one extra!
Ever since the school boy break-up incident, there has been an extra person appearing everywhere for no apparent reason.

As small as a family, as large as a group.

Because they have a very low sense of existence, they are called 'marginal people'.

Those on the fringes blend in for no apparent reason, and will immediately fall apart if they come into contact with violence.

And our funeral home happened to receive the body of a marginalized person.

Deliberately because they were afraid of taking responsibility and not being able to handle it without permission, someone took advantage of the darkness to put the body into a sack and placed it at the door of the funeral home and left.

"An'an, leave this to you!"

Director He sent the body to the morgue, and then said to me solemnly.

It was obvious that he also wanted to know what was going on.


After putting on the sterile gown, I carefully opened the shroud.

Just one glance and my heart skipped a beat.

The corpse was that of a woman, with shallow dividing lines between the head, limbs and torso.

It doesn't look like a wound connected by sutures, but like red blood streaks hidden under the skin.

"Director, are you done vomiting?"

"Okay!" Director He wiped his mouth and hurriedly came over, "What did you find?"

"It's somewhat similar to the head transplant surgery!" I stretched out my gloved finger and pointed at the dividing lines on the deceased's body. "Look at the differences in these places."

"It seems...the color is different! The skin's delicateness is also different!"

"Hmm!" I groaned, "The head-changer is one person with two bodies, and this body seems to be made up of six different parts!"

"Six?" Director He was shocked.

"Look! The deceased's two palms were of different sizes. Her left foot was flat and her right foot was arched."

"Then her left foot can't join the army!"

Director He's words immediately made me roll my eyes.

How long has it been since then, and you are still showing off your wits?
"Are you kidding!" Director He scratched his head in embarrassment, "Relieve the disgusting and terrifying atmosphere!"

If I remember correctly, the first marginal person who fell apart on the playground was also broken into six pieces.

They are not ghosts, they have flesh and blood and warmth, but they just appear too weird.

"An'an, are their souls here? Don't they say that the soul will follow the corpse?"

"Only complete bodies will do! This is six pieces!"

Instantly, my thoughts became confused.

The parts of six different people are combined into one person.

No matter what kind of evil magic this is, it must have raw materials.

And raw materials can only be obtained from people.

All that being said, someone must have lost some parts.

A broken hand or leg is a big deal, so it's impossible not to go to the hospital. Maybe the hospital can find clues.

But if the other party lost his head and body, the police would definitely be involved in the murder case.

"Director He, is there anyone in your police station?"

"What about you?"

"I used to have them, but they were just two ghosts. They both went to reincarnation."

"I do know him!" Director He narrowed his eyes.

"What position?"

"Auntie who cooks in the cafeteria!"


"Don't look down on this position! All the gossip in the police station comes from her mouth!"

"never mind!"

Not reliable!
I'd better go find it myself!

If you don’t know the living ones, how can you still not meet the dead ones?

Our golden finger is like a ghost, if you don't use it, it will be a waste!


Went to the hospital and asked Lan Qingqing to help.

After that, I went directly to the largest police station in Haicheng City.

Wandering around the neighborhood, hanging out during the day and at night.

When it gets quiet at night, it starts to get lively.

Many dead souls were wandering around, some looked aimless and aimless, and some were in a hurry but couldn't tell what they wanted to do.

There was only a man with boyish white hair squatting by the wall observing the undead.

"What are you looking at?"

I walked over quietly and spoke softly.

"Look at these idiots!" the man said, "They are all dead and still won't stop. They can't get in to this police station!"

"Why?" I squatted down.

"How can ordinary ghosts withstand the righteousness of the police station? What's more, most of them are criminals. After being shot, they refuse to rest in silence and want revenge. But they can't get in and can only keep wandering. Over time, they are eroded by the righteousness, and they gradually forget It’s a matter of life!”

The man said this and pointed to one of them.

"That, I executed it myself! The first shot missed, and I shot another shot. The one... covering his waist, died on the spot during the fight with us! And the one..."

"You have so many enemies!"

"That's not the case! I..."

When the man said this, he suddenly turned his face.

"You have a shadow? Are you not a ghost?"

"No!" I grinned, "How can there be a ghost as beautiful as me?"

"You were the first person to see me after I died!" The man stood up and stretched out his hand to me. "Hello, I'm [-]! If you find it troublesome, just call me Xiao Wu!"

"[-]?" I stood up in surprise.

"Oh, people in my profession only have numbers but no names! Even if they die, there will be no photos on their tombstones!"

Xiao Wu’s words made my heart skip a beat.

There is no need to think about what he did during his lifetime.

"Why do you, a little girl, stay up so late at night?" "I came here specifically to find you!"

"Me?" Xiao Wu pointed to his nose, "Do you know me?"

