The zipper of the red, white and blue plastic bag opened, and a flood of hair poured out, and spread towards Zhou Liang at an extremely slow speed.

Zhou Liang, who was immersed in his own emotions, couldn't notice it at all at the moment.

"Do you blame us for dragging you down?"

When the old lady said this, her voice trembled.

There was sadness and sadness in his trembling eyes.

"Isn't it?" Zhou Liang roared, "You and my dad are only children and have to support four old people! And in order to avoid a heavier burden, I don't even dare to fall in love! But even so, I still have to work hard I only make money to support the six of you! I'm very tired and I'm working very hard. Do you know that? It's okay if you just save some time, but you are either arguing or suing each other in front of me all day long! My spirit is about to collapse. !”

Zhou Liang said this and pointed to one of the rooms.

"My grandma tells me every day that my dad is from a rural area. Without them, he would never have a city registered permanent residence and would always be a country boy! My grandma said that my dad is well-educated and that he is able to marry my mom, who has not graduated from elementary school, because of the good deeds of our ancestors. My grandfather always said that my mother was unfilial! My grandfather laughed at my father because he was married to his wife! Why did you get together in the first place? Why do you want me to live in such a complicated family? He also said that I don’t want to get married and have children. I want to be real. Doesn’t getting married and having children harm the children?!”

"A Liang, every family is noisy! Even so, no matter you are grandparents or grandparents, we all love you!"

"Love? Is your love just about having enough food and clothing?" Zhou Liang scratched his head anxiously, "I am a human being, not an animal. As long as I am full, I will be satisfied! And you six old people are complete vampires. ! Knowing that my job is not easy, you still ask me for money in various ways! I gave it to my grandpa and grandpa, but he didn’t want it, so I gave it to grandma and grandma to ask me to copy it! Mom, you still ask me for money once a month on the grounds that you are afraid that I will spend money randomly! I am random Spending money? Do I have money to spend randomly? And daddy! He is paralyzed in bed and still smokes, requiring ten yuan a day for cigarette money! How can he not die after being paralyzed for so many years? You are all vampires! "

It was deathly quiet all around, and when I couldn't help but want to speak, the old lady smiled.

"So you've been complaining about us for so many years!"

"Why should I, as a junior, have to bear it? Did I owe you anything in my previous life? In order to support you and satisfy you, I worked hard to earn money and worked several jobs, and it was almost breaking the law!"

When Zhou Liang said this, his mood seemed to ease.

He raised his hand to wipe away his tears, then turned to look at the kitchen.

"I'll cook for you!"

"no need!"

This sentence is what I said.

Zhou Liang blocked his view before, but I didn't see it.

After Zhou Liang left, I finally saw the old lady clearly.

There is no shadow under her feet!

"I'm sorry for making you laugh!" Zhou Liang smiled at me, "I... will cook for them first! They are old and have bad teeth, so they have to cook a little bit."

It can be seen that although Zhou Liang complained, it was only out of emotion. These old people have always been in his heart and he will never let them go.

My eyes fell on the hair, originally thinking that those hairs were going to entangle Zhou Liang.

But when he got in front of Zhou Liang, he immediately branched out to avoid it.

They moved slowly until they came to the closed bedroom door, and then bit by bit slipped in through the crack in the door.

Oops, Zhou Liang’s father is still inside!

"Zhou Liang!"

I subconsciously exclaimed, but the old lady looked at me and smiled and shook her head gently.

There is bitterness and helplessness in the smile.

Suddenly, I realized something.

No wonder Zhou Liang managed to get away with it even after he did something so outrageous. It was probably the old man in his family who took the blame for him!

The black shadows on the windows are ghosts, from one at the beginning to five now.

This means that only one of the old people is left alive!

And the one who is alive is Zhou Liang's old father who is paralyzed in bed!

But Zhou Liang was completely unaware of all this.

"what happened?"

Zhou Liang stopped and turned to look at me in surprise.

"Your mother...isn't hungry!" Having said this, I pointed to the red, white and blue plastic bag. "Let's take a look at the goods!"

"Mom, wait a minute, I'll sell the goods before we talk!"

Zhou Liang's tone turned gentle.

He walked excitedly to the plastic bag and was shocked at just one glance.

"Where's the hair? Where's my hair?"

Zhou Liang picked up the empty plastic bag and turned it over.

However, there was not a single hair inside.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I obviously put it in the bag!" At this point, Zhou Liang rushed over like crazy and slapped the two closed doors hard. "Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa, are you the ones who did this? If you like to take my things, it must be you, right? Business is not doing well recently, please stop making trouble and give me your hair!"

"Zhou Liang, no one is coming out!" I said hurriedly.

