The soul cannot leave the body for more than 5 minutes, otherwise fake death will become real death.But at this moment, I don't care about that much anymore.

Leaving the prison, I ran quickly through the night.

Following the direction A Ying described to me, we came to a remote farmhouse.

But as soon as he entered, he saw the old couple lying in the courtyard.

They stick together, lifeless.

And there were no souls of them around.

I opened the old man's clenched fist and pulled out a crumpled portrait of Zhong Kui.

He lit a fire and burned the statue of Zhong Kui.

I watched Zhong Kui helplessly saying that I was afraid that it would turn into ashes, but I didn't feel a trace of burning pain.

When I turned around, I saw Aying.

Aying's scars and ferociousness faded away, and she turned into the clean appearance she had when she was a girl.


As soon as Aying raised her hand, my body fell from the sky.

"Go back to your body!" Aying said, "I can't watch those marginalized people die!"


"Before I die, I won't give that old guy any good things to eat! Even if I die, I have to bite off a piece of his skin!"

After finishing speaking, Aying disappeared.

I slammed into my body hard and sat up from the ground.

Without thinking too much, he ran as fast as he could.

The prison uniform he wore was so eye-catching that it attracted panicked looks and panic from passers-by.

I ignored the explanation and grabbed one of the people's cell phones.


When Director He's voice came, I almost cried.

According to Mr. Feng's viciousness, he will not only take revenge on me but also on everyone related to me.

"Director, get everyone out of there!"

"An'an, what's the matter?"

"Don't ask! Let's go!"

"Director He, the door is locked from the outside!"

Suddenly, the voice of chef Lao Chen came on the phone.

"how come?"

"Director, I smell gasoline!"

"on fire!"

After a burst of panicked screams, the call was cut off.

When I called again, it said it couldn't be reached.


I rushed onto the highway and stopped a truck abruptly.

Ignoring the driver's struggle, he pulled him off.

He stepped on the accelerator and headed straight to the funeral home.

Before I even arrived at the funeral home, I saw flames shooting into the sky.

I didn't even have time to extinguish the fire, so I roared and rushed over.

But the heat waves knocked me to the ground time and time again, causing blisters to appear on my skin, which would then roll up again after they exploded.

"Director He! Lao Chen! Zai Zai!"

"Sister, sister, help!"

Suddenly, Zai Zai's voice came.

"Zai Zai, sister is here!"

I couldn't roll away the thick smoke choking my throat, and rushed straight to the door.

But the door was as solid as steel. Not only could it not be opened, it was burned as red as lava.

I randomly put out the fire in my hair, turned around and rushed to the back of the funeral home, because there was a pipe dedicated to conveying garbage. Although it was narrow, it was the only passage leading to the interior.

But when I rushed there, the inside was occupied by thick smoke, and it kept pouring out.

"Ye Chenchen!"

He shouted sharply, but received no response.


Ning Yi couldn't be summoned, let alone Ye Chenchen!
Regardless of the thick smoke and how hot the pipe was, I got in and crawled forward desperately.

When I got out of the incinerator, I saw several figures struggling in the firelight, and the screams were endless.

"Director He! Zai Zai!"

I wanted to rush over, but was grabbed by a cold hand.

When I turned around, I saw that they were the corpses in the morgue.

"It's useless, you can't save them!"

"Sister An, the entire funeral parlor has been under a spell. No matter whether it is a person or a corpse, their souls will be scattered!"

"Yes!" Another corpse carried the unconscious Zai Zai to me, "Sister An, let us do something for you one last time!"

"No! We have to get out of here! No matter if it's a human or a corpse!"

"Sister An, let's go! Instead of dying here together, why not live a good life for us! Only when people are alive can there be hope!"

"Sister An, thank you for taking care of us!"

Regardless of my protests, they stuffed Zai Zai into my arms.

Then, he forced me back into the pipe.

All the corpses were piled up one after another to block the mouth of the pipe, and in front of them was a flood of flames.

I was so distraught that I lost my voice and cried, but when I saw the heat wave melting the corpses into smoke one by one with my own eyes, I still tried my best to crawl out.

