Chapter 1295 Su Xun was caught

"Why did Su Xun become so weak?"

Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of disgust. Everyone praised Su Xun when he was in the Heaven Devouring Palace. They thought Su Xun was so powerful.

Yun Fei was bribed to make his master be wary of everything. Now he feels that these guys shouldn't be merciful. Why should he be tied back? Wouldn't it be better to just kill him?

The master has never been able to find the best opportunity to make a move. He finally had one and was interrupted by these guys.

If he were killed directly, wouldn't it save the owner the trouble?

"You let me go!"

Su Xun looked at these guys angrily, and he couldn't understand what these guys were thinking.

He had obviously gone after Yu Xianchi and his group before, but he also ran away immediately. Who would have thought that these guys suddenly changed their direction and chased them collectively.

His hand was injured, and the injury was not yet stable. Without one arm, his whole body felt uncoordinated, and his speed also slowed down a lot.

Seeing that his speed was a disadvantage, he wanted to throw these guys away through the route.

It's just that he ignored one thing, how sensitive these monsters are to aura.

No matter how secretly he hid, the other party didn't rely on sight at all. By the time he realized this, it was already too late, and these guys all appeared in front of him.


At this moment, he couldn't even think about what would happen to him if he was caught. All he could think about was how embarrassing he was.

Fortunately, Yu Xianchi and the others all ran away. If he had not run away, knowing that he was caught by these strange aliens, he would never be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

Qi Gu from the Evil Spirit Tribe looked at Su Xun with an angry face, raised his hand and punched him.

"Perseverance Ancient!"

Su Xun's nosebleed from being beaten. Although he didn't understand the meaning of the language, he could still guess from the other party's reaction that he meant to shut up.

His hands and feet were tied up, and the other party used a long stick to pass through the ropes of his hands and feet and carried him back directly.

This look was clearly like the way a wild boar was carried back when it was caught during hunting, and now he looked like the wild boar being carried.

Unspeakable shame and anger burst out in his heart, and he glared at these guys angrily, wishing he could just kill them.

However, having been taught a lesson just now, he didn't even dare to say anything, lest he be beaten again.

Gu Niansheng followed the little induction and approached here. When they passed the Eye of the Storm along the way, she and Yu Xianchi went to take a look.

As expected, the other party had arranged for monsters to guard the area, led by several aliens who were sizing up the Eye of the Storm.

In order to avoid being discovered, the two people left after observing the general situation and rushed towards the small direction.

After the contract, there will be telepathy between the cultivator and the monster, through which the other party's state can be detected.

Xiaoxiao was obviously not in danger, and Gu Niansheng was relatively relieved.

However, when the two of them got closer to Xiaoxiao, they discovered that there were houses made of dirt in front of them. Just from the number, they could tell that there were quite a few aliens.

"Evil Spirit Clan." Yu Xianchi said suddenly.

"Evil Spirit Clan?" Gu Niansheng looked at Yu Xianchi doubtfully, "What is it?"

"I have seen records about the Evil Spirit Clan in an ancient book before. The Evil Spirit Clan looks very similar to the Human Clan, but has wider feet, a taller body, and sharp ears.

At that time, I just thought it was a story and didn’t pay much attention to it because I had never heard of the existence of the Evil Spirit Clan anywhere else. "

Yu Xianchi recalled the situation at that time, and the reason why he had the impression was that the evil spirits looked slightly similar to humans.Before this, I had seen a lot of monsters, but the alien races that were similar to the human race were very special.

When he saw the Evil Spirit Tribe before, he felt that he had seen it somewhere before, but it didn't ring until now.

"I've never heard of the Evil Spirit Clan either."

There was surprise in Gu Niansheng's eyes. She had read a lot of books and kept the situation of various monsters in mind, but she had never seen any relevant records about the Evil Spirit Clan.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s not surprising. Neither the former members of the Slaughter Gate nor the Haogang Sect have ever spoken about this matter. It can be seen that even they don’t know much about this evil spirit clan or have seen it before, but they have not put it in the world. In eyes.

It has been so many years since the Great Annihilation, and many things have changed.

What the seniors told them was the previous situation, and it was up to them to understand the current changes themselves.

"The evil spirit tribe looks like the human race, but in fact they are ferocious and violent, and they are good at controlling beasts. Each evil spirit tribe usually leads a monster, and it is more difficult to fight with them."

Yu Xianchi recalled what he had seen, "The Evil Spirit Clan has another characteristic."


"Hates humans."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Niansheng's eyes filled with astonishment.

"Hate humans? Why is this?"

Just as there are frequent battles between them and monsters, but that is because of interests, not hatred. The abominable spirit tribe hates the human race, which is surprising.

"Maybe they felt offended because of their similar looks, so they became hostile to humans." Yu Xianchi thought about it.

It feels very special for humans to see evil spirits who are so similar to them, and monsters have always cared about the hierarchy.

The level of their rank proves their status and identity, and the appearance of a foreign race that looks very similar to them is a threat to them, and they are naturally unhappy.

"I see."

Gu Niansheng nodded, feeling that Yu Xianchi's analysis was very polite, and maybe asking Tian Ling would make it clearer.

"Master, Su Xun was arrested, and several people from the Heaven Devouring Palace were arrested together."

Xiaoxiao came to Gu Niansheng and talked about what it observed.

"Su Xun was arrested?"

Gu Niansheng was really surprised now.

"It's just that I had my eyebrows pierced for a while. Why is Su Xun getting worse and worse? Why can't he run away at this time?"

Xiaoxiao was also speechless, "I think he has lost the face of the Heavenly Palace and lowered the standard of the master."

"You can still speak." Gu Niansheng chuckled, "But Su Xun's successive failures have probably completely worn away his original strength."

"In which direction are they? Let's sneak over and take a look."

"You come with me."

Xiaoxiao had already walked around this group of houses before, until he found out where there were evil spirits and where there were none, and he found a safe path.

The two of them followed Xiao Xiao and infiltrated all the way. As expected, they did not encounter any danger during the whole process. Even Yu Xianchi couldn't help but admire them.

"Small abilities are very special and often lead to unexpected gains."

(End of this chapter)

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