After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 1082 The Abyss of Thunder Sky

Chapter 1082 The Abyss of Thunder Sky
Gu Niansheng gritted her teeth. The kneeling men could no longer support their bodies under such pain. They lay unconscious on the ground and endured the pain without making a sound.

Shen Yuxiu's back has already been wet with sweat. Every detoxification is a matter of love and hate for them. Once the toxin attacks, life will be worse than death. They must find ways to detoxify, but the detoxification process is still the same. It's excruciatingly painful.

They do not want to do things but must do them. Only by detoxifying them can they live one more year.

Their lives were never their own, but were held in the palace master's hands, and could be easily wiped out if something went wrong.

Su Xun was already seriously injured, and now he was shivering in such pain. His face was extremely pale, as if he would faint at any time.

The entire hall was so silent that you could even hear the sound of a pin falling to the ground. Qing Mo's eyes swept over the four people, his eyes as calm as ever, and vaguely satisfied.

"Do you feel that this poison is a restraint on you, and do you hate it?"

"My subordinates dare not."

Gu Niansheng gritted his teeth and answered with the four others. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Qing Mo was probably a pervert. It was already very difficult for them to hold back from howling. Now they were asked to do so. answer!

Look at Su Xun's appearance of fainting at any moment. I'm afraid he doesn't even know what Qing Mo is talking about.

"You must know that this is not the suppression of you by the Heaven-Eating Palace, but the pity for you." Qing Moyun said softly, "You are all abandoned children. If the Heaven-Eating Palace hadn't given you Given a chance to live, you have already become a ghost in this world."

"There are endless betrayals from other forces. I don't want such things to happen to us, so this poison is the best proof. From now on, once and for all, no one will betray us again."

Gu Niansheng listened to Qing Mo's words quietly. She had seen Qing Mo only a handful of times so far, and his temper seemed to be that he didn't talk much on weekdays. It was rare for him to talk so much like today, but he was used to Tell them that they should be grateful for everything in the Heaven Devouring Palace.

It has to be said that using poison can make everyone work for him. Before the poison cannot be broken, no one dares to disobey him, otherwise his life will be lost.

"Everything has two sides. As long as you and I have the same mind, this poison will have no effect on you.

One day, when one of you becomes the next palace master, this shackles will naturally be gone. Then you will be grateful for everything. "

Everyone fell into silence. The position of palace master is undoubtedly what everyone is eager to hope for nowadays. After becoming the palace master, the entire Heaven Devouring Palace will be in his own hands, and the other three people will also become their own from a competitive relationship. The feeling is completely different.

It's natural to feel uncomfortable when your lifeline is controlled, but it's completely different when you control other people's lifelines.

They have the power of life and death in their hands, and anyone who dares to disobey them will be killed!

"I will give you half a month to prepare. After half a month, I will go to the Thunder Cloud Abyss in the south of the sky to search for the Holy Pearl of Thunder Sky on my behalf. Whoever can find the Holy Pearl of Thunder Sky will be the next palace master. Whose."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. They had expected that the Palace Master would choose from among them, but they had never said it directly, but this time it was equivalent to directly informing them of the next task.

Other competitions are no longer important, the Lei Xiao Holy Pearl is the most important.

After obtaining the Lei Xiao Holy Pearl and gaining the attention of the Palace Master, other people no longer count. As long as you want, you can let them die at any time.Gu Niansheng was thinking about what exactly this Lei Xiao Holy Pearl was?She had never heard of it before, but it felt somewhat similar to the Holy Spirit Bead.

She had never understood the effects of other holy beads, but she had personally seen the Holy Spirit Bead, so she naturally knew how powerful it was. The Lei Xiao Holy Bead was not simple just by listening to it.

The most important thing is that since she learned that the Heaven Devouring Palace was going to select a new palace master, she had quietly noticed the green demon the few times she came into contact with it. There were rumors from the outside that the green demon's physical condition was getting worse and worse, and he was afraid that he would not die soon. Only then will the successor be chosen for the Heaven Devouring Palace.

But for some reason, she always felt that this matter was a little strange.

Qing Mo wears a cloak all day long, and others cannot see his true appearance at all. Even if his face is vaguely revealed, he can easily change it with a disguise pill if he wants to.

She had learned about the grudge between the Green Demon and the Holy Emperor from Xianchi's mouth before. They had been fighting hard to separate each other in the past, but the Holy Emperor was still fine now. Why was the Green Devil in bad health?

From an ordinary person's point of view, if it is true that his life is not long, in order to prevent others from looking down on him, he should not let the news leak out. Why would he allow the news to spread? Wouldn't it be giving the enemy a chance? ?

At least judging from Qing Mo's behavior during this period, she didn't think he was terminally ill.

Until the pain in everyone's body gradually dissipated, Gu Niansheng quietly observed the situation of Shen Yuxiu and others, and then lowered his head again.

"Get up."

Qing Mo's voice sounded, and everyone slowly stood up from the ground. Compared with the previous speed, the speed at this moment was very slow, and everyone was almost exhausted.

His eyes swept over everyone, observing everyone's situation. Gu Niansheng also knew in his heart that Qing Mo was checking whether they had tried to hide the pill secretly.

You don't need to think about it to know that everyone present has had this plan, hoping to release the restraint, but it is very dangerous to have such an idea, and you will lose your life if you are not careful.

Some people have tried before, but in the end they were seen through by the Green Demon. The Green Demon who saw all this with his own eyes can easily see through them, let alone there are only four people now, wouldn't it be easy to see through them?

After a moment, Qing Mo waved his hand and said: "Go back."

It wasn't until he left the main hall that Gu Niansheng breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Su Xun who was being carried back, and sighed with emotion: "Su Xun has lost all his face during this period. He keeps being carried back and forth. Go, everyone must have seen this situation before."

"He is accompanied by Bai Lingzhen. Although it is embarrassing, this girl Bai is completely devoted to him." Su Xi walked out and said.

"Are you envious?" Gu Niansheng raised his eyebrows, "You haven't caught up with Su Yimo yet?"

When Su Yimo was mentioned, Su Xi's expression changed a bit. He glanced at her coldly and said in a deep voice, "How did you figure out the formation?"

(End of this chapter)

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