Chapter 1093
"Why can't you compare with her?" Bai Jinghuan was speechless. "Just from Su Xun's behavior in this matter, we can see that he is only interested in profit. Then Su Jiao treated him sincerely and gave up her choice of identity as a shadow. Surrender to him and help him become the master of the palace.

How is this different from helping him capture the Holy Pearl of Thunder and helping him become the next palace master? "

"But Su Jiao has no other help for him. I am stronger than Su Jiao, and I have the Bai family as my backing. Who else can compare with me?"

Bai Lingzhen was full of confidence when talking about this. Su Xun's attitude towards her during this period was really caring and considerate. He clearly loved her deeply. How could he be compared with Su Jiao who tried every means to get close to her?
"Sister, stop dreaming." Bai Jinghuan mercilessly exposed her fantasy, "You are good-looking and have the backing of the Bai family, so why don't you think about why the Crown Prince doesn't like you?"

The moment he said these words, Bai Lingzhen's face turned extremely ugly.

"What do you want to say?"

"For men, when they are not strong enough, they naturally want to find a beautiful lady who can help them to get what they can't get. But when they are strong enough, it is completely different.

Once they are strong enough, what they want is what they like, and life experience, background, and strength are nothing but accessories. "

Bai Jinghuan's eyes were indifferent. As a man, he understood this very well.

Although His Highness the Crown Prince didn't like his sister, and he felt very unhappy about it, he actually knew in his heart that His Highness the Crown Prince really liked Gu Niansheng.

Because his own strength is enough, everything else is just the icing on the cake. Otherwise, from the perspective of interests, Bai Lingzhen is stronger than Gu Niansheng.

All the elders of the Bai family nodded when they heard Bai Jinghuan's words. The young master has settled down a lot during this time. This change was seen by everyone, and the analysis of the matter became more thorough. It was no longer superficial, but also allowed him to After everyone realized that Bai Lingzhen, what they should really be optimistic about was the young master.

Bai Jinghuan did not stop there, but directly pierced the paper completely, dispelling all Bai Lingzhen's illusions.

"We all know how influential the Lord of the Heaven-Eating Palace is. Once Su Xun has reached this first step, will he still need our help? Have you ever thought about this?"

Bai Lingzhen stood there, speechless by these words. All plans and calculations seemed to pale at this moment.

"Jing Huan is right, Ling Zhen, you have to think more about everything and don't act rashly. This is too naive, and you are the one who is unlucky."

Bai Guangji hit Bai Lingzhen with words, and noticed that she was still wearing a veil, and said in a deep voice: "Your face has not been cured yet? Su Xun hasn't even given you the seventh-grade purple Ganoderma lucidum, so you are carrying it like this He is back?"

"No." Bai Lingzhen shook his head quickly, "He has already given me the seventh-grade purple Ganoderma lucidum. It's just that he was too busy these days in the Heaven-Eating Palace. No one can help me refine the elixir for the time being, so I thought about asking the elders to help me refine it when I come back. Pill."

After hearing this, Bai Guangji's expression softened a bit. It would be a joke if he couldn't even solve the most basic things after going there.

"Father, just believe me!" Bai Lingzhen didn't want to give up. This was the turnaround she wanted to fight the most.

During this period of time, whenever she closed her eyes, what came to her mind was the scene where Gu Niansheng defeated her. It was a shame that she could never forget.

Even if she was defeated by His Highness the Crown Prince, she would not feel so uncomfortable, but losing at the hands of Gu Niansheng and Mo Shengsheng was the most painful, as it seemed to have trampled all her pride and dignity. The woman she had always looked down upon actually defeated her with her own hands in front of everyone.

Whenever she returned to the Holy City, she would inevitably think of Yu Xianchi and Gu Niansheng, so she chose to bring Su Xun back with her. She wanted to tell everyone that she had not lost.

"Su Xun won't treat me badly. If you don't believe it, why not call Su Xun over and let him talk to you." "I already understand what you are thinking. Just step aside for the time being. Jing Huan, I, and the others Let’s discuss this with the elders.”

Bai Lingzhen's expression changed, "Father!"

"Go down."

As Bai Lingzhen left, Bai Guangji looked at the elders and said, "If you have any opinions, just tell me."

"Master, this must not be done..."


The elders who were silent at first expressed their opinions one after another. Due to Bai Lingzhen's insistence, many people chose not to speak. Now everyone expressed their opinions.

Bai Lingzhen walked out a little lonely, feeling the complicated looks on his face from the family members on the way, and his face became more and more ugly.

In the past, all she saw in these people's eyes was joy, excitement and admiration, but now she only noticed a series of incomprehensible looks, even with a bit of disgust. This was very unfamiliar to her. Originally, It shouldn't belong to her at all.

Su Xun saw Bai Lingzhen walking back slightly lonely, and walked forward quickly, "Lingzhen, what's wrong?"

Bai Lingzhen raised her head and looked at Su Xun, whose expression was full of concern. A complicated feeling flashed through her heart. She had considered what Jing Huan said before, but she always felt that she was different, and she didn't believe that Su Xun would treat her like that.

"Su Xun, if I help you win the position of Young Master of the Heaven Devouring Palace, will you let me down in the future?"

"Of course not." Su Xun replied without hesitation, with firm eyes, "I will definitely not let you down."

"Did my uncle ask about this just now? He thinks I can't be trusted and will abandon you in the future?"

Su Xun was not surprised at all. As a man, he knew without thinking that Bai Lingzhen would definitely be asked such questions after he came back. It would be really strange if the Bai family really had no worries at all.

Bai Lingzhen nodded, "You abandoned Su Jiao like this before, so I may not be next."

"Nonsense." Su Xun quickly stopped her, "How can Su Jiao be compared with you? There is a world of difference between you and her. If she hadn't deceived me, I wouldn't have treated her like this."

Bai Lingzhen was slightly startled, "What? Did she lie to you?"

"Lingzhen, do you think I am really so cruel? If she treats me sincerely, how can I abandon her?" Su Xun's eyes were filled with disappointment, as if he had never thought that he would be such a person in the eyes of the other party. .

"That's not what I meant." Bai Lingzhen explained and asked curiously: "When did Su Jiao lie to you?"

Her closest relatives had never heard of this matter, and they didn't know much about Su Jiao. If that was the case...

(End of this chapter)

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