When Zaizai and I rolled out of the pipe, there was an earth-shattering explosion from behind.

I didn't care to look back, picked up Zai Zai and ran as fast as I could.

It wasn't until he couldn't feel the heat wave behind him that he put down Zaizai and began to do artificial respiration desperately.

"Cough cough cough..."

After Zaizai exhaled a breath of turbid air, he suddenly coughed violently.

I hugged him, his whole body shaking.

"Sister..." Zaizai said hoarsely, "The old man is dead! Everyone... was burned to death!"

I hugged Zaizai tightly and was completely speechless.

He staggered forward, not daring to look back.

Because I dare not face it!

All my close friends and companions died in the sea of ​​fire, and no bones were left.

The desire to survive was like an adrenaline shot, stabbing into my heart.

I don’t know how long it took for the medicine to wear off and I collapsed.

In a daze, I heard anxious voices calling for my sister.


"From now on, you will be the deputy director!"

"My name is Lao Chen, the chef here!"

"I am Wong Tai Sin, the omnipotent Wong Tai Sin!"

"Sister An, it's time for roll call!"

"An'an, I will always protect you!"


Countless faces and voices, constantly oppressing me.

I screamed, and the pain slowly revived.

"Sister! Sister!"

Hearing a familiar call, I slowly opened my eyes.

Zai Zai's face covered with scars appeared in his sight.

Behind him stood Lin Dan with a concerned face.

"Sister, you wake up!" Zaizai cried bitterly.

"She needs to rest, you should go out first!"

Lin Dan said this and held my hand.

"An'an, I really thought you were dead!"

"Lin Sha..."

After calling out with difficulty, Lin Dan shook his head.

"Just call me Lin Dan! I still like my old name!"

Lin Dan said this and gently helped me up.

And I found that the baby spirit from before was holding her thigh tightly.

"How about a funeral home?"

Suddenly remembering something, I grabbed Lin Dan's arm and shook it hard.

Lin Dan's eyes instantly darkened.

"No... no survivors?"

"I'm sorry An'an, although someone called the police in time, by the time the fire brigade arrived, the place had been burned to rubble, and the people inside... were all carbonized!"

Lin Dan's words made me struggle to get up but was firmly held down.

"Where are you going?"

"I want to collect their bodies!"

"You can't go out!" Lin Dan shouted, "You are already wanted!"

"Wanted by...?"

"After you escaped from prison, you burned down the funeral parlor and made a big fuss. You were arrested as soon as you left!"

"I do not have!"

"I know!" Lin Dan was anxious, "But, someone deliberately wants to frame you, and you can't clear your name at all! Someone created a lot of criminal records for you, and described the fire in the funeral home as the aftermath of your escape. Revenge killing! How do you explain it? When everyone calls you black, you are black, and you can’t even explain it!"

"Then you should let me go!"

Swallowing the rawness in my throat, I said to Lin Dan.

"If someone finds out that you are harboring a wanted criminal, you will be implicated!"

"If it weren't for you, I would have died several times. If I don't help you, you really have no choice but to go!"

When Lin Dan said this, he held his swollen belly excitedly.

"I can't hurt you!"


"That brat recognized you, you must not make any mistakes again! You have already saved me once, I will remember your kindness!"

"An'an, where can you go? There are wanted posters for you everywhere now!"

Where can I go?
I do not know either!
However, I don’t want to cause trouble to anyone anymore!

If not for me!

Director He and the others will not die!

"Lin Dan, can you help me take care of Zai Zai?"

As soon as these words came out, Zaizai ran in from outside.

"Sister, do you want to leave me? The old man is dead, and you are the only one left! If Director He and the others had not protected me with their bodies, I would have been burned to death in the funeral parlor! I want to avenge them!"

"You have to be an adult to do things like revenge!" I touched Zai Zai's head, "Listen to my sister..."

Before I could finish speaking, Zaizai suddenly took out a blackened sachet.

Taking a closer look, it was the one left by my grandmother.

He opened it hurriedly, and a shadow fell on the ground.

"Ning Yi!" I whispered, and I rushed over.

However, it cannot be touched.

