After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 1158 Departure to the Abyss of Thunder Sky

Chapter 1158 Departure to the Abyss of Thunder Sky

After Shu Hua and the others left, Gu Niansheng and Yu Xianchi didn't waste any time and packed their bags. I'm afraid it won't be easy for Lei Xiaozhiyuan and his party this time, so they still have to be fully prepared.

Before leaving, they had a dinner at the Queen's place. The Queen was also very friendly to Gu Niansheng and was not as hostile as before, which made her gradually feel at ease.

"Your profession is full of dangers. You must be careful at all times. If you encounter trouble that cannot be solved, don't hold on. Leave first. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, you know?" Mu Zhifu warned.

"Yes, mother."

Gu Niansheng noticed the concern in the woman's eyes and nodded with a smile. She had to say that the Holy Queen in the past had always been extremely strong in her heart, but today she didn't feel it at all. She only saw her gentle side as a mother.

"Mother, don't worry. Both my eldest brother and my sister-in-law have experienced many battles. They won't understand this simple truth." Wei Shilin waved his hand, "I think you might as well give me more advice." , I have to lead the troops myself this time, this kind of thing was done by my elder brother before."

"You young people are more impulsive in doing things. I just know that your eldest brother and sister-in-law are excellent, so I am more worried. There is nothing to worry about your temper. Anyway, you don't want to make progress. You just give up when you can't do it. How can you still do it? Do you want to try again?"

Wei Qiongshu on the side couldn't help laughing when she heard this. When the queen mother talked about her second brother, she really didn't show mercy at all. It made sense.

"Mother, why do I think you are laughing at me by saying this?"

Wei Shilin looked helplessly at Mu Zhifu. Before, his mother and queen always spoke well of him, but now they just looked down on him. He was so wronged!

"What the Queen Mother said is true. Your talent is no worse than that of your eldest brother, but if you look at the gap between you and your eldest brother, isn't it just that the difference is in temperament?" Mu Zhifu sighed and shook his head, "The Queen Mother is lucky. I’ve given birth to your eldest brother, otherwise I’m afraid you’d be on par with Xingzhou because of your temperament.”

"Mother, why are you still swearing? Comparing me to Xingzhou is obviously an insult to me!"

Wei Shilin really couldn't bear it at this moment. Although he claimed to be casual and carefree, it was much better than Xingzhou. The Queen Mother was probably going to piss him off to death.

After he made such a fuss, everyone laughed. Gu Niansheng also learned that after the destruction of the Bai family, Wei Zhuyue's temperament had changed a lot. She seemed to have true feelings for Bai Jinghuan and even ran to the Holy Emperor to intercede for him. In the end, the Holy Emperor was so angry that he immediately locked her up in confinement and did not allow her to visit Bai Jinghuan in the dungeon again.

As for Wei Xingzhou, both his mother, concubine and sister were ashamed of their father, so they naturally did not dare to cause more trouble, so it was a wise move to stay in the palace all day and rarely come out.

However, it was obvious that he would not miss Lei Xiaozhiyuan and his party, and like them, he was now packing his bags and preparing to set off at any time.

The next day, Gu Niansheng and Yu Xianchi embarked on a journey to the extreme south. This was the first time that they were traveling together in a real sense, but it was quite a different experience.

As the two left the Holy City, they found that there were many people walking together on this road. With sharp eyes, they could spot teams from some aristocratic families, including teams composed of some students from Holy Spirit College. Everyone's destination was tacitly understood.

Gu Niansheng took the Yi Rong Pill and disguised herself. Her current performance can no longer have anything to do with the Holy Palace. She must now remember that she only has the identity of Devouring Heaven Palace.The people from Wanqian Palace have already set off and will be waiting for her near the Thunder Cloud Abyss. Presumably the people from the other three palaces have also set off.

Yu Xianchi took Gu Niansheng's hand and walked to the narrow path without restraint. In the past, he almost always walked with the team every time he traveled. Because of various concerns such as identity, there were some restrictions after all, but now the two of them could have no worries.

Snatching the Thunder Cloud Holy Pearl was obviously a very exciting and exciting matter. The two of them had obviously put the matter behind them for the time being. They were as happy and peaceful as if they were traveling.

When the two of them embarked on the road easily, Su Xun in the Heaven-Eating Palace looked completely different.

He was seriously injured this time, and he gradually recovered after taking Tiancai Dibao. During this period, he had some bad luck, and he was injured one after another.

Bai Lingzhen was originally a good chess piece for him. As long as he grasped it well, his hope of becoming the Young Palace Master of the Devouring Heaven Palace would be greatly increased. Who would have thought that Bai Lingzhen would be finished before he even figured out what happened.

Now that the entire Bai family has been destroyed, the help he wanted has disappeared. Even several elders have fallen because of this. It is really a loss of his wife and soldiers.

Not only that, I heard that the branch outside the Holy Palace was directly destroyed by the Holy Emperor, and even the two guardians of the palace owner were directly killed in this battle.

He had no idea about all this, and he felt very annoyed when he woke up. He had obviously told the palace master before, and the palace master had also said that he would send someone as soon as a conflict broke out. That was why he took action against Wei Zhuyue at that time.

Who would have thought that after waiting for so long, no reinforcements showed up? The Holy Palace had obviously planned to kill all of them for a long time, and they did not hesitate when they started. Even he was seriously injured, and the healing treasure was used in advance. How could it be Doesn't this put him at a direct disadvantage in the competition for the Thunder Cloud Holy Pearl?

But after knowing all the truth, he didn't know what to say. It would be best as long as the palace owner didn't blame him for this.

After hearing that Su Xun had woken up, Shen Yuxiu made a special trip to see him, "Su Xun, I plan to go to the Thunder Cloud Abyss today. If your injury has not recovered, I'm afraid the process will be delayed."

"You don't have to worry about me, my injury is completely healed." Su Xun had a gloomy face. He had never taken Su Yan seriously before. This guy had always been low-key before, and his grades were among the Nine Shadows. He is not very eye-catching. He is clearly the master of Wentian Palace now, but because he often hangs out with Su Ling, people feel that he is not even comparable to Su Ling.

I didn’t expect that this kid would be successful today, how dare you come to mock him?

"That's good." Shen Yuxiu nodded slightly, with a warm smile on his face, "It will be great if you recover from your injury. In the past few days, I have been hearing talk about the destruction of the Bai family, but I was not there at the time. Holy City, I don’t know the whole story, so many of you and the masters of the Bai family couldn’t escape from the hands of the Holy Palace?”

Su Xun's face turned ugly for a while, "What exactly do you want to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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