, Zhang Mei appeared at the door wearing clothes.

But when she saw it was me, she hurriedly closed the door.

But I took the first step and stuffed the tablet wrapped in hydrangea into her arms.

"what is this?"

"Someone asked me to give you a gift?"


"Lu Juan!"

After saying that, I turned around and left.

Not long after, heart-rending screams erupted from behind.

This family deserves it!
The reason why Cheng Hu's name was engraved on Lu Juan's tablet without authorization was to prevent Zhang Mei from having the idea of ​​destroying the tablet.

I don’t know if this is the right thing to do!
But, it’s really cool!

These three people, mother and son, did not deserve a good death. …

The next day, I followed the small advertisement and asked someone to make a fake ID card for me, just in case I needed it.

Moreover, I forcibly kidnapped a baby spirit in the hospital and gave him lots of candies and toys to coax him to stick to my leg.

I came to Lai'an Temple again and finally waited for Huang Po.

Before meeting Huang Po, there are two procedures, one is to see the ID card, and the other is to go to the toilet.

The euphemistic name is to clear out distracting thoughts, but in fact it is just a urine test.

Because there is no squatting pit in the toilet, only a new spittoon.

After pouring the pregnant woman's urine I brought in advance, I went out and pretended to adjust my pants.

After a while, someone called me.

A woman who looked like a nun led me in a winding way for a long time, and finally entered a room filled with sandalwood.

I saw an old woman with white hair sitting cross-legged on the futon, her eyes closed.

Come to think of it, she should be Mrs. Huang.

"Who is coming?"

"My name is Shen An'an!" I hurriedly clasped my hands together, showing a pious gesture. "I want to ask for a wife!"

These words made Huang Po slowly open her eyes.

The turbid gaze fell on my legs impartially.

This move made me feel a little nervous.

It seems that this Huang Po also has yin and yang eyes!

If she saw that there were no ghosts hanging around my legs, she would definitely know that I was a fake pregnant woman.

"What's your birthday? Accurate to the hour!"

"June [-], [-], [-] p.m.!"

test me?
I was very familiar with the memorization before I came here!

"Yes!" Huang Po nodded with satisfaction, "As long as you follow my instructions and take the medicine, you will be able to have a baby! But remember, take it once a day at twelve o'clock in the evening."

"Can you really get pregnant by eating this?" I pretended to be suspicious, "My man is not in good health. After being with him for so many years, my stomach has not moved. How about you prescribe more for me and I'll go back. Eat with him!”

"What did you say?" Huang Po frowned, "This medicine can only be taken by pregnant women. It will not be effective if men take it! If you suspect that your man is not good..."

As Huang Po said, she suddenly took out a coin and placed it in front of me.

"Is this for internal use or external application?"

"What are you taking internally and externally?" Mrs. Huang rolled her eyes at me, "If you suspect that your husband is not in good health, take this dollar and take the No. [-] bus to the men's hospital to get a checkup!"

Mrs. Huang babbled again and then let me go.

But as soon as I walked out of the temple, my Tianling Gai was pinched.

After my legs were in the air, my body turned around.

Ning Yi's handsome face, filled with chills, instantly filled his eyes.

"Who are you saying is in poor health?"

"I...that's not right! Are you eavesdropping on our conversation?" After reacting, I kicked Ning Yi. "Didn't you say you couldn't enter the Buddhist hall?"

"This is not a serious temple. There is no holy light in the temple!" Ning Yi frowned when he said this. "I just knew about it, but as soon as I entered, I heard someone preaching about me... 'No way'!"

"Oh, I was just talking casually!" I quickly picked up the heavy medicine bag, "Xianjia, it's really heavy!"

"You know how to change the subject!"

Ning Yi put me down and took the medicine bag.

Back at the funeral home, I quickly opened one of the packages.

It's exactly the same as the package Lin Dan gave me.

"Ning Yi, do you know these medicinal materials?"

"I don't know!" Ning Yi shook his head, "Why don't you ask Huang Dafu? He is a yellow-skinned man. He should know some Chinese herbal medicine or something."

I nodded and hurriedly called Zaizai loudly.

As soon as Zai Zai appeared, Wong Da Fook naturally appeared as well.

"Wong Tai Sin, do you know him?"

When Wong Tai Sin was heard, Wong Da Fook was so happy that he couldn't recognize the north, south, east, and west.

"I don't know anything else, but I am proficient in these medicinal materials!" Huang Dafu grinned, "The reason why I can cultivate myself so quickly has a certain relationship with the fact that I often go to Chinese medicine shops to steal medicinal materials!"

With that said, Huang Dafu spread the medicine bit by bit.

"This is Atractylodes macrocephala, this is Astragalus membranaceus, this is wolfberry, this is Amomum villosum, and there are Eucommia ulmoides and Cuscuta!"

Just when I was praising the power of Huang Dafu in my heart, he suddenly raised his head and stared at my stomach.

"you are pregnant?"


(End of this chapter)

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