"Brother Ning Zhen was seriously injured. He carried it with his body for a long time, but in the end he couldn't resist! I was afraid that he would die, so I hid him in my sister's sachet!"

I opened my mouth and was shaking until I couldn't spit out a word.

Ning Yi is translucent and almost falls apart when touched.

I stretched out my hand, not daring to touch it at all.

Just let the tears pass through his body drop by drop.

"Don't cry..."

Suddenly, Ning Yi murmured.

"Ning Yi!"

"Be good, I'm fine!" Ning Yi opened his eyelids with force, "That old guy didn't get much advantage... I ruined nearly ten of his shows... Your man... is very powerful!"

Ning Yi's relief made me cry even harder.

It’s unimaginable what a brutal fight he went through!

Even though he was dying, he still wanted to protect the people in the funeral home.

While I was sobbing, I saw Ning Ying's body becoming more and more transparent, and I completely collapsed.

"Ning Yi, don't die! I beg you not to die! I will listen to you in everything from now on! I will never make you angry again! I will give you children! Give birth to many, many children! Don't leave me, okay?"

"Okay..." Ning Yi weakly raised his hand and stretched out his little finger with difficulty. "I promise you...I won't..."

"elder sister!"

Zaizai yelled and opened the sachet cover directly towards Ning Zhen.

After Ning Yi turned into white smoke and got in, Zaizai quickly tightened the rope at the mouth of the sachet.

"Sister, we want to save brother Ning Zhen, and we want to avenge everyone!"

Zaizai's small eyes were filled with great hatred.

"Sister, take me with you!" Zaizai looked at me firmly, "Since that bad guy burned down the entire funeral parlor, he just wanted to get rid of the roots! If he finds that I am okay, he will still come to kill me! By then, sister Lin Dan may be implicated! I Although I am young, I am not afraid! I will definitely help my sister get revenge!"

"it is good!"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, took the sachet from Zaizai's hand, rubbed it gently on my face for a while, and then tied it carefully around my waist.

"Lin Dan, we will leave late at night!"

Perhaps seeing that he couldn't persuade me, Lin Dan sighed.

He prepared some cash for me and handed me a car key.

"An'an, you must pay attention to safety!"

"Thank you!"


The night was dark, Zaizai and I got into the car and left as Lin Dan and Ying Ling watched us off.

Zaizai was sitting in the passenger seat and held the corner of my clothes tightly.

Although he fell asleep, the tears did not stop.

How could a boy in his teens bear such a big change?

Even though I don’t want to grow up, I have to grow up.

I didn’t bring my mobile phone, but Lin Dan gave me a portable network and a tablet.

Through the tablet, I saw news from the outside world.

Photos of me wearing prison uniform were posted on major online media, and the amount of the wanted reward was getting higher every time.

Scrolling down hard, I saw another shocking news.

In the concentration camp for marginalized people, riots broke out.

The people inside were killing each other, causing countless casualties!
The picture shows a pile of corpses.

But I know in my heart that this is the result of Feng Wuqi covering the sky with one hand.

These fringe people are pure in nature and will never harm anyone.

But because of Feng Qingluan's death, Feng Wuqi hated all the marginalized people.

Just when my head was buzzing from overthinking, a black figure suddenly flashed into my sight.

After subconsciously pressing the brakes, Zaizai woke up instantly.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

I made a silent gesture and looked straight ahead.

I saw an unkempt girl standing in front of the car with her head lowered.

It was only a few centimeters away from my car.

If I hadn't braked in time, maybe she would have been under my wheel at this moment.

"help me!"

The girl whispered this and slowly raised her head.

When Feng Qingluan's charming face appeared in sight, my heart skipped a beat.

I got out of the car in a hurry and gently held the girl's chin.

Then, he saw the faint red line on her neck.

She is a fringe!
The fringe person with Feng Qingluan’s head!
"I'm scared!" the girl trembled. "Those people came in and killed everyone they saw! I...I hid under the corpses and then..."

Come to think of it, the girl escaped from a concentration camp!

Maybe she is one of the few survivors.


The girl got into the back seat, holding her body and shivering.

I took off my coat and threw it over, and the girl wrapped it timidly.

