"Qian Kun escaped from prison!"

When Situ Jin told me the news, I wasn't too surprised.

I deliberately mentioned Yuan Shu's discomfort in front of Qian Kun because I was betting on whether he was a love brain.

It now appears that he is.

"An'an, I'm not feeling uncomfortable!" Yuan Shu explained nervously.

"Auntie, what kind of examinations or treatments do you get every time you go to Qian's hospital?"

"I don't remember!" Yuan Shu shook her head, "Because I feel very sleepy every time I go there. When I wake up, my treatment is over."

"Auntie, don't you feel something is wrong?"

"No!" Yuan Shu shook her head blankly, "But when I am sick, I will feel weak all over, and there will be some deep and shallow scars and odor on my body. The odor seems to be emitted from my breath and pores. That kind of thing, the doctor told me it was a mild allergy, nothing serious, and it disappeared quickly after they treated it. So, I didn’t take it to heart.”

Needless to say, it smells like corpse!

Qian Kun is rich and powerful and can buy everything except life.

So he keeps releasing corpses, does he want to use ghost pets to prolong Yuan Shu's life?

"Xiao Shu! Xiao Shu!"

Just as he thought of this, Qian Kun's call came from outside.

This voice immediately changed Yuan Shu's expression.

"An'an, didn't you say Qian Kun was arrested? Why did he show up at my house? And why is there an entry code?"

I shook my head and signaled Yuan Shu to hide.

Not long after Yuan Shu entered the storage room and closed the door, Qian Kun ran in panting.

When he saw me, he frowned sharply.

"Where's Yuan Shu?" Qian Kun said hurriedly.

"Why are you here?" I asked, pretending to be surprised, "Shouldn't you be in the detention center now?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Where is Yuan Shu? How is she?"

"Her body was covered with many marks and she had a strong odor. When I arrived, she was no longer breathing. So, I sent her to the crematorium."

"Why do you have that?" Qian Kun shouted angrily, "Which crematorium? She was still saved!"

"Life cannot be resurrected!" I pretended to be relieved, "Maybe it has been cremated!"


Qian Kun rushed over and punched me in the face.

When he felt the wind of the fist pressing against his cheek, an unusually tall male ghost suddenly appeared behind him.

The male ghost stared at me, his face quickly distorting with Qian Kun's rage.

Seeing the male ghost's big hand reaching out to me first, Qian Kun raised his hand and grabbed his wrist.

When the male ghost retracted his hand, Qian Kun looked at me with red eyes.

"Tell me where you sent Yuan Shu? I really have a way to save her! As long as her body is still there, she will be back in good health tomorrow!"

"How to save him?" Having said this, I looked over Qian Kun's head at the male ghost. "Use your ghost pet?"

"You..." Qian Kun was shocked, "Can you see it?"

"Qian Kun, the police must be looking for you now, and they will find you soon! I wonder if Aunt Yuan Shu can wait."

"Don't force me!"

"You can't have your cake and eat it too! You can only protect one of Yuan Shu and Qian Shaobai! Don't think that if you take the blame for him this time, he will be able to get away with it. The evil he has done is far beyond what you can fix. of!"

"Zhang Beibei's death must not have been intentional!"

"But all his ex-girlfriends who died abroad were the result of his deliberate murder."

"What?" Qian Kun couldn't believe it.

"Do you really not know, or are you just pretending to be blind?" I said coldly, "Qian Kun, it's the same thing! You can only protect one, either Yuan Shu or Qian Shaobai."

In fact, I have the answer in my heart.

There is no greater love than family affection. How can we let go of our closest relatives?

Therefore, Qian Kun is very likely to choose Qian Shaobai.

"Besides Zhang Beibei, has he killed anyone else?"

Qian Kun stared at me, clenching his fists tightly.

"When the ghosts of the dead come back, they will make it clear to you personally! Since you have a ghost pet, you will definitely be able to see ghosts." At this point, I paused. "Aunt Yuan Shu can't wait any longer!"

"It doesn't matter, let me kill her for you!"

Suddenly, the ghost pet spoke ferociously.

"Ever since I followed you, you only save people and don't kill, but you've been suffocating me! Other people's ghosts do all kinds of evil, and now that I'm here with you, I'm almost going to convert to Buddhism! Humph, it just makes me appreciate the pleasure of killing!"

"No!" Qian Kun shouted angrily, "I am your master, you cannot disobey me! Killing is absolutely not allowed!"


"Otherwise you will starve to death!"

The ghost pet stopped talking and turned his head to the side angrily.

Qian Kun took out his cell phone and dialed one, two, one, and zero after hesitating for a moment.

"I am Qian Kun, and I have been scapegoating my son for everything before! Give me two hours, and I will surrender to the police station in two hours!"

After speaking, Qian Kun hung up the phone.

I was shocked, shocked that Qian Kun actually gave up his biological son.

"Can you tell me where Yuan Shu is now?"

"You like Aunt Yuan so much, why didn't you keep her in the first place?" I couldn't help but ask, expressing my confusion.

"True love is fulfillment and letting go! If I had known that Zhang Lang was using Yuan Shu, I would never have given him a chance to live in the world! But later... Later they had Jiaojiao, and Yuan Shu couldn't let go . I have no other choice but to take care of her silently and be kind to Jiaojiao on her behalf."

"How did Aunt Yuan die?"

My words caused a slight noise to come from the storage room.

But obviously, Qian Kun, who was already furious, didn't hear it.

"Only dead people will grow corpses, and only dead people will emit corpse odor. So, what happened to her?"

"She's been poisoned!" After a long silence, Qian Kun said with difficulty. "When I arrived, she had already expired! In her blood, we found highly toxic components. And these toxins had invaded the internal organs. It was obviously caused by long-term poisoning."

