Chapter 1623 You saved everyone!

Gu Niansheng ignored these guys and turned to look at Yu Xianchi, "Xianchi, how are you?"

She quickly took out the elixir and fed it to the man. In fact, Xianchi's current situation was that his mental power was shackled.

But once all the mental power is consumed at this moment, the situation will be much more serious than that of ordinary practitioners.

The pill that he had reserved for Xian Chi was stuffed into his mouth at this moment as if it was free of charge, his pretty face was full of worry.

Xian Chi looked at the woman in front of him, his dark eyes as bright as stars, the corners of his mouth curved, and his voice was gentle.

"My Nian Sheng is so amazing."

The moment he heard this, Nian Sheng's eyes suddenly turned red.

"It's okay, you'll be fine."

Gu Niansheng's voice trembled slightly, the man's face was pale, and that clear and gentle face looked weak and sick at this moment, and his pale face hurt her heart like a sharp knife.

There is no need to say anything. Just from the fact that everyone is staying here, she understands the reason why everyone stays here.

If it weren't for guarding her, everyone could leave from here.

"Everyone, run!"

Everyone in Anluo City realized that Gu Niansheng's strength was far more terrifying than imagined. Even the city lord and the others were no match for them, and they would only die if they stayed here.

However, just as they were about to leave, Gu Niansheng raised his hand casually, and the palace door was closed.

Her eyes fell on the pale faces of Yunlou and others, and she saw Elder Yihe lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead. The familiar faces in front of her had turned pale, and their clothes had already been stained red with blood, and there were many more. Familiar corpse.

This scene stung her eyes and ignited her full of hatred.

"None of you want to leave today!"

The woman's cold voice exploded in Anluo City's mind like the devil's voice from hell. Everyone looked horrified, feeling the terror of the female devil for the first time.

"Why are the Celestial People so scary?"

"We are finished, this woman will kill us all!"

The original excitement on everyone's faces has turned into deep fear. Originally, they could easily kill everyone and congratulate the Lord of the City on becoming the Lord of the Dead City, but now everything is shattered.

"You, don't think how great you are, even if we die here, you will die trapped here."

Stanley looked panicked, he did not believe that a Celestial Clan member could become the Lord of the Dead City.


However, the moment he heard these words, Gu Niansheng suddenly smiled.

"You still can't understand the truth?"

The next moment, under Stanley's shocked eyes, Gu Niansheng raised his hand.

"You, what are you going to do?"

This was how Shuangyan died just now. Could it be that this woman also wanted to kill herself in this way?

"You trash...just be useless."

Gu Niansheng's eyes were full of indifference. She had no intention of talking nonsense with these guys and turned her eyes to Shen Yuxiu.

"Leave it to you, they can't move."

As the woman's words fell, Shen Yuxiu was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Gu Niansheng meant.

He turned his eyes to the people behind him. Everyone had been suppressed and beaten before. He hated these guys so much that he was holding back his anger and just wanted to take revenge.


As soon as these words came out, Yunlou and others were stunned, and then they noticed the horrified faces of Stanley and others.

Before, because the hall was dark, it was impossible to see the other party's expression clearly, but since the Crown Princess appeared, all the situations in the hall have clearly emerged in everyone's eyes. "kill!"

Yunlou's eyes were red, and the scene of Elder Yihe blocking him kept reappearing in his mind.

Because of these damn bastards!
Su Xi and others were also holding back their anger. They almost died at the hands of these guys. They had hated them for a long time, and now they finally had a chance to take revenge!

"Kill these bastards!"

Everyone's emotions were ignited at this moment. They had all been holding back for too long, and it was just because of these damn guys that they almost lost their lives.

The sounds of killing and screams echoed throughout the hall, and the rich smell of blood spread throughout the hall, which was a dazzling red color.

Gu Niansheng saw that Yu Xianchi was exhausted. Although he tried to hold on and looked at himself, he was almost unable to hold on any longer.

"If you're too tired, just rest first. Just take a nap and you'll be fine."

"Okay." Yu Xianchi nodded slightly, looking at the woman's red eyes, he stretched out his hand to caress her cheek, "Don't be afraid, I'll be fine."

Gu Niansheng nodded slightly. They all knew how serious the situation in his body was.

If she couldn't survive this test, she couldn't even imagine the consequences.

The man slowly closed his eyes, and Gu Niansheng's eyes were moist. Even after feeding so many pills, Xianchi's condition didn't seem to get any better.

Shen Yuxiu had been watching the situation from the side. Even though he didn't understand medical skills, he already knew what was going on just by looking at Nian Sheng's expression.

"Nian Sheng, what's going on now? Is it very serious? Is there any chance of cure?"

"I will find a way, but he was originally lacking in mental power. Now after such consumption, once the mental power cannot be restored..."

Hearing this, Shen Yuxiu's heart skipped a beat.

He understands the consequences.

In the past, there were practitioners who exhausted all their mental power out of desperation, and finally caused the sea of ​​consciousness to collapse. In this way, there were only two results.

One is to die, the other is to become a useless person.

Either way, it's the worst case scenario.

"I-I didn't expect the situation to be so serious."

Shen Yuxiu's heart thumped and he gradually sank. From the situation at that time, he could tell that His Highness was not easy, but he didn't know that the situation would be so serious.

"I couldn't do it..."

"none of your business."

Gu Niansheng wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She had already noticed Shen Yuxiu who was covered in injuries. In the previous battle, everyone had persisted to the end.

They had used all their strength, but if there were any other way, they would not have ended up in this situation.

"I will find a way. The situation may not be without room for maneuver."

Shen Yuxiu felt unbearable as he looked at the woman who was extremely sad but still making herself strong. In the final analysis, his strength was still too weak.

If Nian Sheng hadn't happened to appear, all of them would have died.

"In the final analysis, this matter is my fault. If I could have come out earlier, you wouldn't have suffered so much because of me."

Gu Niansheng felt uncomfortable in her heart, looking at the crumbling figures of the people in the Heaven Devouring Palace. Although they were killing each other heartily, in fact everyone was only relying on their willpower to support themselves.

They... couldn't hold it any longer.

And the root of everything is to protect her.

It was she who put everyone in danger.

"It wasn't because of you, it was you who saved us all."

(End of this chapter)

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