"Well, I not only know you but I also know your name!"

My words made Xiao Wu escape from panic in an instant.

"Your name is...hero!"

"You..." Xiao Wu rolled his eyes at me, "Don't flatter me, talk about it when you have something to say!"

"I'm looking for you because of the fringe!"

I leaned closer to Xiaowu and started whispering.

After saying that, I spread my hands.

"That's how it is!"

"Is it so outrageous?" Xiao Wu frowned, "According to your guess, at least two people will die if a marginalized person appears! He can't survive without his head and body!"

"If you don't take care of your broken arms and legs in time, you won't survive!"

"How many people have to die!" Xiao Wu was horrified, "Six people need to die to form one marginal person!"

"No!" I thought for a moment and shook my head gently. “What if a person only takes one part?”

Xiao Wu's eyes widened suddenly.

"I'm not good at math! But... this is so weird! Don't worry, I'll go in and check the police records and files now to see if there are any missing persons or similar injury cases!"

"Xiaowu, thank you!"

"No, serve the people!"

Xiao Wu turned around and disappeared at the gate in an instant.

When I was about to return to the funeral home, I received a call from Lan Qingqing.

"Hey, An'an!"

"Qingqing, do you have any clues?"

"No!" Lan Qingqing said in a loud voice, "I mobilized all the ghost friends I know in the hospital. There have been no patients with missing limbs in the hospital recently. An'an, people will not go to the hospital after they die."

"Well, I understand, thank you for your hard work!"

"But An'an, I saw a living marginalized person today!"

"Alive?" I was suddenly surprised and happy.

I've seen a lot of dead people, but never a living one.

Most people will panic when they find that there is a borderline person around them, and borderline people are very fragile, so they often fall apart and die.

"Today an old woman brought him to see a doctor. Although she was tightly wrapped, her feet in sandals gave him away. One was an Egyptian foot and the other was a Greek foot. You must know that people are basically symmetrical and cannot grow two feet. A foot-shaped one.”

"Good Qingqing, did you leave their contact information?"

"Of course!" Lan Qingqing smiled, "I will send it to you later!"

"it is good!"


I left the funeral home early the next morning.

I rode my beloved electric donkey and found the suburb according to the address.

After asking around, I came to a two-story building with a courtyard.

This residence is located in the corner of the village, somewhat remote, and very quiet.

As soon as the big goose in the pond at the door saw me, it stretched its neck and howled at me.

Not long after knocking on the door, a kind-faced old woman opened the door.

"Hello, can you finish the water for me?"

"Okay!" the old lady smiled, "Looking at how sweaty you are, are you thirsty? Come in quickly!"

The yard is very clean, and there are some flowers and plants planted against the wall.

After the old lady pulled a small bench for me to sit on, she turned around and staggered into the main room.

I fanned the wind with my hand and looked around, and accidentally saw a head in the window.

Lifting a small curtain, half of the face was exposed.

It looked like he was sizing me up.

But when my eyes met his, the man quickly retracted his head.

"Kid, drink water!"

Suddenly, the old lady returned with a pot of tea.

"This is the tea I grew myself. It's so sweet! But you can only drink it during the day. If you drink it at night, you won't be able to sleep!"

"Thank you, grandma!" I said with a smile, "grandma, what's your last name!"

"My surname is Wang, everyone calls me Grandma Wang!"

"Grandma Wang, how many people are there in your family?"

"My family...two people!" Grandma Wang smiled unnaturally, "After my wife and son died, my daughter-in-law also ran away, leaving only a little grandson to depend on each other."

The grandson that Grandma Wang was talking about was the marginalized person that Lan Qingqing mentioned, right?

"Grandma, how old is he? What grade is he in?"

"I'm fourteen or fifteen years old!" Grandma Wang lowered her head and smiled, "I have no interest in studying, so I dropped out of school and stayed at home to help me with farm work and feed the chickens. It was quite good! This child is not a material for studying. , it’s useless to force him, right?”

"Yes, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings!"

"Child, are you a college student?"

"Well, I'm from Haida!"

"Haida!" Grandma Wang immediately smiled and narrowed her eyes, "Although I haven't heard of it, it's great if you can go to college! You young people..."

Before Grandma Wang could finish speaking, a thin figure suddenly walked out.

Wearing long sleeves and trousers, but wearing slippers.

If you look closely, you will see that the two feet are different.

"Tianci, why did you come out?"

Grandma Wang exclaimed and hurried over to greet her.

"It's a godsend that you can't see the wind because you're sick!"

The boy called Tianci stared at me with his head tilted, his face expressionless, like a wax statue.

"This is my grandson Wang Tianci!" Grandma Wang said hurriedly, "He has an infectious disease. You should leave quickly to avoid being infected!"


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