Chapter 37: Pregnant when she died
"My dad has been dead for 20 years!"

After Zheng Guoqing blurted out these words, his lips suddenly trembled.

"You mean you see..."

The word 'ghost' seemed to be stuck in Zheng Guoqing's throat, and he did not spit it out for a long time.

"Yeah!" I nodded slightly, "I can really see it! The whole thing is a long story! But as long as you believe me, I am willing to keep it short!"

"Is it the Western Suburbs Funeral Home?"

Zheng Guoqing was silent for a long time and then suddenly spoke to me.

"Yeah, yeah!" I nodded hurriedly, "Because of your special status, your father can't show up, even with the help of me. But as long as you go to a place with heavy Yin energy, you should be able to meet!"

"Sit tight!"

After saying these words, Zheng Guoqing restarted the car.


After making arrangements with the funeral home manager, we went to the morgue.

I think this is the place with the heaviest Yin energy.

Although Zheng Guoqing always looked at me with suspicion, he still watched my performance silently.

"That's it!" I waved to Zheng Zhonghua on the side, "Now!"

Zheng Zhonghua nodded and hurriedly swooped over.

After trembling all over, I turned to Zheng Guoqing.

"National Day, I am your father!"

"You seem to be swearing!" Zheng Guoqing frowned.

Not right!

"Are you upper body or not?" I asked hurriedly.

"It's done!" Zheng Zhonghua said, "It's perfect!"

"But why can't he see you?" I stamped my feet anxiously, "I followed the method and brought him to a place with strong yin energy. He didn't wear a uniform. His righteousness should have changed from yang to yin, but why can't he still see it? ? Could it be..."

Did that bastard Ning Yi lie to me?
"You mean dad can't see me because of my career?"

"That's right! You are an upright police officer! I really didn't lie..."

Before I could finish speaking, Zheng Guoqing took out an epaulette.

When I saw the police badge on it, I suddenly understood.

"No wonder you can't see him. This thing is the source of righteousness!"

Hearing what I said, Zheng Guoqing hesitated a little.

Then he put the epaulettes into the pocket of his coat and took off his coat.

When he gave the coat away and turned back again, he froze when he looked at me.


"He called me dad?" I was stunned for a moment and then said in fear.

"That's calling me!"

When Zheng Zhonghua said this, he took me towards Zheng Guoqing.

"National Day, did you really see me?"

Zheng Guoqing looked me up and down with trembling lips and wide eyes before bursting into tears.

Silent crying is probably the most heart-wrenching thing.

"This girl is a good person. She promised to give me half an hour! Son, I have always wanted to tell you that you are good!"


Zheng Guoqing let out a low cry and hugged Zheng Zhonghua.

"National Day, calm down! Your brute force is too strong, don't strangle the little girl to death!"

Hearing what Zheng Zhonghua said, Zheng Guoqing hurriedly let go. "Dad, I'm fine. I've been taking care of my mother for you! And I've inherited your job! I will work hard and work harder!"

"Dad, I saw it! I saw it!" Zheng Zhonghua stood on tiptoe and patted Zheng Guoqing's shoulder, "Grown up! My son has grown up! In the past, you had to step on a stool to reach my neck, but now I have to I have to stand on tiptoe to pat you on the shoulder!"

"Is it possible that she is too short?"


Why do you two, father and son, get involved with me?
Also a personal attack!
"Let's make a long story short, being possessed by a ghost for a long time is not good for the host!" Zheng Zhonghua said this and held Zheng Guoqing's hand. "There is a biscuit box hidden in the water tank in the bathroom in our hometown. Inside is some private money I saved after getting married! You also know that your mother is very strict, so I can only hide some secretly."


"Also! Every time you go on a mission, you are always the first one. You have the same determination to fight and fight as I do. But I don't want you to become another me! Only by protecting yourself first can you have the opportunity to protect others. do you know?"

"Dad, I understand!" Zheng Guoqing nodded solemnly, "Don't worry!"

"I have been guarding you all these years, even though you can't see my existence. Watching you grow up little by little, watching you put on the uniform that I am proud of, watching you inherit my number, Let me be reborn in another way! Son, thank you!"


After all, Zheng Guoqing did not say the next words, but solemnly saluted.

"Tell your mother, thank you for her efforts, and... I love her! I have never said these three words in my life. She has had many troubles with me because of this! Son, everything between father and son is inseparable. That’s true! I know, you understand me!”

"Yes!" Zheng Guoqing nodded with tears in his eyes, "Dad, thank you!"

"You've grown up, it's time for me to go!"

Zheng Zhonghua walked over and hugged Zheng Guoqing gently.

While Zheng Guoqing's shoulders were still twitching slightly, my body suddenly trembled.

I let go of Zheng Guoqing and quickly distanced myself.

"he's gone!"

Hearing what I said, Zheng Guoqing raised his head.

After a while, he looked at me.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" I waved my hand quickly, "I didn't do this for nothing!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to earn this extra money!"

After hearing my purpose of helping him, Zheng Guoqing spoke in a low voice.


"The suspect or murderer who can be wanted by us must be a complete natural person! According to you, it is more likely that the other person is a ghost! So, how do you want us to place this wanted order? If not, how can we be arrested? Do you reward me?"


Wanted ghost?
It doesn’t sound reasonable!

"But if you are willing to help me solve this case, I can give you some rewards in my own name! Use my dad's private money!"

"Really?" There was light in my dark eyes instantly.

"Really!" Zheng Guoqing nodded solemnly, "I will give you as much as he has!"

Zheng Zhonghua must have a lot of private money that he has hidden for eight years!
This sounds like a good deal.

"That's a deal!" I grinned at Zheng Guoqing, "But I can't guarantee that you will solve the case. I can only say that I will provide you with clues!"

"Okay!" Zheng Guoqing nodded, "How did that heart get to you?"

"Have you checked the house where I live?"

"Checked it! The owner of that house was originally an old man, but later a couple moved in! But after the demolition of that area, the couple committed suicide. I went there that time too. The man hanged himself, and the woman committed suicide. Split himself up with a chainsaw!”

"Isn't she in pain?" I frowned and murmured, "What if I can't do it at all!"

"We also thought it was very strange at the time, how could a person be so cruel and cut himself in two? We must know that the pain of the body and the self-protection mechanism of the brain will prevent this. Later, during the forensic autopsy, we discovered She’s pregnant!”


(End of this chapter)

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