In the Feng family, I can only put Ning Yi in the sachet.

With the protection of the remaining spiritual energy of the Fox Fairy and the complementation of the Yin energy in my body, Ning Yi is safe for the time being.

What I have to do now is to learn to follow Feng Wuqi's path so that Feng Wuqi has no way to go.

While I was preparing to go to Kunlun Mountain to do my homework, Feng Wuqi seemed to be trying his best to teach me how to recruit the horse fairy and how to run the horse hall.

But in fact, he was playing tricks.

However, his tricksters would always expose him without revealing anything.

Then, I followed the correct path to learn privately.

I have a strong ability to comprehend, so I have already understood what Feng Wuqi taught me.

But on the surface, I still have to pretend to be stupid and ignorant.

"Don't be anxious, take your time, we have plenty of time!"

Feng Wuqi acted like an elder and comforted me, but secretly he wanted to kill me.

"No, your face..."

Feng Wuqi's eyes suddenly became serious.

"Zi Xi! Why do you have Zhi Xi?"


When Feng Wuqi saw that my body was decaying, I was afraid that he would inevitably think about it in other ways.

"It's not because of you!" I sighed softly, "Half of your body is only bones. I am bound to your soul, so I will definitely be involved! So, let's leave for Kunlun Mountain as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" Feng Wuqi nodded repeatedly, "I'll get my hands on it right now!"

After Feng Wuqi left, I breathed a sigh of relief, and Hu Qiumei suddenly appeared.


"Daughter, don't be nervous, there is grandma here!"

"Grandma, what kind of place is the Beast Tomb?"

"The Beast Tomb?" Hu Qiumei narrowed her eyes, "The Beast Tomb is the most secret place in Kunlun Mountain, which contains the spiritual energy of the heaven, earth, sun and moon. In short, the rare and exotic beasts inside are definitely not vulgar objects! They are also the spirits of all things. Humans cannot control it!"

"So we may have a narrow escape from death here?"

"No!" Hu Qiumei shook her head, "It's possible that there will be no chance of death! My daughter, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!"

The purpose of my going to Kunlun Mountain is to save Ning Yi!
If he can't be saved, I will die with him!
But before he dies, he must first get rid of the scourge Feng Wuqi.


Three days later, the journey officially started.

The Feng family is rich, much richer than I thought.

When I got on Feng Wuqi's private plane, I finally felt the unevenness between people.

And this kind of life is just normal for Feng Qingluan.

In order to cover half of the bones, Feng Wuqi wrapped himself tightly, and he brought fifty well-trained bodyguards to protect our trip.

Not only these bodyguards, but also the four Immortals.

As for those who have not been summoned, they are countless.

In short, Feng Wuqi cherished his life.

The helicopter reached the halfway point of Kunlun Mountain and could no longer go up.

After getting off the helicopter, we started walking up the mountain.

Everyone is fully armed, including gas masks and new weapons.

Because of old age and decay, Feng Wuqi was carried, while Situ Jin and I could only walk.

Up until this moment, Feng Wuqi had not taken out the Kunlun Map.

"Hey!" Situ Jin called me in a low voice, "I heard that Ning Yi is dead?"

I didn't say anything, but gave Situ Jin a hard look.

"You see, you have lost your husband and I have lost my wife. We, the widowers and widowers, can get together as a couple to avoid..."


I couldn't bear it anymore and punched Situ Jin on the chin.

An unexpected blow caused Situ Jin, who was almost 1.8 meters tall, to fall to the ground instantly.

The bodyguards around us just glanced at us and moved on as if they had seen us.

"I'm just kidding!"

"I don't like joking!" I said coldly, "If it weren't for your mother's sake, I would beat you to the ground!"

"Fuck me, fuck, fuck, you really think you are my aunt! I..."

"Come here!"

Before Situ Jin could finish speaking, Feng Wuqi's voice came from the distance.

After waiting, I saw the Kunlun diagram he was holding in his hand. "Kunlun map?" Situ Jin exclaimed.

"You can give me directions!"

Feng Wuqi said, handing the Kunlun Map to Situ Jin.

But before he could catch it, Feng Wuqi suddenly retracted.

"If you dare to be mean, I will kill your mother!"

With this warning, Feng Wuqi handed over the Kunlun Map.

Displeasure flashed in Situ Jin's eyes, but he held it back.

But when he opened the Kunlun Map, his pupils suddenly tightened.

Immediately afterwards, he started flipping through one page after another impatiently.

"Where should we go?" Feng Wuqi seemed a little impatient.

"Wait until night!" Situ Jin muttered.


"The Kunlun Diagram requires the illumination of moonlight to show guidance, don't you know?" Situ Jin said this and shrugged. "Of course you don't know, you are not a descendant of the Situ family!"

"Okay, let's wait until night before taking action!"

Feng Wuqi put down these words and ordered his men to set up camp.

While everyone was busy, Situ Jin hurriedly pulled me aside.

"Look at my expression later!"

"What's your look?"

"I mean...we need to run!"


"Because..." Situ Jin looked around and suddenly lowered his voice. "That Kunlun map is fake!"


"I can't see the map inside! I just told him to wait for the moonlight to trick him, but in fact I didn't see anything! The Kunlun map is fake, how can we find the beast tomb? If we can't find it, we are dead! This old man This thing is so cruel!"

"You must be too nervous!" I quickly reassured him, "He must have guarded such precious things very closely. How could it be fake? Unless what you gave me was fake!"

"How is that possible!"

Situ Jin wanted to open the Kunlun Map again, but I pushed him back.

"You can see it after you go to sleep!"

"Then this Kunlun map..."

"I'll hold it for you!"


After Situ Jin left, I sighed and opened the Kunlun Map.

Take out a pen and draw the lines in your eyes.

I can see the map clearly, but it only depicts a section of the route.

Just in case, I have to keep it in mind.

After returning the Kunlun picture to Situ Jin, I waited outside.

When Situ Jin woke up, I handed over an eye drop.


"Why are you giving eye drops?"

"Heavy miasma in the mountains can damage vision. This is for prevention."

"Oh, thanks!"

Situ Jin took two drops and closed his eyes for a while to adjust, then picked up the Kunlun diagram.

The moment he opened it, he exclaimed.

"I saw it!"


Of course you can see it!
Eye drops can be added with revealing liquid!

If Feng Wuqi knew that Situ Jin was not from the Situ family at all and could not see the Kunlun map, he would definitely die here.

And I promised Mrs. Situ that I would save Situ Jin’s life.

"What are you yelling at?"

Suddenly, Feng Wuqi's displeased voice came.

"I just said that the Moonlight Kunlun Picture will only appear!" Situ Jin said with a proud face, "Let's set off now!"


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