After offering the wrong incense, the fairy family forced me to pledge myself to you

Chapter 177 If you pull the strings, you will always be my wife.

Mrs. Situ hurried over, and when she saw the surrounding furnishings, she lost control of her expression.

"Is this a wedding or a funeral?"

After saying this, Mrs. Situ immediately felt something was wrong and hurriedly slapped herself in the mouth.

"An'an, can we please slow down? You are from the Situ family after all, so your wedding can't be so particular! And as your natal family, the dowry must be purchased for you. If you marry a shabby person, , I’m afraid your husband’s family will despise you! Even if we don’t have any money, we can’t hold a wedding here! With red happy characters and white lanterns, who dares to marry like this! And there’s more..."

"The person I am marrying is not a human being either!" I interrupted Mrs. Situ with a smile.



When Mrs. Situ was looking confused, Situ Kuan appeared.

Situ Kuang was translucent at first, and then became completely shapeless as he walked.

"Kui'er?" Mrs. Situ was surprised and happy, "Are you coming to An An's wedding too?"

"Yeah! In order for me to attend the wedding, my grave was dug up!" Situ Kuang said this and smiled slightly. "Our Situ family seems to be born with rebellious blood!"

"This kid dares to make fun of your little aunt!" Mrs. Situ hit Situ Kuan, "Then your uncle is..."

"Ning Yi!" Situ Kuang said, "My little aunt's guardian angel!"

Mrs. Situ's expression was a little complicated.

"I was just wondering whether the person you married was a human or a ghost, but I didn't expect it to be neither!"

At this point, she smiled again.

“I don’t understand, but blessings!”

"Okay, come on in! I'll introduce you to my mother!"

"Lingtang is..."



White lanterns were lit in the courtyard of the funeral home.

Because the original street lights were not very bright, I brought the leftover white lanterns from the mourning hall.

After clicking it, it looks bright, but also looks ghostly.

However, it fits the occasion.

Three tables were opened in the yard, one for people, one for ghosts, and the last table for corpse friends.

Therefore, the food above is also arranged differently.

On the first table were exquisite dishes, with Director He serving the dishes himself and Zaizai helping to cook.

The second and third tables were filled with all kinds of money candles and various paper items, all in all a dazzling array.

Yunyu helped me put on my makeup, and I was shocked when I saw myself in the mirror!
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Yun Yu looked proud.


I glanced at the red face, the pale skin, and the cherry red mouth and asked.

"How beautiful!" Yun Yu exclaimed, "This was the most popular death makeup in our era!"

"But I'm alive!" I felt like crying.

That fierce look just now almost scared me out of my mind, like a ghost bride lying in a coffin.

"Sorry, sorry!" Yunyu hurriedly removed my makeup, "I forgot!"



"I'm a little worried!"

"Don't worry! I can also put on living makeup!"

"No!" I frowned slightly, "People who fall in love with Baojiaxian will be cursed!"

Ye Chenchen is a bloody example!
It was mostly because of this reason that I deliberately kept a distance from Ning Yi before!

Yunyu glanced at me, but his movements did not stop.

"An'an, didn't you say your grandmother is a fox fairy?"

"Yes!" I quickly took out the sachet containing fox fur.

"So you are not a real person! It is reasonable and reasonable no matter how you look at it, the descendants of Baojiaxian marry Baojiaxian! If you really marry someone, that is a real cross-species! Also, let's step back for a while For Wan Bu, this curse will only make living people die a bad death. You are the only one in your family who will die. Who else are you afraid of injuring?"

Yun Yu's words suddenly enlightened me.


My great-grandmother and the others have all passed away, and the only relative left in the world now is my biological mother who avoids me!

She is the daughter of the Fox Fairy, so she should not get retribution.

Besides, we have severed our relationship, and she has nothing to do with me.

When I think of this, I smile.

"An'an, you look so beautiful when you smile!" Yun Yu said sincerely, "It's just that you got married in such a hurry that your mother and I didn't have time to buy you a dowry."

"As long as your souls arrive!"

"That won't do!"

Suddenly, Wen Wan appeared.

She looked at me with a smile, her eyes full of love that could not be concealed.

"I also get the soul gift! Although I don't remember what happened before, but I can give you everything I have now!" Wen Wan grabbed my shoulders and suddenly looked serious. "Although Mom doesn't have gold, silver, jewelry, or silk, her only ability is to command those wandering ghosts in the cemetery in the western suburbs! If anything happens in the future, just give them orders!"

