After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 147 The Daughter of Luck!

Chapter 147 The Daughter of Luck!

"My original goal was to go to the Gilded Sands, so when everyone was fighting for the giant spirit crystal hundred lion cubs, I kept looking for the Gilded Sands nearby."

"No wonder I said I haven't seen you all this time!" Ji Chunrou suddenly realized. She had always wanted to take care of Gu Niansheng, but once the conflict broke out, she couldn't find him. It turned out that she was not in the battle group at all. Instead, he ran to find Gilded Sand.

Gu Niansheng smiled slightly, and the little head in her arms poked out, looking around curiously.

"The Gilded Sand is near the cave of Giant Spirit Crystal Hundred Lions. I saw everyone rushing out, and it took me a while to find the Gilded Sand there.

However, he also met other people along the way, and was injured after a fight. "

"So that's it." He Yuansi understood clearly, "But when I came back this time, I happened to pick up the Giant Spirit Crystal Hundred Lion Cub. Junior Sister, your luck is really incredible!"

They had also heard of people who had unexpected luck and encountered adventures in the Yuanqi Mountains, but this was the first time they discovered that such an experience was happening around them.

Everyone looked at her with envy, she was simply a girl of luck!

"Junior sister, it stands to reason that everyone's thoughts should be on the monster cubs. Why are you so obsessed with Gilded Sand?" Wan Heng asked with a smile.

"My father had a long spear. He fought with him on the battlefield for many years, but the tip of the spear was cracked in the last battle. The craftsman who repaired it said that it would only be possible if he had gilded sand. However, gilded sand is so hard to find that it has never been able to be repaired."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

"Junior sister is interested, uncle will be very happy when he finds out." Ji Chun said judo.

Gu Niansheng noticed the unconcealable envy on everyone's faces, took out two baggage from the storage ring, and said: "This is the baggage I grabbed. There are some demon crystals, pills and silver in it. Let's share it. .”

She took off the man's baggage when she killed him, and picked one up on the way back.

Xiang Yiran got the monster cub, so he shared all the other gains with everyone. Even she got two monster crystals, saying she was very happy and thanked everyone for their help.

Although she got it through luck, if everyone hadn't told her the news, she wouldn't have been able to get it like this. This time it's really thanks to everyone.

There weren't a lot of things in the bag, so she added some silver coins herself. Although it sounded tacky, it was really what everyone needed most.

"Thanks to everyone, I was able to find such a bargain. It's all thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate."

A hearty smile appeared on the corners of Gu Niansheng's lips. The sunlight fell on her body through the gaps in the leaves. Her eyelashes like cattail fans trembled slightly. The eyes under the eyelashes were moist, clear and moving, making people feel happy just looking at them. Bright, as if the original fatigue has dissipated a bit.

"Since Junior Sister is so generous, then we won't be polite!"

Everyone chuckled. This time everyone went together, but only Gu Niansheng and Xiang Yiran were rewarded. Everyone was inevitably disappointed.

Xiang Yiran shared all the other gains with them, and Gu Niansheng actually didn't need their help at all along the way, but she was willing to share it with everyone. Everyone just thought that the junior sister was really generous and lovable.

"The two bags that junior sister brought back contain a lot of stuff. It seems that these two people are quite wealthy."

Everyone looked at the things inside, with a little wonder in their eyes. The baggage they had taken back before was not so rich.

"A little profit can make them smile. They are really a group of guys who have never seen the world!"

Gu Nianen saw that everyone was attracted by Gu Niansheng's tricks again, and he was really speechless. These guys must have agreed to be bribed!
"Not all students in the college have seen the world like you, Princess. As long as you give them a little sweetness, they will think they are good people." Di Shaoyuan said with a look of disgust.

Gu Niansheng noticed that Di Shaoyuan was muttering next to Gu Nianen again, and a trace of suspicion filled his mind.She understands the crisis on the first floor all too well. This guy has been surrounding Gu Nianen since forming the team. Could he be planning this on Gu Nianen?

As soon as this thought came to mind, Gu Niansheng suddenly felt that the possibility was not small, but he didn't know if his words were good enough to persuade Gu Niansheng.

In the evening, everyone was already stationed.

We didn't rest all night yesterday, and we had been traveling for another day today. Everyone was very tired, so we camped and rested early today.

"Everyone is very tired today, but someone still has to be responsible for keeping vigil."

Xiang Yiran had a look of embarrassment on his face and had not slept all night. I was afraid that everyone would sleep deeply tonight, so someone had to keep watch, but who else could keep watch at this time?

"Didn't Gu Nianen sleep all night? Wouldn't it be enough for her to come and stay vigil today?" Miao Xuan said.

Everyone looked at Gu Nianen, "Yes, Gu Nianen slept soundly last night, and he didn't wake up even after Qin Minglang carried him all the way back."

Gu Nianen felt tired after traveling all day. She was happy to learn that she would be stationed early to rest early today, but she heard that everyone asked her to keep vigil?


Gu Nianen pointed at herself in surprise, as if she didn't believe that everyone would let her keep vigil.

"That's you." Ji Chunju said, "If you want to sleep now, you can sleep for a while. You will be the one keeping watch this night, but there is still one missing."

"I'll do it." Dai Hongxi said, "I'll take a nap first and call me later."

"it is good."

Gu Nianen never thought that the task of keeping vigil would fall on her. She couldn't help feeling depressed, but she didn't dare to show it. In the end, she agreed with a smile.

"Ok, no problem."

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw her agreeing. This was not in line with her temperament.

Gu Nianen looked at Qin Minglang with a smile and said in a gentle voice, "Brother Minglang, you worked hard last night. Have a good rest tonight. I'll help you keep vigil."

Qin Minglang nodded unexpectedly, feeling quite impressed.

Gu Nianen glanced at Gu Niansheng in the distance, wasn't he just pretending to be generous?She will too!
At this moment, Gu Niansheng didn't pay any attention to what was happening on Gu Nianen's side. Today, everyone hunted a lot of monsters along the way, and there was also a lot of food. Everyone was so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs, just waiting for her to cook something good. food.

With everyone's help, all the vegetables have been cleaned and cut, waiting for her to put them into the pot.

Seeing everyone making all preparations with ease, Gu Niansheng chuckled, "I didn't expect that everyone would have such a tacit understanding."

"That's natural. We have prepared everything and are just waiting for you, Chef, to show off your talents."

Seeing that everyone was hungry, Gu Niansheng first made some fried corn to fill everyone's stomach, and then made a pot of pickled fish. Ji Chunrou and others lit a bonfire according to her instructions. Today they caught a Senmu Lamb, after Gu Niansheng prepared the seasoning, he started roasting the whole lamb.

(End of this chapter)

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