Although her appearance is not deleted, she is no longer Feng Qingluan.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"We don't have... no names in there, only... only numbers! I... I am one thousand and one!"

Zaizai didn't say anything, but silently took out the food and handed it to the girl.

The girl thanked her and took it and wolfed it down.

It looked like she was really hungry.

"Do you know who you are?"

"I...I am a marginalized person!" the girl whispered, "The people inside said it! They said...we are a new human race, and are called marginalized people by people outside. Not long after I entered,..."

Having said this, the girl timidly looked at me in the rearview mirror.

"Will you kill me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I escaped with other marginalized people, but they were all killed. I...I'm scared! I've only lived in this world for more than ten days, and I don't want to die yet."

"one thousand and One!"


The girl immediately straightened her body, looking frightened.

"I want to tell you, we can't protect ourselves!"

"But where else can I go?" The girl burst into tears. "I have no family or friends, and I don't even know where I came from. People are catching us everywhere and killing us if they catch us. Can you tell me where I should go? ?”

How do I know where you are going?

As much as I want to help her!


Now, am I still qualified to take care of others?


Feng Qingluan's face alone might be a gold medal for avoiding death!
Feng Wuqi went to the concentration camp not only to kill, but also to find Feng Qingluan's reborn body, right?

The most important thing is that if the girl is really left behind, her ending may only be death.

"Change your name!"

Hearing what I said, the girl looked confused.

Zaizai turned his head and blinked at the girl.

"My sister is willing to keep you!"


"Can you work?"

"I don't know how! But I am willing to learn!" the girl said quickly, "I don't eat much, I can work hard!"

"Choose a name for yourself!"

"You... what's your name?"

"An An!"

"An'an?" The girl murmured to herself, "Then my name is... Pingping! Together we can be Pingping, okay?"

"what ever!"

Don't call me indifferent, I don't have the energy to think about anything else at the moment.

What the future holds, I am more confused than anyone else.

Ping Ping's personality is like a child, but unlike Zai Zai's liveliness, she is like an abandoned child in an orphanage, cautious and even trying to please, for fear that we will leave her behind.

Zaizai and I planned to go to his hometown to take shelter temporarily, at least trying to find a way to save Ning Zhen first.

At this moment, I have no time to grieve.

After driving hundreds of kilometers, we finally arrived at Zaizai’s hometown in Shanwowoli.

But because the mountain road is rugged, we can only walk.

Ping Ping obediently helped us share the greetings and did not dare to say a word even though he was out of breath after walking.

I was afraid that she would fall apart, so I took the initiative to grab the bag from her hand.

"Sister An An, I can do it!"

"Have a rest!" I said calmly, "Zai Zai, are you almost there?"

"On the mountain!" Zaizai, who was running in front, stopped, "We're almost there!"

Zaizai’s so-called arrival made us climb the mountain for more than an hour.

But when a two-story brick house appeared on the flat land halfway up the mountain, I was slightly relieved.

"It's here!"

Zai Zai rushed over and took out a rusty key from under a brick at the door.

After struggling to open the door, I walked through the yard full of weeds. When I opened the side room, I was filled with spider silk and dust.

Although it won't last long, it's generally clean.

Pingping started cleaning without saying a word, while Zaizai helped me carry my luggage.

It took us most of the day to clean the inside and outside of the house.

There are some beddings in Zaizai's house, and they can be used after drying them.

Downstairs is the living room, kitchen, and bathroom, and the three upstairs are bedrooms.

After putting away my luggage, I lay exhausted on the hard bamboo bed.

Tears poured out freely.

I don’t know how long I cried, but I cried myself to sleep.

When Pingping called me, the meal was already ready.

It's the self-heating hotpot we brought, and Zaizai also put some wild vegetables in it.

I have no appetite, but Zaizai eats very well.

When Ping Ping sees that I don't eat, she doesn't dare to move her chopsticks.

"Eat it and leave me alone!"

Pingping didn't say anything, just shook his head.

Just as the atmosphere became increasingly solemn, a bell suddenly rang outside.

Those bells were strung together by Zai Zai around the outside of the house to prevent people or animals from breaking in.


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