After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 1648 I really don't see it

Chapter 1648: Really blind!
"I see."

Yu Xianchi nodded. If this method could kill people without limit, that would be really amazing.

However, this method is really effective at critical moments, and it is even better when you are on the road.

The Dead City can swim underground and no one will notice their presence at all, which means that there will be no losses on the way.

This alone is of immeasurable value, especially when the two sides are fighting, they can appear in other places instantly and silently, not to mention the speed of traveling very fast.

Of course, the only limitation of the Dead City on the ground is that there is no way to enter the city.

Perhaps it is because it is a city in itself that such restrictions are left.

"In the future, when we don't want to rush, we can directly enter the Dead City, so that we can rest while rushing."

Gu Niansheng chuckled, thinking about this, she found it particularly interesting. This was the case when they were rushing back this time. If they had been walking on their own, they might not have been able to make it back at this time.

"Shi Lin, how are you resting?"

Yu Xianchi turned to look at Wei Shilin. He seemed to have not had a good night's sleep for a long time. He had only opened his eyes now after falling into a deep sleep yesterday.

"I feel much better, but I still feel tired. I'm afraid I have to wait until I get back to have a good sleep." Wei Shilin chuckled.

Shan Liang on the side smiled and said: "Ever since you fell into the Death City, His Highness has been worried about your safety and has not been able to have a good rest these days."

"I see."

Gu Niansheng suddenly understood. No wonder Wei Shilin seemed to be indescribably tired when she saw him. Even after a long sleep, his eyelids were still black and blue.

"Your sister-in-law is a genius. She can bring me back no matter how dangerous she falls into. Don't worry."

Yu Xianchi curled his lips and smiled, his expression showing a bit of complacency and more of pride.

Wei Shilin: "..." No eyesight.

I used to praise my eldest brother as a genius, and there was probably no one in the world who could match his talent.

Now it's better. The eldest brother just found a more talented sister-in-law to come back. He didn't need others to suppress him at all, he had already abdicated on his own initiative.

"It feels really good."

Yu Xianchi chuckled, and Gu Niansheng couldn't help but feel amused as he took in the whole scene. Xianchi seemed to have completely forgotten how hard he worked to protect himself in the dead city.

Just a little bit away from being completely finished.

If the mental power could not be restored this time, the current situation would be unimaginable.

"Everyone has almost rested, let's go back. It's more comfortable to go back and lie on the bed than here."

Wei Shilin also stood up. Because he had been worried about his eldest brother and sister-in-law these days, he simply didn't think about food or drink.

By now the war was over, and his sister-in-law and eldest brother were back. He suddenly felt hungry and just wanted to go back and have a good meal.

As Wei Shilin finished speaking, everyone laughed out loud.

Fortunately for the rest of my life, it’s really time to go back earlier.

"I'm really hungry too."

Gu Niansheng heard Wei Shilin's words and noticed that he seemed to have lost a lot of weight after not seeing him for a while, "When I get back, I will personally cook a table of delicious food for you."

"Really?" Wei Shilin's eyebrows were filled with joy.

"Of course it's true."

"That's great. When I think of my sister-in-law's cooking skills, I just want to run back home!" Wei Shilin looked at his eldest brother proudly. He had previously thought that his sister-in-law's cooking skills were excellent, but his eldest brother was worried. My sister-in-law was tired, so she didn’t let her cook at all.

Naturally, he doesn't have this blessing.

Just thinking about it now makes my mouth water.

Yu Xianchi looked at the hopeless Wei Shilin, a smile flashed in his eyes, "You can eat as much as you want this time. Your sister-in-law feels guilty for worrying you for so long."

"Brother, don't you feel guilty that my sister-in-law is so humane?" Wei Shilin said, "I feel that my sister-in-law is my biological sister."

Yu Xianchi: "Maybe."

Wei Shilin: "..."

After everyone stood up, they began to walk back. The uninjured people were naturally not affected, but there were also people who were seriously injured and even had difficulty moving.

Upon seeing this, Wei Shilin and Yu Xianchi stepped back and carried the man on their backs.

"His Royal Highness, this is absolutely unacceptable."

The man with handicapped legs and feet looked panicked when he saw His Majesty coming to carry him.

"I can't do it, I can't do it, I can just go on my own."

"What's wrong with this? You are all heroes, and you were injured trying to protect everyone. What does that mean now?"

Yu Xianchi and Wei Shilin obviously didn't take this matter to heart, and carried the person away without any explanation.

Gu Niansheng looked at Yu Xianchi who was so approachable, and a smile slowly spread in his eyes. He was completely different from the indifferent look he had at the beginning.

I can’t tell what is good, but as long as it is him, it is the best.

Seeing that His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Second Highness had done this, Luo Wen glanced at the three guys behind him who were still busy counting money, and his eyes filled with helplessness.

"Can you three stop counting the money? You only have a few cultivation resources and you can count them slowly after you go back. Now go help those who should help."

After hearing this, Shu Hua and the other three, who were obsessed with counting yesterday's harvest, couldn't help but raise their heads, with a little doubt in their expressions.

"What do you mean?"

They also fell asleep immediately after the battle yesterday. When they woke up today, they were a little excited when they thought about the Qiankun bag they received yesterday.

It has to be said that all of these guys were very wealthy yesterday. They just opened a few Qiankun bags and saw good cultivation resources. Although they didn’t gain much in the dead city, at least after last night, they finally got it. Their empty net worth was replenished.

"Look up and see for yourselves!"

Luo Wen gave each of the three guys a chestnut.

These three guys are really money-crazy!
Seeing this, the three of them observed it carefully and then noticed it. They felt a little embarrassed and quickly stepped forward to carry the others on their backs.

Seeing the three boys happily going to help others, Master Qinghai glanced at Luo Wen and said, "Are you jealous of your apprentice? I looked at these three boys' other abilities, not to mention their ability to grab the Qiankun Bag. It’s truly a masterpiece.”

He had only heard of them before, but he didn't know how terrifying these three boys were until he actually saw them yesterday.

This is probably the result of countless exercises.

Everyone else was busy chasing and killing them, but it was better for the three of them, as they didn't even miss a single Qiankun bag.

I'm afraid that those who were killed by Luo Wen had all their cultivation resources taken away by these three boys.

(End of this chapter)

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