Murong Yue and Murong Fu quickly pushed open the door and entered.

I saw that the second senior brother was rolling off the bed to the ground while holding his injured leg, still rolling and wailing in pain: "It hurts, it hurts so much!"

Murong Fu's face turned a little dark, and he immediately ordered the doctor to be called.

Soon, the doctor came.

It was the doctor yesterday.

The doctor looked at the injured foot of the second senior brother and said in surprise: "Yesterday, it was just a broken bone. Today, what happened today..."

The doctor was a little unbelievable.

"What happened?" Murong Yue asked impatiently.

The doctor looked at the second senior brother with a complicated look: "Today the bones in my foot are all broken."

Murong Fu stepped forward: "What do you mean it's all broken?"

The doctor couldn't help but whispered: "That's right, this foot cannot be cured and is useless."

Hear the words.

The second senior brother, whose face was pale in pain, shouted uncontrollably: "No way, my feet can't be disabled, and I still have to compete in martial arts, my feet can never be disabled..."

Murong Fu calmed down and stepped forward to hold his hand: "There are so many doctors nowadays, I will definitely find a miracle doctor to cure your leg. Besides, you are highly qualified. Even if your left foot is a little bit sick, it is still better than ordinary people." sharp……"

Before he finished speaking, Murong Fu suddenly froze.

He grabbed the second disciple's hand forcefully and asked in a serious voice: "Where is your internal strength? Where is your internal strength?"

The second senior brother was stunned for a moment, then tried to use his internal strength.

But there was not a trace of his originally abundant inner strength left.

The second senior brother was completely stunned.

Is he not only an ordinary person now, but also a disabled person?

The second senior brother suddenly understood his situation and shouted frantically: "No, no, my legs, my internal strength..."

He smashed like crazy.

But suddenly he stopped, his eyes were scarlet and he said: "It's them, it's them... I saw two masked men last night. They knocked me out. I woke up like this in the morning."

"I'm going to kill them, kill them..." The second senior brother's eyes were scarlet and he screamed heartbreakingly, but he was so excited that he fainted on the ground.

Murong Fu looked at his second disciple on the ground with heartache in his eyes.

It's the kind of heartache that one's hard work has been destroyed, not heartache.

But soon, Murong Fu's expression returned to calm.

It's ok.

He also has a great disciple.

His eldest apprentice is extremely talented and a martial arts wizard.

"It's not good, Master!" At this time, a disciple of the Sky Eagle Sect ran in in a panic.

"What's the matter? There are no rules at all." Murong Fu said angrily.

The disciple whispered: "Yes, senior brother is missing."

Murong Fu's face suddenly darkened: "What do you mean missing."

"Every morning, the senior brother will lead us to practice martial arts. But today, we waited for a long time and couldn't see the senior brother, so we went to look for him. But the senior brother was not in the house. We asked the attendant next to the senior brother, but the attendant said that he had not seen the senior brother early in the morning. So he We went to look for Senior Brother, but we searched the entire Sky Eagle Sect and still couldn't find Senior Brother." The junior disciple explained.

"Look, let everyone look for it." Murong Fu said loudly.

The young disciple crawled out and shouted to others to continue searching.

But I searched over and over again, but couldn't find it.

After losing two disciples at the same time, Murong Fu suddenly aged five years, but he still asked people to continue looking for them.

"Dad, I know, it must be Tiangang Sect!" Murong Yue thought of something and said suddenly.

"What's going on?" Murong Fu looked at her.

Murong Yue told everything about last night. Murong Fu stood up suddenly and stared at Murong Yue gloomily.


Murong Fu slapped her hard on the face.

Murong Yue looked at her father who always doted on her in disbelief.

"It's all your fault! You know that the martial arts conference is coming soon, so you don't want to cause trouble yourself, but you still drag them with you. Now it's okay, your second senior brother is a loser, and your senior brother's whereabouts are unknown. Tell me, this Which disciple of our Tianying sect can attend this martial arts conference?" Murong Fu was furious.

Murong Yue's eyes were red, and she tightened her hands tightly: "I'm going!"

She looked at Murong Fu, still with a proud expression: "My talent is only lower than that of the two senior brothers. It is more than enough to defeat those losers."

Murong Fu snorted coldly, but still handed her a martial arts secret book: "Next month is the martial arts competition. You should practice hard for me. If you embarrass the Sky Eagle Sect, see how I deal with you."

"I will never embarrass the Sky Eagle Sect." Murong Yue picked up the secret book on the ground, turned around and left.

There was hatred in her eyes.

Little beggar.

Tiangang Gate.

It's all them...

If they dare to come, she will definitely pay back ten times the beatings she received from her senior brother.

inside the house.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes and spat out word by word: "My good big brother, it's you! It seems that the lessons I gave you before were too light, and you couldn't even remember the pain. So this time, I will definitely let you You will be remembered forever."

Murong Fu rubbed his jade finger and smiled.

Small house.

Early in the morning, Bai Su arrived with Lu Xiaowan.

After Bai Su's treatment and eating the goblin in the mountain soul, Lu Xiaowan has recovered as before today.

"Little junior sister, your injuries are all healed?" A Zhen surrounded Lu Xiaowan in amazement.

Lu Xiaowan said proudly: "Because my sister's medical skills are the best in the world."

"Xiaowan, come in." At this time, the old Taoist priest spoke.

Lu Xiaowan entered the house obediently.

The old Taoist priest asked her to sit down cross-legged, and then began to transfer the internal energy in her body to Lu Xiaowan and dissolve it.

Last time, the old Taoist priest had reduced the internal energy in her body to 10%.

Today the old Taoist priest transformed her into another 20%.

It seems that thanks to yesterday's palm, Lu Xiaowan's last eight meridians were opened.

Even if he used 20% of his internal strength today, Lu Xiaowan could still withstand it.

Adding up the two times before and after, Lu Xiaowan now has 30% of his internal strength, and he is already the most ordinary martial arts practitioner.

"Master, my internal energy feels so good today. Where did it come from?" After dissolving the internal energy, Lu Xiaowan stood up and asked.

The old Taoist priest glanced at Bai Su next to him, coughed slightly, and said, "Oh, it was given by a kind person."

Lu Xiaowan couldn't help but sincerely sigh: "He is such a good person!"

Old Taoist priest: "..."

Today, the old Taoist priest asked A Kun and A Zhen to change their appearance and take Lu Xiaowan to the wasteland to shoot locusts.

The three of them left.

The old Taoist priest looked at Bai Su.

Bai Su came to the case and turned the vase on it.

Suddenly, the ground was opened, revealing a staircase leading underground.


At this time, there were sounds of struggle coming from the end of the dark stairs. (End of chapter)

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