Chapter 1034 Completely changed
Time passed by, and everyone began to stagnate after cracking 25 medicinal materials.

"The remaining five medicinal materials have no obvious characteristics among the toxins. Many medicinal materials have neutralizing effects, but it is impossible to be sure."

Cen Luo frowned. He could analyze something from the poisonous blood before, but the remaining medicinal materials could not detect any characteristics, so naturally they could not distinguish them. Everyone was at a loss at this moment. .

"Everyone, don't be impatient."

Qingyun stood up and looked at everyone.

"Now that 25 of the medicinal materials have been confirmed to be correct, we can carefully analyze the possible medicinal materials based on their medicinal properties and list them one by one. At most, we will be able to confirm them sooner or later if we spend a little more effort."

Everyone nodded, this was the only solution for now.

Possibilities were brought up one after another, and Gu Niansheng also added several possibilities.

Yihe took a huge scroll, wrote all the possibilities on it, and presented it in front of everyone.

Although many possibilities were proposed, they were quickly eliminated one by one through brainstorming. In the end, there were not many types of medicinal materials left.

Even if you try them one by one, it won't take too long, and it will rekindle everyone's hope. In addition, there are more than 20 doctors and alchemists here. Everyone tries one, and the progress is extremely fast.

The sky was getting dark again, but everyone's hope was aroused and they seemed to be in high spirits.

Gu Niansheng took the opportunity to walk to Yu Xianchi and asked, "Have you ever checked on Yingqiu? Is she still alive?"

"Very weak, but still alive." Yu Xianchi said, "Don't worry too much. You are making rapid progress now. Maybe you can crack it tomorrow?"

Gu Niansheng looked at the confident crowd, but was not too optimistic, "There are many possible combinations of the remaining five medicinal materials, and it will also take time to develop usable antidotes based on these medicinal materials.

I just hope Yingqiu can survive. If the antidote can't be made tomorrow, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive until the day after tomorrow. "

sleepless nights.

The good news finally arrived early the next morning. Everyone identified the remaining four medicinal materials, except for the last one.

"What exactly is this last medicinal ingredient? After trying all the medicinal ingredients we listed, we are sure it won't work, but apart from these, we really can't think of any other possibilities."

Cen Luo sighed. They were still worried about too many possibilities at first, but now after thinking about them one by one, they couldn't find any remaining possibilities, and they suddenly felt even more distressed.

"We have been discussing for a long time. The combination of these 29 medicinal materials has very special medicinal properties. This last medicinal material is very crucial, but we have not yet thought of a suitable possibility."

Everyone sighed, and their expressions could not hide their fatigue. Even if the spirit tea eliminated their fatigue to a certain extent, they were really tired after concentrating for a long time. Everyone had not rested, and their brains were constantly running. Naturally, Extremely tired.

"Now most of the problems have been solved. Only this last one is left. I believe it can be solved."

Qingyun calmed everyone's emotions, "Everyone knows the power of the poisonous disease back then. It's amazing that we can crack it to this extent in just two days. Everyone can rest for a while before continuing."

Gu Niansheng gave Yunlou a few instructions, then took out something and handed it to him, who quickly agreed and left.

It didn't take long for an alluring fragrance to reach everyone's noses.

"What does this smell like? It smells so good!" "I haven't been interested in food for a while. When I smell this smell, my taste buds open up and I feel hungry again."

Everyone looked in the direction from which the scent came, and saw Yunlou and a group of people bringing the meal up.

"Everyone must be tired after studying attentively for so long. Why don't you eat first and rest for a while before continuing." Gu Niansheng said with a smile, "I'm really bothering everyone."

Everyone looked at the delicious and delicious food with smiles on their faces.

"Master Ling Hall is so polite. This is our duty."

"This matter was all caused by our Wanqian Temple. I feel very guilty and grateful for everyone's help. The only things I can do are these small things."

Gu Niansheng's words were humble and courteous. After two days of getting along with each other, everyone changed their views on her. On weekdays, it would be difficult for them to receive such attention in other palaces. Qian Dian also had a particularly good impression of Su Ling.

As soon as the food came into their mouth, everyone's eyes lit up. They had all seen the world and had eaten a lot of delicious food. However, such delicious food was rare, and everyone's eyes were filled with wonder. color.

"Wanqiandian's food tastes so good? Where did you specially invite the chef?"

"Is it because I haven't eaten for so long that it tastes particularly delicious when I eat again?"

"This food is really delicious. I haven't had such delicious food in a long time."

Everyone was eating happily while talking. Yu Xianchi took some vegetables and handed them to Gu Niansheng, "You should eat some too. You have added a refreshing effect to it. After eating it, your mind will be clearer and you may be able to think faster. .”

Gu Niansheng nodded slightly, took the food, and said, "You should also eat more."

"Su Ling, the food in your palace is so delicious. You don't know how inappropriate it would be to ask me to join you and eat alone, right?"

Shen Yuxiu had a great appetite and his cheeks were bulging into balls. While talking, he picked up the food at a very slow pace.

"Aren't you not very interested in eating on weekdays?"

Gu Niansheng raised her eyebrows. There were a lot of things going on in the palace. Even she herself only ate the meals prepared by Yunlou's people. She didn't have much time to cook. This time it was because everyone had spent a lot of energy and she had made a breakthrough again. The sixth-grade spiritual master made some seasonings.

It has to be said that after breaking through to the sixth-grade spiritual master, she found that the effect was greatly enhanced, an effect that a fifth-grade spiritual master could not achieve.

The same is true for the sixth-grade spiritual tea. The effect of refreshing the mind is simply better than elixirs. When you need to concentrate on doing things, the effect of spiritual tea is not very good.

Now coupled with these meals, everyone's fatigue will soon be swept away, so that we can continue to study together.

The only thing missing was the last medicine, and she didn't believe that everyone couldn't develop it.

"Master Ling Hall, the treatment in your hall is really great. Just because of this meal, I can't wait to come to your Wanqian Hall to stay permanently."

"That's a good feeling." Gu Niansheng chuckled, "We welcome you."

(End of this chapter)

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