"No one came out? Could it be that the hair escaped by itself?" Zhou Liang became frantic again, "Mom! Is it you? How can I make money for you if you hide my hair? Money! Do you want it? Do you want it! "

"Mom just wants you to be safe!"

"Being born in a family like yours, it's good to be alive and safe? I can't make enough money and you can't even afford medicine when you're sick! Do you know how expensive cemeteries are now? Even the urns cost tens of thousands! You guys want to force me to death ?"

"Zhou Liang!"

Finally, I couldn't help but drink.

"The hair is in your dad's room!"

This sentence made Zhou Liang stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

"Mom! You said it wasn't you! If you were as paralyzed as my dad, maybe I would be less worried!"

After saying this in a cold voice, Zhou Liang came to the bedroom door angrily.

Ignoring the old lady's stop, he kicked the door open.

I saw an old man lying on the bed, covered with layers of hair, leaving only one head.

He looked at Zhou Liang with his lips curled up, as if he wanted to say something.

But there was a sound like thick phlegm blocking the throat, but I couldn't say a word.

Before Zhou Liang could react, I took the lead and grabbed the scissors on the table.

As soon as he rushed to the door, he was grabbed by the old lady.

"Girl, no!" The old lady shook her head, "It's useless!"

Finally, Zhou Liang came to his senses.

He rushed over and tore his hair desperately, but it became tighter and tighter.

It was so tight that it penetrated into the old man's skin and became one in an instant.


Zhou Liang roared, tearing off his hair bit by bit, regardless of the fact that his hair was so tight that his palms were bloody and bloody.

However, the old man's body was not seen.

"Son, I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, an old voice came from behind.

Zhou Liang turned around tremblingly and saw the skinny old man.

The old man took out a card from his straight pocket.

"The money you gave me to buy the eyes is all stored in it!"


Zhou Liang looked at his body that was completely covered by hair and his father in front of him, his eyes widened.

"I quit smoking!" The old man smiled naively, "I have saved this money for a long time and haven't touched a penny."

"Your dad wanted to live a few more years, so he quit smoking. When he gets addicted to cigarettes, he would hold a chopstick in his mouth." The old lady said, "I also saved the money you gave me. We have food and drink at home, and we didn't spend any money." place. I really want to save money for you when I ask you for it. You are so lavish. What will you do if you spend all your money? That’s right!”

The old lady said and walked quickly to the refrigerator.

Open the moldy refrigerator and take out a cookie box from the bottom.

Open the biscuit box and take out the bulging bags wrapped in plastic wrap.

After unraveling the layers, there was a stack of neatly folded banknotes.

"I couldn't go out to save money later, so I just put the money here, wrapped in plastic wrap, and it didn't get moldy."


Suddenly, two other closed doors opened.

Two pairs of trembling old men walked out supporting each other.

"This passbook was saved for you by your grandparents. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to take it out after we died. It was opened with your ID card. In addition to our original savings, it also contains your usual filial piety to us and our usual kindness to you. Get it!”

"What's so great! I also left money for my dear grandson, and the password is my dear grandson's birthday. My dear grandson, we usually steal your money just to compare, to see who leaves you more money in the end, but it's useless to us. !”

At this moment, Zhou Liang was already in tears.

He must have noticed the rotten food and dark mold in the refrigerator.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Zhou Liang rushed over to grab his mother's hand, but instantly retracted it like an electric shock.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Before his mother could respond, Zhou Liang rushed to his grandparents again.

When he felt their coldness, Zhou Liang collapsed on the ground.

"Zhou Liang, they are dead!"

I looked at Zhou Liang with a complicated expression and murmured.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Liang pretended to be calm, "I work so hard to make money just for them, how could they die? They are in good health! I buy them things when I have money! I take them for physical examinations twice a year! How can they die? will die?"

"Don't you know what you did?" I stared into Zhou Liang's eyes, "Where did those hairs come from?"

"I got it!" Zhou Liang shouted forcefully.

"Where did you get it?"

"Do you want it? Don't want me to sell you to others! Leave my house now! I won't sell you to you anymore!"

"Your parents, grandparents, grandparents, they are all dead and no one will take the responsibility for you anymore!" I glared at Zhou Liang fiercely, "If you dare to do this again, they will all die for you in vain!"

The reason why the evil spirit who lost his hair did not harm Zhou Liang was because the old man of Zhou Liang's family took his place. Otherwise, how could he escape unscathed?

The old lady had been trying to persuade Zhou Liang to stop doing this, because she wanted him to stop doing such immoral things.

Because they can no longer bear this kind of debt for him.

"What do you mean? You mean they are because of me..."

Zhou Liang said this with red eyes, and suddenly looked at a few old people.

"I... I went out to make money for you! I worked so many jobs and finally chose to get my hair done because the cost is low and the profit is high. I can also travel around with my job, and my working hours are free. I can do it anytime, anywhere. I’ll take care of you. But the living conditions are getting better and better, and my hair is getting worse and worse, so... then I can only think of other ways!"

