Chapter 1116 tit for tat
This was the first time that Wei Zhuyue saw Bai Lingzhen after she came back. She had heard from other people that this woman had changed a lot. She was completely different from before. She didn't take it to heart until she saw it with her own eyes. What I saw was that he looked like a different person.

No, it should be said that Bai Lingzhen is this kind of person originally. He really maintains his image on the front end. He has always been pretending, but now he is obviously too lazy to pretend.

"Wei Zhuyue, your Holy Palace really wants to marry our Bai family. Your eldest brother failed and it was you who replaced him. Now I ruined the plan and you are angry here? Are you so eager to marry me?"

These words were said without any loss of face, and Wei Zhuyue could also hear that the other party was saying that she was being disrespectful. This was the most unbearable insult for a woman.

"You still have the nerve to accuse me?" Wei Zhuyue said with a livid face, "Although Jing Huan and I are in love, we have always been very measured. It's not like you who are shameless and do sloppy things before we are married. After being seen by so many people, I don’t feel ashamed at all, and I can still accuse others here.”

"What did you say?"

Bai Lingzhen's face was extremely ugly. He raised his hand and slapped him!

He slapped Yu Zhuyue hard on the face without mercy, and the sound was shockingly loud.

"Sister, what are you doing!"

Bai Jinghuan protected Wei Zhuyue behind him. Wei Zhuyue did not expect that Bai Lingzhen would suddenly take action. The burning pain on her face made her feel extremely embarrassed, especially since such movement attracted many people. At this moment, everyone was here He looked at her and whispered something.

In the past few days, she had been criticized by her third brother for causing trouble. She was completely angry. She rushed out from behind Bai Jinghuan and pounced on Bai Lingzhen.

"You are just shameless! You are a shameless woman!"

Bai Lingzhen had never seen Wei Zhuyue look so crazy. He was thrown to the ground and started fighting.

"Bamboo Moon!"

Bai Jinghuan was also shocked by the scene in front of him. These two women were usually gentle, generous and decent. Who would have thought that they would be wrestling on the ground regardless of their appearance today? It was simply unbelievable.

"stop fighting."

The children of the Bai family who passed by opened their eyes wide, subconsciously wondering if they were dazzled. Was it the eldest lady and the fourth princess who were fighting?

The fight wasn't actually scary, but the scuffle like a street shrew was really scary.

"I just heard that the fourth princess came to see the young master. Why did she suddenly start a fight with the eldest lady? How big a hatred is this?"

"You came a little late. What the eldest lady said just now was unpleasant. After the fourth princess retorted, the eldest lady slapped her again, and it ended up like this."

Bai Jinghuan quickly separated the two people, and saw that the veil on Bai Lingzhen's face had been taken off, revealing the earless half of the face, and there were blood marks on the fair skin. It was obviously caught by Wei Zhuyue. See He felt very embarrassed.

Wei Zhuyue's condition was not much better. She was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, her eyes were bruised, and blood continued to flow from her nose.

"What are you two doing?" Bai Jinghuan was completely speechless. Seeing that there were so many people watching the fun behind him, he immediately yelled: "What are you doing here? Get out of here!"

Everyone saw that the young master was angry, so they reluctantly left. They also wanted to see what would happen next, but they couldn't see it now...

"Jing Huan." Wei Zhuyue couldn't help crying, "Your eldest sister is really bullying me. I only want to do your best and just want to see you, but she just insults me!"

Bai Jinghuan couldn't help but feel distressed when he looked at Wei Zhuyue's pitiful appearance. Speaking of it, all this was indeed caused by the eldest sister's sudden appearance. The two of them were having a good conversation, but as soon as the eldest sister came, she started to stir up trouble, and the situation evolved. This is it.

"Sister, what's going on with you? Zhuyue came to see me, and I didn't find any trouble with you. Why do you have to come and cause trouble?"

"Am I causing trouble?" Bai Lingzhen sneered, "I think you were bewitched and instigated by this woman, so you have always opposed my marriage to Su Xun. This woman came here just to cause trouble for me. Shouldn't I take action? "

"Bai Jinghuan, don't think that I don't know what you are planning. I'm afraid you already hate me in your heart and ruined your good plan of marrying the Holy Palace, right?

It's a pity that it's useless no matter how unhappy you are. The family will definitely agree to my marriage to Su Xun. You two should give up this idea as soon as possible.

The people in the Holy Palace are not good people. Could Wei Zhuyue be sincere in coming to you?Stop dreaming! "

Bai Lingzhen looked arrogant. The woman Wei Zhuyue was not a good person. She knew everything they had done together. Could this woman really like Jing Huan?It's just a use, but Bai Jinghuan is also a fool. He actually thinks that this woman has true feelings for him. It's really ridiculous!

"Shut your stinky mouth!" Wei Zhuyue scolded angrily, "You don't know anything about the relationship between me and Jing Huan, so you are just talking nonsense here. On the contrary, you are dirty, shameless, and... It's embarrassing to tell others.

My eldest brother would have made the right choice not to marry you. You are simply not worthy of your appearance, and only those guys from Heaven Devouring Palace will fall in love with you! "

"Let me tell you, don't think that you are so great now, and even imagine that you can become the future wife of the palace lord of Devouring Heaven Palace. Don't you look at the ghost of yourself now, are you worthy?

That beauty Su Xun likes is so beautiful. I don’t know where you get your confidence from with your inhuman appearance! "

Wei Zhuyue has always been sharp-tongued when it comes to scolding people, especially since she has known Bai Lingzhen for so many years. Because of her understanding, she knows how to poke her heart.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Bai Lingzhen's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his eyes were filled with hysterical madness.

"Wei Zhuyue, I will pull out your tongue today so that you can never speak again!"

Bai Lingzhen's eyes were sinister. Although she could feel the changes in everyone's eyes since her face was disfigured, no one had ever dared to say such words to her. They were vicious and mean. She would never let Wei Zhuyue go today.

Bai Jinghuan looked at the tit-for-tat exchanges between the two women, each of which was more unpleasant than the other. He felt that his head was bigger than ever before. If he could control one, he would not be able to control the other. The sharp and cruel words were so much stronger than those of the man.

"Zhuyue, please stop saying a few words." Bai Jinghuan said, "It's not good for you to continue making trouble like this. Do you still want everyone in the world to see your joke?"

(End of this chapter)

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