The peasant girl in Space is the group favorite

Chapter 250 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 250 Untitled Chapters

The next day, before dawn, people in Xujia Village got up. Uncle Xu prepared fishing and shrimp fishing tools, which were all bought in the town.

The stall is located in an open space not far from the foot of the mountain.

After a while, the residents of Xingfu Family came one after another, set up their stalls, and helped everyone work together before anyone came.

There are various kinds of flowers planted on the roadside, and a wooden sign is inserted next to them to remind: "Don't pick me, the flowers will hurt!" The interesting slogan makes it more childlike and cute.

The guest rooms in the villagers' houses are all brand new, and the beds are all white, which makes people feel clean and tidy. There are also plum blossoms embroidered with silver threads on them.

The sky is slowly getting brighter, and from time to time villagers will look towards the entrance of the village, waiting for the arrival of the first batch of tourists.

"Is someone coming?" Xu Daniu rubbed his eyes and pointed to the road ahead.

"Yes! Someone is coming. He's a little far away, so you can't see what he looks like! He's driving a carriage."

The village chief said: "Everyone, please spread out. There are so many people gathered at the entrance of the village. Don't scare away the guests!"

"The village chief is right, everyone is where they should be!"

For a moment the villagers dispersed.

The people on the stone road were getting closer and closer, and they gradually became clearer.

"It turns out to be shopkeeper Hong from Leshan Drug Store." Xu Chunsheng said.

The old man immediately came forward and said, "Why is Shopkeeper Hong here?"

Shopkeeper Hong said with a smile: "I'm here to cheer you up! It's just dawn now. Even if someone comes, they have to wait. Don't worry, this person is definitely indispensable today. There were many new faces in the town yesterday. It's probably not a rush. Those who come here for civil and military purposes are here for your propaganda."

The old man said: "Okay, let's sit down at Shopkeeper Hong's house!"

Shopkeeper Hong waved his hand and said, "I'm here to be a tourist today too!"

Shopkeeper Hong also knew everyone in Xujiacun, and was a little dumbfounded when he heard what he said.

Shopkeeper Hong smiled and said, "I'm here to fish. How much does it cost?"

The old man said: "What are you charging for coming here? Fish as you like."

Shopkeeper Hong said: "No, there's no point in doing business without charging money? Besides, I'm the first customer, so it's not good to not charge money."

The old man said: "Okay, a fishing rod costs two hundred coins. As long as you are good at catching fish, it is yours. The fish you catch can be processed into dishes by any villager you choose."

Shopkeeper Hong said: "Two hundred coins. If you want to have some leisure time, who would care about this little money? It's not too expensive. You can eat and play. Two hundred coins are worth it."

After speaking, he took out two hundred coins and handed it to the man in charge of looking after the fishing gear. This man was also from the Xingfu family. He was mainly responsible for guarding the fishing gear and fish baskets, and recorded every sum of money collected.

Shopkeeper Hong took the fishing rod and fishing basket that was passed to him, found a chair and sat down, strung up the bait and started fishing. He also said, "You are busy with your business!"

It made everyone dumbfounded.

Gradually, the sun also came out.

"Village chief, people are here! There are quite a few of them! They are all carriages!" said a sharp-eyed man.

The people in Xujia Village looked excited. When the carriage arrived at the entrance of the village, a young man jumped out of the shaft of the first carriage.

"Gong of the Xu family, I'm bringing tourists here!" The young man ran up to the Xu family and said with a naive smile.

This young man is also a resident of the Xingfu family. The old man asked: "Erwa, why did you bring so many people here?" Erwa said: "They are all from other towns and want to visit Xujia Village, so I Brought them here.”

The old man praised: "Er baby, you have done well. I will give you a reward at the end of the month."

Erwa said: "My benefactor, I don't want rewards. My mother said we should repay the favor. I will go and bring some people over in the next few days." After saying that, he ran out of the village.

The old man didn't even want to hold back. He shook his head with a smile and said, "Boss, give rewards to Erwa and the others at the end of the month. They spend a lot of energy promoting us, so we can't let them work in vain."

At this time, the people in the carriage also got out of the carriage. There were men and women, some seemed like a family came to play with their children, and there were also a few boys and girls who got out of the carriage, all well-dressed.

The village chief said: "Welcome to my Xujia Village. This is your first time here. Do you need to introduce the characteristics of our village to you?"

These people got off the carriage and looked around. Everything here was exactly as the boy said. It was very beautiful, the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, and the new and beautiful wooden houses were arranged neatly in rows.

A girl said: "I heard that a 15-year-old boy named Jie Yuan came out of Xujiacun. I wonder if this young lady will be lucky enough to meet him?"

"This..." The village chief was a little embarrassed.

Seeing the village chief's hesitation, the girl didn't feel embarrassed anymore and said, "Since it's inconvenient, forget it. Xujia Village is really different and the scenery is beautiful. I wonder what fun things you have here?"

At this moment, there was a "crash" sound.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw Shopkeeper Hong standing up and pulling the fishing rod upward. A carp weighing about three or four kilograms surfaced on the water, its tail slapping the water.

"Hey! This carp is really quite big." The middle-aged man said.

The woman next to him said: "Don't you just come here because there are fish to catch? Go ahead, I will take my son to visit other places."

The middle-aged man said: "Okay, who is the boss? Get me a fishing rod. I want to try my luck."

The man looking at the fishing gear was called Tieniu. Hearing this, he immediately handed over a fishing rod and said, "Sir, a fishing rod costs 200 yuan. No matter how many fish you catch, it will belong to you."

The middle-aged man said: "Okay, give me one!" Without saying a word, he took out two hundred coins and didn't care at all.

After taking the fishing rod, the middle-aged man found a chair to sit down and started fishing.

"Madam, we can also fish for lobsters here. The children like to play. We can also pick fruits. We also sell all kinds of delicious snacks, including traps! If you want to enjoy the scenery, we have a flower field behind the house. ." said the village chief's wife.

"Mom, I want everything. I want to eat delicious food and play with rings!" the little boy next to the lady yelled.

The woman said: "Okay, okay, let your father fish here, and my mother will accompany you to buy food and play games."

The boy nodded happily.

So a patrolman took the mother and son towards the place where the stall was set up.

"You just said fishing for lobster, what was that?" The person who spoke was a young man who came with the girl just now.

"Master, this crayfish is a major specialty of our village. It can also be made into various flavors, including garlic flavor, spicy flavor, and soy sauce flavor. The taste is excellent, but it needs to be Only by fishing yourself can you feel the fun!" Uncle Xu said.

The young man was intrigued by what he said, and said, "Since what you said is so good, I'm going to give it a try. How can I buy it?"

Uncle Xu said: "It's also two hundred coins for a fishing rod. Whatever you catch is yours. If you want to eat whatever flavor you want, you can find a restaurant to make it for you."

The young man said: "Bring me one. Do you want to fish together? Everyone is here to have fun anyway." The young man asked a few people who were traveling with him.

(End of this chapter)

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