Chapter 109

"All non-toxic."

The expressions of Li San and the others, who could not help but raise the corners of their lips, froze in an instant, and for a moment they only wondered if they had heard wrongly.

"What did you say? How can there be no poison in the wine?"

"It is indeed non-toxic," the doctor said with certainty.

At this moment, the expressions of everyone in Lingsheng Building became interesting. Since the kitchen was non-toxic and so many of them ate without any harm, it proves that the problem may not be Lingsheng Building, but the people at this table. ah!
"I'm afraid Lingsheng Tower has become too famous recently, so it's being targeted. Could it be that they want to blackmail you?"

"If it was to extort money, I'm afraid I wouldn't go to such great lengths. Maybe someone couldn't see that Lingsheng Tower's business was booming, so this happened."

Gu Niansheng cupped her hands and said, "This person only has a trace amount of toxins in his body, which looks scary, but in fact, he only needs to drink a bowl of detoxification soup and he will be fine.

Since this poison is not from our restaurant, it must have been brought by these people themselves..."

The officer immediately understood and said quickly: "Check this person carefully to see if there are any other traces on his body."

After a while, the doctor noticed some powder between the man's nails.

"Sir, the white powder in these nails is poison!"

The man who was lying on the ground and foaming at the mouth was waiting for Gu Niansheng with his eyes wide open. He was obviously very careful when he administered the poison and did not leave any evidence at all. It was clearly Gu Niansheng who administered the poison while taking his pulse. The powder got on him!

However, Gu Niansheng just looked at him with cold eyes, confident.

"Come here! Take these troublemakers away!"

The yamen officer cupped his fists towards Gu Niansheng, "Today's matter has nothing to do with Lingsheng Tower. Let's take our leave first."

"Today is really troublesome for you, sir. Why don't you come to Lingsheng Tower for a drink when you have time, and let me be the host to thank you for clearing our innocence."

The yamen servant also had a smile on his face, "The girl is so polite."

Seeing that a storm was resolved so easily, everyone was a little surprised.

"Miss Lingsheng is indeed worthy of being my boss. She has a clear mind and solved all this in just a few words. What a waste of panic!"

"I would say these guys are too stupid. Even if they want to extort money, this method is too stupid."

"You are really stupid. If you are taken to the government now, I'm afraid you will go to jail."

Gu Niansheng looked at the guests who had not dispersed and said, "It's really our fault that today's incident disturbed everyone's meal. Later, each table will be served a plate of signature dishes. I will cook them myself. I hope you will understand."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up. This is a signature dish that only comes once a month. How many people wanted to bid for one but had no chance, but today it is available on every table?
Not only that, but Miss Lingsheng actually cooked the food herself?
The original dissatisfaction with being interrupted disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by deep excitement.

Gu Niansheng returned to the kitchen, and Xi Yongan quickly followed. Even though the scene just now was solved easily, he knew in his heart that it could never be that simple.

"Master, is the kitchen really not poisonous?"

He didn't believe these guys were really that stupid. It was clear from their expressions that the kitchen was poisonous. He was worried about this for a while, but what happened next was really unexpected.

"A monk is a thief." Gu Niansheng said.

With these four simple words, Xi Yongan's expression suddenly became serious. Sure enough, the matter was not that simple. The master must have put a lot of effort into it.

"It's all my fault." "I don't blame you for this." Gu Niansheng waved his hands, his clear eyes filled with coldness, "I have been very generous to them, but after all, I can't resist the temptation outside."

"This person's betrayal is really hateful!" Xi Yong'an rarely showed anger. During these days, the master has treated each of them extremely well. No servant bought by any family can live better than them.

But this person was ungrateful and even poisoned his wine, which would bring misfortune to everyone!
"It's nothing more than ordinary trivial matters, but this matter touches my bottom line, so I can't let it go!" Gu Niansheng's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes filled with frost. Since she could treat them kindly, she could also destroy them.

Excessive sympathy for the enemy is cruelty to one's own people.

"Don't rush today, let's wait for him to contact the other party."

If you mess with her, no one can escape!

Miss Lingsheng cooked the food herself, and everyone in the lobby was looking forward to it. Even Nan Ling was curious.

"Did you hear that the ring girl gave two radishes as a gift after she cured the prime minister's only son?"

"I heard that the Prime Minister was a little disgusted at first, but his attitude immediately changed after he found out that it was a spiritual carrot."

"I heard that the prime minister's only son was severely depleted due to poisoning. As a result, he recovered quickly after making soup with this spiritual energy radish. All the doctors were amazed."

"Isn't that right? Why are spirit masters so highly regarded? Isn't it because their methods are beyond the reach of ordinary people? Anything that falls into their hands can be turned into treasure. I wonder what Miss Lingsheng will do today? "

Gu Niansheng originally planned to cook a few random dishes, but after hearing this discussion, he took out the radish from a deserted corner.

This radish had not been planted in the spiritual field for a long time, and it was slightly different from the radish she gave to the prime minister, but ordinary people could already strengthen their health by eating it.

She arranged for someone to peel and cut the radish into cubes, and then began to make radish and pork ribs soup. Although it was a common soup, the ingredients used were different, so the result was completely different.

With the blessing of spiritual energy, the radish was even more delicious, and after it was served to every table, everyone was immediately amazed.

"Did this Miss Lingsheng hear what we said? She is really a carrot!"

Nan Ling looked at the soup in front of him and felt for the first time that the dish would be so precious.

"Gu Niansheng is destined to be an unlucky person. He left so early and couldn't even eat this signature dish!"

Ding Qing'er smiled lightly, "She is definitely not as good as you. You can be happy now."

When Gu Niansheng came, he happened to hear such words, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After resurrecting his life, some things have begun to change, but Nan Ling is still as stupid as ever...

at night.

Gu Niansheng and Xi Yongan saw Zhang Erfu, whom they were familiar with, secretly stealing condiments, putting them in a bag and walking outside, so they followed them together.

"Master is right, it is indeed Zhang Erfu!"

Xi Yongan's eyes were filled with wonder. This evening he was still thinking about who did this person, but his master bluntly said that it was Zhang Erfu.

Now that he saw this scene happening with his own eyes, he was even more impressed.

"Recently, I've been wondering how this condiment can be used faster than before, but when I counted the quantities, there was no difference. It turned out that he had reduced the amount of each bottle and couldn't tell."

(End of this chapter)

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