I remember that on the day Ning Zhen and I got married, we respectfully put the sachet on it and bowed to the altar.

Is it because of this unintentional act that Grandma transformed into a human?

I hugged my grandma and refused to let go.

Grandma Fox Fairy was a little uncomfortable at first and wanted to push me away, but when she saw that she couldn't break away, she simply patted my back gently.

"Daughter, don't cry! If you want to save your husband, grandma has taught you!"

"Grandma, is that why I want to get the Kunlun Map?"

"Of course!" Grandma smiled.

"But I am weak and unable to deal with the Feng family!"

"Silly boy!" Grandma's face suddenly became serious. "You don't care about life and death. If you don't accept it, do it! If you can't defeat the old man of the Feng family, we will live longer than him! As long as you are not afraid of death, there is nothing to be afraid of! Besides, you have me. Yeah! Your grandma is a fox fairy!"


My grandma is a fox fairy. What should I be afraid of?
No matter how awesome Feng Wuqi is, he is still a mortal body.

With Grandma Fox Fairy as my supporter, I won’t be afraid of anything!

"Okay!" I stood up from my grandma's arms and wiped away my tears. "Grandma, I won't embarrass you!"

That night, I slept very sweetly in my grandma's arms.

The next day, after some explanations, we went down the mountain.

At this moment, my wanted posters are everywhere.

But I turned a blind eye and went straight to Feng's house.

In the dead of night, I sneaked in.

But in the middle of the night when I was supposed to be sleeping, I saw doctors constantly entering Feng Wuqi's room.

They looked solemn, and some even covered their mouths and retched after coming out.

I smelled a faint odor amidst the strong smell of disinfectant.

After the doctors left one after another, I approached cautiously.

Pushing open the ajar door, a stench suddenly hit my face.

But I didn't care to hold my breath, but turned my gaze to Feng Wuqi, who was lying on the bed with his back to me.

Feng Wuqi was wearing old-fashioned silk pajamas, and his body was covered by a thin quilt.

His back rose and fell steadily, as if he was asleep.

"If I can't cure you, all of you will die!"

Just as I tiptoed closer, Feng Wuqi suddenly shouted angrily.

Does he think of me as a doctor?
"Have you captured that old woman from the Situ family? Without her, that little brat Situ Jin won't be obedient! Only he can lead us to the Beast Tomb!"

When Feng Wuqi said this, his back suddenly stiffened.

"Bitch, I'm telling you..."

Feng Wuqi's angry shout was stopped the moment he turned around.

And the moment I looked at him, my whole body went numb.

Half of Feng Wuqi's face was so rotten that only bones remained.

Not just the face, but half of the neck.

The scarlet blood vessels and ginger trachea are nakedly exposed.

"Is it you?" Feng Wuqi was shocked, "Come on..."

Before Feng Wuqi could say the word '人', I rushed over and put my hand into the rotten side of his neck, and pinched his trachea hard.

This move immediately made Feng Wuqi blush.

It was only then that I discovered that half of his body had rotted away and only bones remained.

If it weren't for the cover of his clothes, it would definitely be extremely leaky.

"How did you become such a bear?" I lowered my voice, "Did A Ying do it?"

Aying's resentment is so strong that she will definitely seek revenge on Feng Wuqi.

Seeing that Feng Wuqi was silent, I slapped him hard.

It's a pity that Feng Wuqi has high cheekbones and thin cheeks, which made my hands hurt from the beating.

"I'm talking to you!"

The younger generation must listen to the advice of the elders.

What's more, the other party is my fox fairy grandma.

Life and death are bearish, if you don't agree, just do it!
From now on, this is my motto.

Feng Wuqi opened his mouth, and pink foam overflowed from his mouth.Seeing that his face turned the color of pig liver from suppressing his emotions, I immediately loosened my grip on his trachea.


After making a strange noise from his throat, Feng Wuqi's expression finally softened after a quick look.

"You are so brave!"


I raised my hand and gave Feng Wuqi another slap in the face.

"How dare you whisper to me when you fall into my hands?" I stared at Feng Wuqi with hateful eyes. "Old man, you deserve to die!"

"Ha, are you here to take revenge on me?" Feng Wuqi sneered, "You won't survive even if you kill me!"

I didn't say anything, but I was so angry.

I want to kill this old guy, but the Kunlun Map is still in his hands.

And listening to what he just said, he sent people to arrest Mrs. Situ!
"Are you scared?" Feng Wuqi smiled even more wildly, "How dare you, a yellow-haired girl, want to fight with my Feng family?"

"It's me you want to deal with, why do you harm other people?"

"Haven't you ever learned the saying, "Kill a chicken to scare a monkey?" Feng Wuqi raised the corner of his mouth and squeezed out blood, "It's so easy to kill you, but I won't! I want to kill everyone around you. No matter in the world of heaven or in the underworld! I want you to know how miserable the fate of those who offend my Feng family will be!"

The huge anger burned me instantly.

I screamed and hugged Feng Wuqi's head.

Then one handful after another, forcefully pulled off his hair.

Feng Wuqi screamed and wanted to resist, but half of his body was rotten into bones and couldn't bear the strength at all.

Even though he finally struggled to get up, he fell down again because he lost his balance.

But Feng Wuqi's shout attracted the housekeeper and bodyguard.

They rushed into the room swarming with ferocious looks.

But I didn't give them a chance to get closer. I just stuffed it through Feng Wuqi's right hollow chest and pinched his heart.

"If you dare to come here again, I will crush him!"

This sentence directly shocked everyone.

"Don't be impulsive!" the steward said hurriedly, "If our master dies, you won't be able to survive!"

"Joke!" I laughed out loud, "It's as if I can walk out alive if I don't kill this old guy! To tell you the truth, I came back just to get revenge on this old guy! Listen to my advice, you guys If you have time to threaten me here, why not take some valuable things and break up and run away!"

"Miss Shen, don't be impulsive!" The housekeeper was obviously panicked. "You killed our young lady. It is reasonable for me to kill your friend. It is even between you two! You have to understand the pain of an old man losing his granddaughter!" "


Is this steward speaking human language?
Let’s not say that Feng Qingluan was not harmed by me!
Even if I was the one responsible, one life is worth one life. What does it have to do with other people?

"Miss Shen, if you kill this master, you will always be a wanted criminal! But as long as our master makes a little operation, you can be avenged immediately! Besides, the master was attacked by the evil spirit and only half of his body was left. Life! Can't you take pity on this helpless old man?"

I didn't make a sound, but secretly tightened my strength.

This move made Feng Wuqi scream and immediately open his mouth.

"Have someone kill this noisy old bugger!" I stared at Feng Wuqi with my peripheral vision, "Otherwise, I'll kill you first!"

At this point, I suddenly roared.

"Kill the butler!"

These words finally brought the butler back to his senses.

He looked at Feng Wuqi in horror and subconsciously stepped back.


Perhaps feeling my crazy criticism, Feng Wuqi wriggled his lips with difficulty, and then spit out the word 'kill'.

The bodyguards swarmed up and surrounded the butler.

"Master! Master, have mercy on me! I have been with you for decades, life and death, you can't be provoked by a yellow-haired girl! Master..."

Perhaps it was the housekeeper's cry that moved the bodyguards. They looked at Feng Wuqi hesitantly but did not make any move.

Seeing this, I grabbed the back of Feng Wuqi's neck and slammed it against the wall.

When the collision was bloody, the bodyguards hugged the butler's head and squeezed it hard.

With a 'click', the butler's body immediately softened.

"Let the master go!" one of the bodyguards said quickly.

"No!" I pointed at the butler and yelled, "Give me the last hit!"


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