"Your solution is to cut off the deceased's head?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Yes! Anyway, they are dead, there is no use keeping them and they will be burned in the end! It is better... it is better to recycle the waste! The hair that has just died is still energetic, thick and dense, and the quality is the best. So I and I I cooperated with the manager of Maogushan Crematorium. He secretly cut off the hair before the cremation and left it to me. We paid for it and delivered it! It’s just hair, and the deceased didn’t lose arms or legs. Is that okay? We don’t have it. Harming people! We’re just making some extra money!”

"The hair and skin of the body are affected by the parents, and that is also part of the body." I said coldly, "You know those people who bought those wigs have gone to hell, and even the owner of the wig shop has died! Those people in the crematorium have also been killed. Killed by ghosts!"

"How is that possible? Then why am I fine? Don't be alarmist!"

"Guess how they died?!" I raised my finger and pointed at the ghosts.

Zhou Liang struggled to get up, his eyes filled with anger.

"They are not dead! They are just old and their hands and feet are a little cold! Who among the neighbors would not say that they are in good health and stronger than young people! That is to say, my dad is paralyzed, but there is nothing wrong with his physical examination!"

"Aren't you going to tell me?" I stared at the old lady, "You are gone, let's see who can save him!" My words made the six ghosts look at each other.

After a long time, the old lady spoke first.

"A-Liang, I've warned you not to do it! You cut people's hair and made them unable to reincarnate. If you miss the opportunity to die, they want to kill you. We begged hard and risked our own lives. The opportunity to reincarnate is what makes them let you go. Although your grandma and grandma usually quarrel fiercely, they both fought to pay for your life that time."

"My grandson, he deserves it! I feel sorry for my daughter!"

"I feel sorry for my son!"

The two old men quarreled again, but with a smile.

"Okay, okay, we've been arguing for so many years!"

Grandpa walked up to Zhou Liang and patted him on the back.

"Ah, we have made you tired! Grandpa and I will never quarrel again!"

"Yes!" Grandpa also nodded, "We have been arguing for so many years, all over trivial matters. It's really not worth it if we think about it, and the children will also be in trouble."

"Grandpa, grandpa..." Zhou Liang was already in tears, "I was wrong! All I said were angry words! You are my relatives, not my burden! I just said angry words! I can't live without you!" "

"We don't blame you!" The old lady stroked Zhou Liang's face, "Parents will never blame their children, but people of our generation don't know how to express it. Ah Liang, don't do that kind of thing again! This money is enough You can live a comfortable life for the rest of your life! Get married when you meet a suitable woman, and travel when you don’t. Don’t you like traveling? As for urns and cemeteries, we don’t need them. You travel to the seaside and put our ashes Throw it into the sea. A few of us have never seen the sea in our lives!"

"I'm motion sick. I wonder if I will be motion sick?"

"Old guy, we'd better not get eaten by a fish, otherwise we'll have to fight in the fish's belly!"

"Hahaha, it's really a fight from life to death!"

The laughter of the old people made Zhou Liang cry even harder.

He pulled his hair hard and kept hitting the wall.

Zhou Liang's father walked over and blocked him with his body.

"Zhou Liang, you have grown up in your forties and are a mature man! You have been filial enough to us for so many years. It's just hard work for you to bear so much alone."

"Dad! Dad, I didn't mean that! I don't dislike you! I'm not under pressure! It's okay if you're paralyzed, at least I still have a dad! Sometimes I talk nonsense when I'm tired, but I don't mean it! I'm such a bastard! What a beast I am!"

"Zhou Liang, Dad doesn't know how to express himself. He doesn't smile when he's happy. Even if he's happy to see you, he keeps a straight face. But you're not here, and I think too hard. In this life, I've never made a request to you. Now I can Can’t you mention one?”

"Okay! Just say it! Just say it!"

"We all want to go out and have a look. We used to be busy with work and had no time or money. Now that our living conditions are better, we want to see the vast motherland! Zhou Liang, can you take us old guys out?"

"it is good!"

"You, grandpa wants to go to Mogao Grottoes!"

"My dear grandson, your grandma and I want to go to the ice and snow world!"

"Grandson, grandma likes to eat fruits. How about we go to Turpan?"

"A-Liang, why don't you take us everywhere without you? It might be hard for you, but we really want to go out and have a look. If possible, let's go abroad again. I want to see the world of foreigners."

At this moment, my heart is full of emotion.

These old people sacrificed everything for Zhou Liang, fearing that he would do something stupid after their death, so they came up with this way to keep him alive.

The country is so big that it will take more than ten or twenty years to cover it all.

