Chapter 143

"It's already so late, Nian Sheng, why haven't my brother and third sister-in-law come back yet?"

Qin Yunjing looked worried. Their trip today was relatively smooth, because Xiang Yiran had grabbed the cub, and the people behind him obviously had no chance. The other two Giant Spirit Crystal Hundred Lion cubs were also the targets of other forces.

There was a huge melee between 60 and [-] people, and it was impossible to tell whether they were friends or foes at this night.

They saw the two people running in different directions. Compared with other entire teams attacking together, it was undoubtedly extremely dangerous for them to spread out. If they were not careful, they might even take their own lives. .

Therefore, after they realized that they could not catch up with those people, they turned their attention to Xiang Yiran. At least their team must have gained something.

So after everyone drove those guys away after a fierce battle, the entire army was almost still together, with Xiang Yiran and He Yuansi walking at the front, and everyone behind them came back one after another.

But up to now, there are still three people who have not returned, and they are three people with such a special relationship, so everyone can't help but make speculations.

"The melee was so chaotic that I didn't notice Nian Sheng's condition."

"Junior Sister Nian Sheng will be fine by herself, right?" Ji Chunrou blamed herself, "There were too many people at that time. I originally wanted to take good care of Junior Sister, but everyone was wearing night clothes, and I couldn't find her in a while. ”

Among the team that came this time, the one she wanted to take care of most was Gu Niansheng.

This junior sister was too fond of her, so when she realized that this battle was very dangerous, she wanted to protect her.

But in just a blink of an eye, she didn't know where her junior sister had gone.

"Junior Sister Nian Sheng didn't grab the Giant Spirit Crystal Hundred Lion's cub, so she should be back, but I don't understand. Didn't Qin Minglang not participate in this battle? He could have come back directly with Gu Nian'en before, why now? You haven’t come back yet?”

Everyone looked at each other. Although Gu Nianen was already unconscious, he would have to carry one more person back, so his speed would definitely not be as fast as theirs. But after such a long time, he should be back after all.

Just when everyone was worried, they saw a graceful figure walking slowly.

"Junior Sister Nian Sheng is back!"

Ji Chunrou trotted over with a smile, "You are back, but everyone is still worried that something will happen to you."

As soon as she said these words, Ji Chunrou noticed that there was a little one in Gu Niansheng's arms, with a furry white head poking out. Her eyes widened and her face was full of disbelief. color.

"Did you also grab the cub of the Giant Spirit Crystal Hundred Lion?"

It took so many of them to protect Xiang Yiran and snatch a cub, but the junior sister actually snatched one by herself?
This is too strong!

Qin Yunjing rushed out immediately. After looking at the cute little girl in Gu Niansheng's arms, his reaction was exactly the same as Ji Chunrou's.

"Nian Sheng, are you so powerful?"

After hearing this, everyone came over curiously, and their expressions were filled with wonder.

"I was wondering why Junior Sister Nian Sheng came back so late. It turns out she went to rob this little guy!"

"You snatched it back all by yourself? None of us could help you."

Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity. They were really curious. How intense was the battle at that time?How could Gu Niansheng defeat so many opponents by himself?

Facing everyone's confused looks, Gu Niansheng chuckled and blinked, "My experience is amazing."

Until everyone heard that Gu Niansheng was walking back alone, and happened to see the two of them in the group, the little guy fell directly in front of her, and was brought back so smoothly, everyone was just stunned.Can it still be like this?
It instantly refreshed everyone's understanding, and then only envy remained.

This kind of incredible luck is really rare.

"Junior sister Nian Sheng, your luck is really incredible." Ji Chunrou sighed, "We fought with other forces for a long time just to protect Xiang Yiran. It was very difficult."

Gu Niansheng smiled slightly, she had already noticed the previous battle situation.

“After working for so long, it’s almost dawn. The original tent was punctured by another team there, so it must be no longer usable.

This place is not far from the lair of the Giant Spirit Crystal Hundred Lions. I am worried that someone will take the opportunity to search here, so everyone should not rest tonight. Let’s leave here as soon as possible and find a place to have a good rest later. How about? "

He Yuansi carefully analyzed the situation in front of him. The other teams should have known each other for a long time, but they appeared suddenly.

In the end, there were three cubs in total, and two of them were here. Those guys might not give up, so it was safest to leave here as early as possible.

Everyone nodded, and they also understood that the situation in front of them was not safe for everyone.

"After this night, everyone is tired, but we can still persevere and find a suitable place. We can just rest early today."

Seeing everyone nodding and thinking about leaving, Qin Yunjing said with a complex expression: "My third brother and third sister-in-law are still missing."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then remembered that there were two other people, and suddenly felt helpless.

"Then wait a little longer."

Gu Niansheng set up a temporary tent and treated her injuries. Only then did everyone know that her right hand was injured.

"Junior sister, are you fighting with someone?"

Gu Niansheng nodded slightly. The cub still needed milk after it was born, so Xiang Yiran went to find deer milk, fed part of it to his contracted beast, and gave the other part to Gu Niansheng.

"Thank you, brother."

"It should be." Xiang Yiran smiled warmly, "As a senior brother, I have been relying on my junior sister to take care of me these days, and I feel ashamed."

"Senior brother, I'm just cooking."

Xiang Yiran looked at Gu Niansheng's quiet and gentle appearance, and her eyes softened, "You are our treasured junior sister, He Yuansi and the others don't know how envious they are.

If it weren't for you this time, they wouldn't want to form a team with us, and I wouldn't have such a gain.

Anyway, senior brother, I owe you a favor this time. If you need my help in the future, just ask. "

Gu Niansheng understood in her heart that this was what happened.

"Brother, this is your opportunity."

Half an hour later, everyone finally saw a rickety figure walking slowly, like an old man who was dying, bent down by the burden of life.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was Qin Minglang who had not been back for a long time. He was carrying Gu Nianen on his back and was stumbling. He was obviously exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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