The tomb of the old couple of the He family stands next to He Sheng's grave. It is covered with weeds and is almost completely covered.

In front of the tomb, there are no traces of any memorial service.

Pulling out the weeds in front of the tomb, I took out the paper money I carried with me and lit it.

"Thank you for your gift!"

When he was getting excited, a hoarse voice came from behind him.

Turning around, I saw a man and a woman.

Looking at the sky beneath their feet, there was no doubt that they were the He family couple.

"Thank you, little girl! In all these years, no one has ever burned paper for us!" the woman said with a smile, "We haven't had any offerings for a long time!"

"Yes, thank you!" The man next to him agreed.

"Where is Hesheng?"

My sudden culture made the couple look at each other.

There was a trace of panic in his eyes.

"How can it win?"

"It's... over there!"

The woman pointed to the grave next to her, her voice weak.

"I heard that you have a son named He Chang?"

"Do you know us?" The man immediately took a cautious step back.

"Why else would I burn paper for you?" At this point, I paused. "Have you been dead for so many years because you are reluctant to reincarnate, or because you have done immoral things and are not qualified to be reincarnated?"

"Little girl, be respectful when you speak! After all, we are ghosts!"

"Are ghosts awesome?" I snorted coldly, "I have seen more ghosts than you have ever seen people. There is no need for you to scare me with your identity! You'd better tell the truth, otherwise..."

"How is it?" The man's face turned pale instantly and was quickly covered with corpses. "Do you still dare to kill us?"


I rolled my eyes, took out my phone and turned on the music player.

Then, click the play button.

"[-]! [-]..."

As the loud music sounded, I danced disco on the graves of the He family and his wife.

His hips and elbows were twisted and flew up, and his head was shaking like a rattle.

"Are you mentally ill?"

The man yelled and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch me.

But the next second, his fingertips suddenly hit an invisible diaphragm.

First the nail and then the tip, it shattered quickly like plaster.

The speed spread to his elbow, and the man shrank back in pain.

When Ning Yi showed up with an expressionless face, I raised my chin proudly.

"Want to touch me? Have you asked my Baojiaxian? When beating a dog, you have to look at the owner! Woo woo..."

My scream was so lifelike that I imitated it, and it frightened the He family and his wife.

"An'an, don't make trouble!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Ning Zhen's face, and he scolded me softly.

"Oh!" I straightened my body and looked at the He family and his wife, "If you continue to refuse to tell the truth, I will shit on your grave!"

Speaking of which, I pretended to lift my skirt.

"Shen An'an!"

Ning Zhen could no longer hold on to his pretended indifference. He flashed in front of me and lifted me up.

"You are a girl!!" "Xianjia! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Next time you are so vulgar, I will blow your head off!"

"Don't dare! I really don't dare!"

Seeing me begging for mercy and kicking my legs at the same time, the faces of the He family couple were complicated.

The man seemed unable to help but want to laugh, but he didn't dare.

The corners of his mouth finally formed a raised arc, but his face suddenly twisted in pain.

"Ning Yi, let go!" Seeing that Ning Yi was huffing and unmoved, I immediately softened my tone. "Brother Ning Zhen~"

The sound of 'Brother Ning Zhen' made Ning Zhen tremble all over.

My hands trembled and I fell flat on my face.

"If anything happens... call me!"

After saying this in a mute voice, Ning Yi disappeared as if he was running away.


Just when the He family and his wife were staring in the direction where Ning Yi disappeared, I shouted sharply.

"Are you going to tell me?"

"We cannot and are unwilling not to reincarnate!" Finally the man couldn't help but say, "The children we worked so hard to raise have never been worshiped after our death! They are unfilial!"

"Are they unfilial? So are you admitting that He Sheng is actually not dead yet?"

My words made the woman look at the man in panic.

And, he secretly tugged on his clothes.

"Who said that?" The man raised his head and shouted, "He Sheng is dead! He Chang is the one who is unfilial!"

"Yes!" The woman repeatedly echoed, "We spend the most energy on He Chang. We provide him with education from elementary school to university. How could we expect that he would forget his ancestry after he became successful!"

"Oh!" I couldn't help but laugh, "It's understandable that the younger son doesn't come to pay homage. If the older son doesn't come, he's forgetting his ancestors. You guys are playing a double standard too easily!"

Seeing that the couple was silent, I narrowed my eyes.

"Let me tell you a story!"

"Story?" The couple looked at each other.

"Once upon a time, there was a couple who gave birth to a pair of twins. Twins are rare, not to mention that both of them are sons, so the couple was very happy. They worked hard to make money and thought about raising their two children. But slowly They discovered that although the two sons were twins, they had very different personalities. The eldest son was quiet and loved to study, but was rebellious and noisy. In this way, day after day, year after year, the eldest son became better and better, while the second son not only got [-]% academic performance , and he became a frivolous little gangster!"

With a sigh, I sat down in front of the tombstone.

"Because the eldest son was obedient and inattentive, the couple focused all their energy on the second son. They were reluctant to take care of the second son when they were young, but they couldn't take care of them when they grew up. A loving mother often loses her son, which led the second son to go from the ultimate rebellion to the road of crime. The second son provoked He committed a murder and ran away without any news. One day, the couple suddenly received the news that the body had been identified, and they saw the body with trepidation. But when they recognized at a glance that the body was not the second child, they took advantage of their plan. I admit it! Because in this way the previous case can be settled! Because in this way the escaped brother can change his face and continue to live!"

I held my chin and stared at the couple.

The couple was obviously panicked, and their whole bodies were trembling as they held each other's hands.

"Does my immortal family have to cripple your other hand to tell the truth?"

"Yes!" The woman shook off the man's hand and glared at me fiercely, "Poor parents in the world! Any pair of parents would do the same thing as us if they encountered this kind of thing! The second child in my family made a mistake when he was young and energetic, and he should be punished A chance for him to repent. I believe that after such a big lesson, he will change his ways and turn a new leaf!"

"It's He Chang's fault!" The man said immediately, "If he had guided his younger brother to the right path earlier, what happened later would not have happened! Our He Sheng would have become like that, and with him as an older brother It has nothing to do with it!"

"Yes! We will provide him with education so that he can grow up, and forget about his younger brother. We will not come to see me after we die! If he is unfaithful and unfilial, he should be cut to pieces!"

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

This couple is not worthy of being parents.

It is recommended that all couples learn how to be parents before they want to be parents.

Otherwise, we can only continuously send "scum" to the prison.

"Shut up!" I said angrily, "How can a dead man visit your grave?"


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