In addition, abroad, it is possible that he may reach the end of his life.

"I promise you! I promise you!"

Zhou Liang knelt and moved to the elderly people, hugging them until they burst into tears.


"Is it that cheap for him?"

Qian Duoduo felt a little angry after hearing what happened to Zhou Liang.

"Everyone else is dead, but he is alive and well!"

"He paid a higher price than his life!" I sighed softly, "Not only did the six old people of Zhou Liang's family lose their lives, they also lost the chance to be reincarnated forever!"

This is the feeling of protecting the calf!

The kind who would risk everything for the sake of his own children and grandchildren.

The price is high!

If Zhou Liang knew about it, he would probably be worse off than dead.

But if you do something wrong, you will eventually pay the price!

If you don't pay the price, your loved ones will.

God will punish you in another unforgettable way.

As for the other buyer, Wei Bing.

When I rushed there, he was going crazy.

And the female ghost seemed to be rooted in his scalp, constantly tearing at it.

She calmed down when she saw me.

I am not qualified to ask the female ghost to forgive, after all, she is the victim.

Wei Bing could only confess to the female ghost when he was awake and go to the female ghost's grave in person to worship.

After two months, the female ghost's anger finally subsided.

She left Wei Bing and took her hair with her.

Wei Bing, who was still in shock, vowed to worship him every new year and festival in the future.

For the generosity of the female ghost, he also made up for his own shortcomings.


Special offices:

"Three to zero!"

When Uncle Da said this, he gave us a thumbs up.

I wasn't very happy, but Qian Duoduo and Xiao Yueya looked proud.

"You have to work hard!" Uncle Da turned to Sheng Nan and others, "But you also played a role in saving me. I would like to thank you on behalf of myself!"

"An'an, your team is indeed great!" Sheng Nan said.

"If you don't ask for help from foreign aid!" Huang Qi followed up.

"You can call foreign aid if you have the skills!" Qian Duoduo choked, "We just know a few ghosts. With Mr. Sheng's skills, the Ghost King should be able to help, right?"

"There's no need to be so sinister!" Luo Fei couldn't help but say.

"Who was the first one to be so arrogant?" Qian Duoduo glanced at his lips, "You are so small and so careless!"


"Stop arguing!" Sheng Nan said, "It's just the beginning, we don't know who will win in the end!"

Speaking of this, Sheng Nan looked at Uncle Da.

"This distribution is unfair! They are professional in dealing with femininity! And our target is monsters. We will definitely be able to solve cases related to monsters with ease."

"Okay!" Uncle Da frowned slightly, "I understand!"

After rummaging around, Uncle Da took out a portfolio.

"An old lady with a cat face appears in a city in the north. Go and deal with it!"

"Cat?" Huang Qi raised his eyebrows, "Every cat is a younger brother in front of Dongye! You know, our Dongye is a purebred..."

Huang Qi didn't finish her sentence because Dongye glared at her.

"Then go ahead, Dongye! I believe you will get it done!"

Sheng Nan's smile was full of confidence.

She looked at me with challenge in her eyes.

Actually, I don't understand why she insists on competing with me.

She hates Hu Qiumei, and she hates me too?

"An'an, I also have a case to hand over to you!"

"it is good!"


After returning to our team's office, Qian Duoduo couldn't wait to open the file.

"An'an, can I read it to you?"


"The person who reported the crime claimed that he was ruined, but there is no evidence!"

Qian Duoduo's words made Situ Jin and I look at each other.

"What do you mean?" Situ Jin asked.

"The person involved felt that she was being abused, but installed surveillance cameras at home, but nothing was captured, but there would be a lot of bruises on her body! Then she went to the hospital for a check-up and found out that she was pregnant."

Speaking of this, Qian Duoduo immediately lowered his voice.

"She wanted to abort the child but didn't dare tell her parents, so she went to a black clinic. During the operation, the doctor at the clinic stabbed her to death!"

It sounds quite weird!

"When was the case reported?"

"Just two months ago!"

"Contact the person involved!"


Qian Duoduo picked up the phone, dialed a number and pressed the external tone button.

After a while, a weak female voice sounded.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Excuse me, is it Bai Xue?"

"Who are you?"

"Is the child still there?"

I took Qian Duoduo's cell phone and got straight to the point.

Suddenly, the sound of rapid breathing came from the phone.

"You...who are you? Whoever it is, please save me!"

"Is it convenient for you to come out now? Or can we go to your place?"

"Come to me!" Bai Xue paused and said, "My rental house is on the seventh floor of the third unit in the seventh building of Mingruyuan Community. It has an insulation layer!"

"Okay, let's get there as soon as possible!"

"and many more!"

Just when I was about to hang up the phone, Bai Xue hurriedly called me.

"Can you bring me a chicken from the community market? A live chicken!"


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