The cold God of War Prince is passionate about the peasant wife

Chapter 666: An iron cock that never pulls out its hair

"Oh, young master, this injury is very serious. The bones are all displaced. Not only do you need to set the bones, but you also need acupuncture!" Li Langzhong clicked his tongue and shook his head.

Zhang Gang was confused.

Is he hurt that badly?

Xiao Chunhua was frightened: "Well, then treat it quickly! Don't miss anything."

"Yes, madam!" Li Lang saluted politely and took out a silver needle bag.

Once opened.

The silver needles inside shone coldly, and each one was long and thick.


Suddenly, heart-rending screams echoed through the dining hall and throughout the Duke's mansion.

Everyone's chairs moved forward with a bang, and everyone looked at Zhang Gang with light in their eyes, fearing that they would miss a detail.

One operation.

Zhang Gang passed out.

Xiao Chunhua hugged Zhang Gang nervously.

Only then did Li Langzhong salute Bai Su solemnly: "The shopkeeper."

The medical clinic was opened by Bai Su and Old Man Hu.

The shopkeeper shouted naturally.

Xiao Chunhua suddenly raised her head and stared at Li Langzhong fiercely: "What did you call her?"

"Shopkeeper!" Li Langzhong said naturally.

Xiao Chunhua looked at Zhang Gang who had passed out in her arms again. The injury seemed more serious than before. He stood up suddenly and was about to pounce on Bai Su: "You evil woman did it on purpose..."

Xiao Jue stood up, and a copper wall and an iron wall stood in front of Bai Su.

No one is allowed to infringe on Bai Su.

Xiao Chunhua raised her hand, but was frightened when facing Xiao Jue.

Bai Su weakly poked his head out from behind Xiao Jue: "Grandma Xiao, how could I have done this on purpose? Didn't you designate this medical clinic and Li Langzhong to treat you?"

Xiao Chunhua was about to explode, but she was speechless. In the end, she could only leave with the unconscious Zhang Gang.

"Tsk - let's go now!" Mrs. Zhou's face was filled with regret.

"No, this fighting power is too weak!" Mrs. Qian complained.

"That's right!" Mrs. Wang agreed.

As soon as these two wonderful grandparents left.

Xiao Chu and Xiao Jue went to teach the two brothers Lu Guotai how to practice martial arts.

Old Man Hu sat down with a dark face.

"Grandpa Hu!" Bai Su approached Old Man Hu with a smile.

Old Man Hu moved his chair and turned his back to her.

"Grandpa Hu..." Bai Su walked around again with a smile and said softly: "It's my fault that I didn't come to see you when I came back. If you have any requests, just ask!"

Old Man Hu tilted his head and held out a finger with a dark face.

"I can stay with you for an hour, okay." Bai Su said cheerfully.

Old Man Hu shook his finger.

"Oh, you want to stay with me for a day?" Bai Su thought for a while: "That's okay. I'll get up early tomorrow, finish everything, and go to the hospital to stay with you!"

Old Man Hu couldn't bear it anymore: "Who wants you to accompany me? 10%, you give me 10% of the profit of the medical clinic."

"No!" Bai Su decisively refused. Old man Hu complained: "In these days when you were away, I, an old man, have been struggling to support you. What happened to you giving me 10% of the profit?"

Bai Su stood up and said directly to Liu Quan: "Uncle Liu, it's late at night, hurry up and send Grandpa Hu and Li Langzhong back to the hospital."

Liu Quan stepped forward to invite Old Man Hu.

Old Man Hu pointed at Bai Su angrily: "Iron Rooster, you are just an iron rooster who has nothing to lose!"

Bai Su raised his head: "I am proud and complacent!"

Old Man Hu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Tinghu Garden.

Xiao Chunhua tried her best to drag the unconscious Zhang Gang back to Tinghu Garden.

Before leaving, although Zhang Gang was as swollen as a pig's head, he was still active, able to eat and sleep.

He was paralyzed on the ground, as if dead.

"Gang'er, what's wrong with you?" Mrs. Li, who was originally waiting beside Zhang Wujing, hurriedly came to Zhang Gang's side. When she saw Zhang Gang's eyes were closed and his face was pale, tears fell down.

Xiao Chunhua was full of anger, so she kicked Mrs. Li: "Cry, just cry. Our family's good luck has been wiped out by you, the broom star."

Li was shriveled and thin, and was kicked to the ground.

She didn't dare to say anything, but her tears fell even more fiercely.

Xiao Chunhua saw it and simply rode on her to beat her.

Zhang Yuexi looked at it, feeling extremely annoyed.

But I'm glad that I didn't go to the dining room with my grandmother just now.

The last time was embarrassing enough, and she didn't want Brother Jue to see her make a fool of herself again.

"Is that enough?"

Suddenly, Zhang Wujing slapped the book in his hand on the table: "I have read thousands of volumes, and my writing is like a master. How can you ask me to study quietly like this!"

"It's my mother's fault, my mother's fault..." Xiao Chunhua just got up from Li's body.

Li's hair was also torn up, and her face and body were covered with scratches.

She crawled to Zhang Gang's side twitching...

"If you cry again, I'll beat you to death!" Xiao Chunhua glared at Ms. Li fiercely.

Now, Mrs. Li didn't dare to cry anymore.

But Xiao Chunhua’s eyes were filled with viciousness.

How dare that village woman Bai Su tease her and treat Gang'er like this.

When she gets the Duke's mansion in the future, she will definitely torture her to death. Divorcing this village woman will be too easy for her.


I heard that the village woman’s restaurant was making a lot of money every day.

She must get this restaurant.

But how can the restaurant be legitimately owned by her?

Xiao Chunhua frowned.

Suddenly, she looked at Mr. Li on the ground and smiled. (End of chapter)

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