After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 1010 Looking for a solution

Chapter 1010 Looking for a solution

"Master Ling, when the poisonous disease broke out, I specifically learned that the poisonous disease has a latent process, ranging from three to seven days.

Once the poison takes effect, the person will feel dizzy, vomiting, and depressed. The next day, he will start to vomit blood, his face will turn blue, and he will feel weak. He will ignore the questions as if his soul is out of his body. "

Gu Niansheng frowned slightly, "Isn't it said that this toxin is extremely scary when it takes effect?"

"What Master Ling said was the situation on the third day. On the third day when the poison is released, the situation will be completely different from the first two days. The cultivator will suddenly become infinitely powerful, completely lose his reason, and start to treat everyone like a madman. Bite, once bitten, it will become venomous quickly, and if not controlled in advance, it will become extremely scary.”

Hearing this description, Gu Niansheng's heart trembled. No wonder Xianchi said that this matter was not easy, and the situation was very difficult. She seemed to have imagined the horrific scene when Sin City was finally destroyed, a purgatory on earth, that was all.

"Since the onset of the poisonous disease, no method has been developed to break it, right?" Gu Niansheng asked.

An Ling nodded, "At first many people thought it was a curse, but it wasn't until someone carefully studied it later that they confirmed that it was not a curse, but a poison.

Because this poison is so overbearing and strange, it has attracted many doctors to learn more about it and try to find a way to crack it. Several masters among them also talked about possible effective medicinal materials, but because Sin City was destroyed, there was no one. I have never seen a patient with Curse Disease again, so naturally I can’t really develop an antidote. "

Gu Niansheng understood. The reason why no one has been able to cure the poisonous disease after so long is not because they couldn't think of a way to solve it, but because there have never been any patients with the poisonous disease since then. Even if they want to go deeper. Research has not yielded a definite answer.

"This time Yingqiu was infected with the poisonous disease, it should have been caused by someone deliberately poisoning him. However, the other party was able to find such a rare poison, which shows that a lot of effort was put into it." Gu Niansheng said in a deep voice.

Shen Yuxiu and An Ling naturally understand this. Many people are not aware of the situation of Curse Poison Disease. They only believe that their Wanqian Palace has done some heinous things based on rumors and rumors. But since they all should understand that this is a kind of If you are poisonous, you will naturally not have such thoughts again.

"It seems that you have been outstanding during this period, and some people really can't hold it in anymore." Shen Yuxiu sighed, "Since you are already here, you should have expected such a situation, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Looking at his unsurprising expression, Gu Niansheng understood that he must have experienced similar things several times over the years, so he was so calm when faced with it this time.

Sure enough, those who can survive in the Heaven Devouring Palace for a while are very lucky.

"Don't look at me like this. Aren't you also very lucky?" Shen Yuxiu chuckled, "Really speaking, among all of us, who is more lucky than you?"

She single-handedly ambushed the Holy Palace and assassinated His Highness the Crown Prince. Everyone else would have been dead, but she didn't say anything and became the Crown Princess. Such a thing was something I never dared to dream about, and she actually did it.

"If you think about it, it seems to be true."

Gu Niansheng chuckled. It was not a long time in her life, but this experience was indeed incredible.

Yu Xianchi also walked in from outside at this moment. Seeing Shen Yuxiu here, his handsome eyes were filled with surprise.

Shen Yuxiu was very interested when he saw Yu Xianchi, "Qionghua, it's really amazing that you can break through the heart-asking barrier. I wanted to have a chat with you before, but I heard that you were in retreat to heal your wounds, so I never had the chance to really talk to you. See you, I finally saw you today."

"Thank you." Yu Xianchi responded.

"We will all be our own people from now on." Shen Yuxiu didn't care about Yu Xianchi's indifference. From the first time they met, he knew that this boy was relatively indifferent and not good at words. However, this was the case for dead soldiers and the like. Nagging, that's really hard to accept.

"You have also seen the emergence of the poisonous disease this time. There are quite a few people staring at your palace master on weekdays. If you are not careful, your life will be gone. You should be more careful." Gu Niansheng looked at Shen Yuxiu and spoke earnestly. When Di told Yu Xianchi this, his expression became very strange.

Yu Xianchi glanced at him equally thoughtfully and said, "Okay."

"An Ling, please discuss with the Master of Ling Hall how to cure the poisonous disease. She also knows a little about medical skills. If the poison is not cured within three days, things will be in trouble."

Although Shen Yuxiu acted very casually, as long as he thought about it carefully, he would know the trouble involved. If it cannot be cured, the palace master is afraid that Gu Niansheng will be punished. This has always been the case in the Devouring Heaven Palace. Now that this matter has occurred Wanqian Palace must be related to Wanqian Palace.

The poison was able to destroy the entire city, which shows how toxic it is. It is extremely difficult to break it in such a short period of time.

Gu Niansheng looked at Yu Xianchi and said, "An Ling and I will study the solution carefully."

"it is good."

The two of them calmed down and studied it carefully. An Ling began to explain everything carefully. He was still a little confused. The master of Yan Palace asked him to discuss it with the master of Ling Palace. This kind of poison would not help at all if he only dabbled in medical skills. If you are busy, you might as well find a few more doctors.

However, as they chatted, he realized that he had misunderstood. Master Ling's medical skills were far more powerful than he had imagined. Just a few words had proved this.

The more in-depth the conversation went on, the more he realized that Master Ling's medical skills were very good. He could even easily point out some things that he had not been able to understand before, which suddenly made him enlightened.

Gu Niansheng also discovered that An Ling had a deep understanding of poison poisoning. It seemed that he had done little research in this area before, and he also had a good understanding of the possible ingredients in the toxin. After understanding them one by one, she The understanding of curse disease is no longer as unclear as before, and there is finally a direction for research.

"Master Ling, my idea is to send someone to extract blood from Yingqiu's body so that we can test how to crack the toxin." An Ling said seriously.

Gu Niansheng nodded slightly, "You are right."

"I'll go."

"I go."

Suddenly, two voices rang at the same time.

Gu Niansheng and An Ling couldn't help but turn their eyes and saw Shen Yuxiu and Yu Xianchi taking a thousand steps forward. The two seemed not to have expected such a situation, and couldn't help but look at each other with a slightly strange expression.

"Qionghua, go ahead." Gu Niansheng said, "Just inform the Great Elder about the matter and let him solve it."

The Great Elder was not a good person to begin with, so it was perfect to leave this kind of matter to him.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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