"Mom, I have something to tell you!"

After hearing what I said, Yun Yu smiled knowingly and disappeared in an instant.

I held Wen Wan's hand, feeling extremely guilty.

"Baby, what's wrong?" "Mom, I'm sorry! Actually, I'm not your daughter! I called you mom at that time just to protect myself! I... was afraid of death!"

Wenwan is so kind to me, I really don’t want to lie to her anymore.

After being together for a long time, I have long unconsciously regarded her as my elder.

"Oh, I know!"

"you know?"

"But is that important?" Wen Wan asked back, "Although you lied to me, you gave me a name and gave me a home! When you didn't show up before, I fought in the cemetery all night and ended up fighting hard. Ghost boss! But, I am not happy! But after you came, I feel that my existence has meaning and I have hope for my daily life! Regardless of whether you are my daughter or not, I already regard you as my daughter! "


I hugged Wenwan, and my eyes were red.

"Okay!" Wen Wan patted me gently, "Baby, don't cry on your big day, I will be the happiest bride in the world!"


The clock struck midnight and the wedding officially began.

Wenwan held my arm and slowly walked out of the new house.

When he walked to the yard, Ning Zhen, who was also wearing a bright red wedding robe, was stunned on the spot.

Immediately, tears streamed down his face.

But Ning Yi and I were moved completely differently, and almost jumped for joy.

My man... is so handsome!
The bright red wedding robe didn't look girly at all when worn on Ning Ying. On the contrary, it weakened the toughness of his facial features and the indifference of his contours.

"An An..."

Before I could walk over, Ning Zhen ran over impatiently.

When he called out my name with a trembling voice, he choked again.

"Why are you crying!" I grinned and wiped Ning Zhen's tears.

Feel sorry!

I am so happy!

I really can’t cry!
I don’t quite understand why Ning Yi is so excited, but I want to laugh anyway!
"I...I'm just...happy!"

I raised my head with a smile, and finally couldn't help but make a sound.

"An'an!" Ning Zhen suddenly held my hand, lowered his head and looked at me seriously with tearful eyes. "I've seen your wedding customs. The man has to give the woman betrothal gifts and gifts. I don't know what you like, so I don't dare to buy them randomly!"

Having said this, Ning Yi handed me a black card.

"You can take the previous one and this one and buy whatever you want!"

"Give it to me?" I blinked, "Give it to me so many billion?"



This time, I couldn't hold it any longer.

I didn’t cry when I saw Wen Wan crying, I didn’t cry when I saw Ning Zhen crying, but I cried when I saw so much money!

I, Shen Anan, have finally become a real little rich woman!
Woohoo, how can I spend so much money!

"An'an, why are you crying? Is it too little?" Ning Ting wiped my tears at a loss, "I haven't finished speaking yet! I have deposited gold bars in several banks, and they will all be transferred to your name! I also have... …”


I threw myself into Ning Yi's arms, crying and laughing.

"Okay, the auspicious time is about to pass!" Director He said with a smile, "Do you want to accept the marriage?"

"Of course!" Ning Yi said quickly.

"Then please invite Gao Tang to come on stage!"

Hearing what Director He said, I quickly held the sachet containing fox fur and placed it on the table.

After Wen Wan sat down, she looked at Ning Yi with a smile.

"Son-in-law, are your parents still alive?"

"What are you talking about!" Yun Yu next to her poked her, "I don't want to open any pot!"

"Sorry sorry!"

"It's okay!" Ning Yi said without changing his expression, "I was born in an egg and have never met my parents."

"So my husband is a bird?" I exclaimed.

Ning Ting shook his head, smiled and rubbed my head.

"I don't know what I am, because I hatched into a human form!"

Be good!
What the hell is my husband? !

"Worship, worship!"

Director He shouted loudly, and then the wedding got back on track.

"First bow to heaven and earth, the husband and wife love each other and respect each other as guests. Second bow to the high hall, they will grow old together and share the same boat through thick and thin. The husband and wife bow to each other, respecting the old and loving the young, and they will be united forever! The ceremony is completed!"

"No! No!" Ning Yi quickly raised his head, "There's still one step left!"

Ning Zhen said this and stretched out his little finger.

"If you hook me up, you will always be my wife!"

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, I smiled and hooked Ning Ting's finger.

Ning Yi was relieved and hugged me tightly.

Everyone was excited, and a seemingly weird and lively wedding banquet kicked off in the funeral home.

... (end of this chapter)

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