After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 1344: One person left alive!

Chapter 1344: One person can survive!
After Zhu Biqin saw the Holy Emperor leaving, he saw the mess in the dormitory and his mind went blank.

Even now, the maid has restored everything to its original state, and replaced the broken vases with new ones, as if nothing had happened.

However, what Mu Zhifu said kept echoing in her mind.

She actually understood this woman.

Unlike other women, she always says the same thing and rarely changes what she says.

She has always been like this over the years and has never changed.

No matter how unbearable things happened before, Mu Zhifu never said anything about not being the Holy Queen.

Since he took the initiative to speak out this time, it means that there may really be no room for change in this matter in a short time.

"No, I must seize this opportunity so that this woman has no chance to regret it!"

Zhu Biqin narrowed her eyes. Although she didn't know why Yu Xianchi and Wei Shilin were suddenly poisoned, she didn't care.

If these two people are really dead, it will be a great victory for them.

"My Lady, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Second Highness are in danger. I heard that when the Holy Emperor came to visit, the Holy Queen lost her temper. I think the Holy Emperor must be in a bad mood at the moment."

Hearing this, Zhu Biqin's eyes lit up. This was a great opportunity for her to show off.

That woman Mu Zhifu may never understand what a man needs most in her life.

Especially for a man like the Holy Emperor, he can handle all other matters properly and does not need women to worry about him at all.

So what if Mu Zhifu is more capable?
She never knows how to capture a man's heart!
"Go and make some tonic, and I'll go visit the Holy Emperor."

"Yes, Holy Princess."

At the same time, Wei Xingzhou's eyes filled with pride as he listened to the news coming from outside.

"Swallowing Spirit Gu, the treasure that I spent so much time and effort to find, can finally be put to use now."

A proud smile appeared on the man's face, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that this was really a happy thing.

"If I had known that the effect was so good, I wouldn't have had to put in so much effort. I could just feed them before, and now I won't have so much trouble."

Both Yu Xianchi and Wei Shilin were very cautious in nature. Even if they were poisoning, they would never find the best opportunity.

It’s not like this method hasn’t been tried over the years.

It's a pity that the poisoners sent out either had no chance of poisoning at all, or were discovered as soon as they got close.

From then on, only trustworthy people could get close to Yu Xianchi. All other people who came close would be arrested and interrogated carefully.

As time passed, he gradually gave up this idea.

However, Swallowing Spirit Gu is different from ordinary poison. The method of poisoning it is simpler and makes people unable to escape.

Coincidentally, there have been too many sudden changes recently. Yu Xianchi put all his thoughts on solving the problem and had no mind to pay attention to other things, so he fell into his trap.

However, once you are hit, there is no room for recovery.

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. As long as he has enough patience, he can only be the next Holy Emperor!

"Your Highness, something has happened to both of your Highnesses now. Many people have set their sights on us, and I'm afraid they are all speculating that the matter is related to us."

There was worry in the eyes of the cronies on the side. Such a direct poisoning purpose was too obvious and could easily attract attention.

"so what?"

Wei Xingzhou didn't care. “If they had evidence, they would have come directly to arrest me right now, but there has been no movement so far, which naturally means that they can’t find any evidence at all.

Without evidence, everything may be false. As long as I refuse to admit it, who can do anything to me? "

Over the years, he has stayed in the Holy Palace for so long, and he is very familiar with everything.

What the mother-in-law has done over the years is actually not traceable, but as long as the past is covered up, even if it arouses suspicion, as long as there is no definite evidence, everything will be a joke.

"The Holy Queen suspects that this matter is related to the Holy Concubine. Now she has gone to the Concubine's palace to make a big fuss. I heard that she almost killed the Holy Concubine. Do you want to go and have a look?"

This matter caused a huge fuss, and many people in the Holy Palace had already heard about it.

Before the change, His Highness the Third Prince had already gone to visit, but this time there was no movement until now.

"Since father has appeared, nothing must have happened and there is no need to visit."

Wei Xingzhou looked indifferent. Ever since the trouble that day, he felt that even if he went, he would only get scolded. And he was tired of everything his mother and concubine had said over the years and didn't want to hear it anymore.

"Have Fourth Sister gone to visit?"

"It seems not."

The man shook his head, "The fourth princess has been extremely sad since she heard the news that day. She has been staying in the house for several days and has not come out."

"If that boy from the Bai family dies, he is dead. Even if he doesn't die, he will have no future left alive.

This girl was quite ambitious and smart before, but she didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of this kid in the end. She was really stupid. "

There was disgust in Wei Xingzhou's eyes. His mother-in-law had always liked the fourth sister better before, but unfortunately, she was disappointed by them all.

"According to the news that has been transmitted so far, Master Yun and the others have worked out a solution. It is said that only one of the two can survive. Perhaps His Highness the Crown Prince can survive."


Wei Xingzhou's expression suddenly changed, "Can the Yun Family Master and the others save even one more person?"

"The head of the Yun family and the elders of the family have all come to the Holy Palace. Now everyone is gathering together to discuss a solution. This is the solution that has been discussed so far."

"Are you really sure it can work?"

Wei Xingzhou couldn't believe it. The news he got when he got the spirit-swallowing Gu was that basically no one in the world could detoxify this poison.

Because the spirit-swallowing Gu has almost been lost, and almost all the older generations who were able to unlock the poison have passed away.

"It is said that there is still hope. The Yun family has always been good at the art of poison poison. Although the head of the Yun family does not understand the spirit-swallowing Gu, they have found the senior's handbook."

"The current results were obtained based on the records above, but it seems that it is still difficult to achieve it."

Hearing this, the cold look in Wei Xingzhou's eyes became stronger and stronger.

"No, they must not be able to cure this poison!"

This is currently the only way.

Once Yu Xianchi wakes up, the consequences will be disastrous.

He knew that man too well, and he might have had some scruples before because of the brotherhood between the two.

But once Wei Shilin dies, Yu Xianchi will definitely kill him in the most cruel way in the world without hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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