Taking poison for a long time?

How can it be! Yuan Shu and Zhang Jiaojiao, she won't do anything stupid!


Zhang Beibei once said something unintentionally, saying why Yuan Shu is so tough!

Obviously, they had secretly murdered Yuan Shu.

The chronic poison was administered to Yuan Shu with the help of the mistress, her daughter, and even Zhang Lang.

"I originally only inherited my father's ghost pet, and I am not interested in it at all. But you are the ghost pet, help me bring Yuan Shu back to life!"

"Even though she has a happy soul, her body is dead!" I muttered, "Sooner or later she will still become corrupted!"

"So I had to keep sacrificing to ghost pets and releasing corpses for food. But the later the life of Yuan Shu was maintained, the more corpses needed to be released. At the beginning, I bribed the funeral parlor and bought some ownerless corpses. , and then there are the deceased who are being sent for cremation. Anyway, all they want is a handful of ashes, and they don’t care whether they are actually burned.”

"And later, you will kill people?"

"I didn't!" Qian Kun shook his head, "Except for Zhang Lang and that shameless woman, I have never killed a single person! Originally, he was not good to Yuan Shu, and I have tolerated it for a long time. I didn't expect that he would let his daughter set up a plan Shaobai, the old and new hatreds add up, and I have to take the risk. They deserve to die! Who told them to hurt Yuan Shu!"

Speaking of this, Qian Kun clasped his hands together.

"Please tell me where Yuan Shu is? It will be too late when the internal organs rot! I can't..."


The door of the storage room suddenly opened, and Yuan Shu walked out with tears in her eyes.

"Xiao Shu!?" Qian Kun exclaimed and ran over, grabbed Yuan Shu's shoulders and looked up and down. "You...are you okay?"

"I am already dead?"

"It doesn't matter! I can make you 'alive'!" Qian Kun hurriedly comforted her, "Xiao Shu, don't worry, I won't let Jiaojiao become an orphan."

"Zhang Lang and the others are really attracted by you..."

"I will accept all punishment!" Qian Kun interrupted Yuan Shu, "I will give you the ghost pet before I go in, and he will save your life. You don't have to feel guilty or panic, everything is of my own free will!"

As soon as Qian Kun finished speaking, a rapid siren sounded outside.

The expression of the ghost pet behind him changed instantly.

"As long as you give the order, I will go out and kill them immediately!"

"No killing!" Qian Kun shook his head, "If you really treat me as your master, then agree to my last request! Protect Yuan Shu!"

When Qian Kun walked out with his head in his arms, Yuan Shu called out "Brother A Kun" and rushed over to hug Qian Kun.

This move made Qian Kun's body stiffen.

"You are confused! How can I let you pay so much for me?"

"Don't be stupid!" Qian Kun smiled bitterly, "If you miss it in this life, I will not let you go in the next life! No matter whether you fall in love with someone else or not, I will not let you go! Xiaoshu, have a good time with Jiaojiao Live your life!”

Qian Kun broke free from Yuan Shu's hand and met Uncle Da who was the first to rush in.

There was no struggle and they were allowed to handcuff themselves.


Zhang Jiaojiao came back, bringing dozens of corpses with her.

The female ghosts burst into tears when they saw their remains.

They finally saw Qian Shaobai's face clearly and knew who the real murderer was.

After learning that Qian Kun was arrested, Qian Shaobai hid at home and did not show up.

Zhang Jiaojiao was also ruthless and led the female ghosts directly into his residence.

Regardless of Qian Shaobai's panic, he raised his mobile phone to broadcast live.

And I felt extremely happy when I saw the female ghosts biting Qian Shaobai's flesh bit by bit.

Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, and whoever commits the sin must bear it.

Qian Shaobai's fate was tragic. All his flesh was bitten off, leaving only the bones.

But in the end, the bones were chewed to pieces.

Even if Qian Shaobai turns into a ghost, he can't escape the entanglement of the female ghosts.

Life after life, they are bound.

Zhang Jiaojiao held up her mobile phone to have a video call with me while she was vomiting. After the video call was over, she found me and still vomited for a while.

Yuan Shu looked at Zhang Jiaojiao lovingly, with some kind of throbbing in her eyes.

"Jiaojiao, mother has been with you for so long, it's time to pursue your own happiness. So, can you allow mother to let you go?"

"Mom, I have always wanted you to continue pursuing happiness. There are so many good men in the world, and it is impossible for everyone to be like my dad! Mom, don't worry, I have grown up!"

"Good boy, let An An tell you something!"

When I finished talking about Yuan Shu, Zhang Jiaojiao cried for a long time.

But the girl was very strong and soon accepted the reality.

"Mom, you can go in peace! Go find Uncle Qian!"

Yuan Shu smiled comfortingly and hugged Zhang Jiaojiao gently.

After a while, he lost his breath.

A person's fate has already been determined.

Therefore, Yuan Shu had to die.

But she can choose not to be reincarnated and protect the one she loves.

When Yuan Shu appeared in front of Qian Kun, Qian Kun was stunned for a moment and then burst into tears.

"I protected you for so long! Why did you..."

"Brother Akun, if I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, would it be too late?"

Qian Kun's eyes widened and tears rolled down his face.

"You...are you willing to follow me? But I am a prisoner now. I am..."

"Except for my parents, you are the best person in the world to me! I will always be with you, stay with you until you grow old, and then be reincarnated with you. In the next life, let me protect you!"

One person and one ghost hugged each other and cried.

But when the ghost pet, who was watching the two people through the glass, was about to pass through, he was suddenly pulled away by a powerful force in an instant.


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