Chapter 1685 The Kind Grandpa

Extremely satisfied.

An indescribable cheerful mood, all unhappiness, tension, worry, and other negative emotions disappeared, leaving only a satisfied smile.

Here, it seems that there is no need to think about anything, and people are always happy.

"This tree is truly magical."

Gu Niansheng sat down under the tree, "I have heard people say that enlightenment occurred under the Bodhi tree before. Now it seems that in this environment, it is indeed a good time for enlightenment."

"It's just that others don't know if they can find this opportunity for enlightenment."

When they came in, it was just an attempt, and they didn't have time to tell others.

"I think everyone is very fast. Now that they have realized that the baby is here, they should come in soon."

Yu Xianchi thought for a moment, and while he was talking, Shu Hua and others also appeared.

"Wow, we really saw the Bodhi tree!"

Shu Hua clicked her tongue in surprise, "Little junior sister, your soul perception is really amazing. You can detect these things here, it's really amazing!"

The junior sister had already described this tree before, and now it really looks like this.

"I have seen many trees before, but the trunk of the tree in front of me is probably too big for dozens of people to hug, right?"

Jing Shuai clicked his tongue in amazement. Such a spectacular sight could only be seen in the secret realm.

"But now I only see this tree, and I don't seem to see anything else..."

Cui Huai walked around and found that the scope of this tree was so outrageous that he couldn't get out even after running for a long time, let alone other discoveries.

"The true extent of this tree is the same as what we saw during the day today, so naturally it ran out."

Gu Niansheng waved his hand, signaling Cui Huai to stop working blindly.

She sat down directly, looked at the towering tree in front of her, and began to meditate further.

Shen Yuxiu walked forward while looking at the tree, trying to find others.

"Look, there seems to be sprouts on Nian Sheng's head."

Shu Hua was looking at the surrounding environment when he suddenly realized that his master had also appeared, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

As a result, when I turned around, I realized that my little junior sister had sprouts on her head?


Everyone was stunned when they heard this and quickly turned their heads.

Sure enough, everyone saw sprouts sprouting on Gu Niansheng's head.

Young green buds sprouted from her head, and everyone looked confused.

"Is it possible that insights will sprout here?"

"Then it won't turn into a tree in the end, right?"

Several people looked at each other, thoughts emerging in their minds, and they simply didn't know what to say.

"What are you thinking about? Nian Sheng must have had some enlightenment before he sprouted. He has such a good opportunity and doesn't know how to understand it, so what are he doing here in a daze?"

Luo Wen looked at his three stupid disciples with disgust and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Didn’t you see that His Royal Highness is already meditating?
If you miss this good opportunity, you don’t know when it will come next time.

Yongchi and his party stayed all night, but did not wait for any movement from Gu Niansheng and his party.

It seemed like they really just found a place to rest here at night, without trying to deal with them or causing any trouble.

Until the sky became brighter and brighter, and there was still no movement from the other party, I couldn't help but feel strange.

"It's already dawn, don't they plan to leave?"

"It seems like there is no plan."

Dai Lu shook her head, "They are very surprised that my soul perception can't penetrate their tent, and I don't know what they are doing."

She had wanted to investigate since these people entered yesterday, but once her soul perception reached there, it was directly intercepted and unable to penetrate.

"Wait a minute, they can't be silent." As the sun got higher and higher, Yongchi stood up and walked towards the tent where Gu Niansheng and others were.

Just by looking at it, they were dumbfounded.

"What about people?"

There was no one in the tent.

There were so many of them staring at the situation inside. It was obvious that they didn't come out at all after going in. How could there be no one there?

"The people in this tent are also missing!" Ke'an said.

Several people looked at each other, their expressions full of astonishment, and they didn't understand why this person who was so good suddenly disappeared.

"It's so weird, it shouldn't be!"

"Is there any secret in this tent?"

Dai Lu looked carefully, only to find that almost everyone inside was gone.

"It was a cover-up, they must have discovered some secret and then disappeared from our eyes!"

Several people looked at each other with ugly expressions on their faces. The slap in the face really hurt.

"Look for it quickly! There must be some clues in this place!"

Gu Niansheng entered a special scene.

Not when the sun is shining brightly, but when the sky is filled with stars.

It was like midsummer, the night wind blew gently, bringing a bit of coolness, and she was like a child sitting holding a watermelon to enjoy the coolness.

In front of her was an old grandfather, looking at her with a kind smile.

"This little baby is so handsome. Look at the starry sky today. Isn't it beautiful?"

Gu Niansheng couldn't help but raise his head when he heard these words. After seeing the stars in the sky, a happy smile gradually appeared on his face.


Innocent, naive, and ignorant of the world.

Everything around him seemed to have become quiet, pure and simple, without any distracting thoughts.

"Grandpa, I can tell at a glance that your little girl has excellent bones and is a little genius. I will teach you a trick while grandpa is in a good mood today."

"Have you seen those two bright stars in the sky?"

The old man bent down slightly and motioned Gu Niansheng to look at the two stars on the horizon.

Gu Niansheng looked up. There were obviously so many stars in the sky, but as soon as he looked up, he knew which two the old man was talking about.


"You use your soul perception to pull these two stars together."

"Soul perception?" Gu Niansheng's eyes were filled with confusion.

The old man smiled lightly, "It's okay if you don't understand. Grandpa will show you. Watch carefully."

Under Gu Niansheng's gaze, he saw the old man's soul perception spreading out. The soul perception, which was obviously invisible and intangible, slowly spread out like white smoke and rose directly into the air.

The strong power entangled the star, and then wrapped around another star.

She watched with her own eyes as the two connected the two stars together, and finally collided and turned into one star.

However, if you look closely, you can see that the stars are getting brighter at this moment.

"Do you understand?" the old man asked.

Gu Niansheng nodded, "I understand."

"If you understand, just try it. When you can twine all the stars in the sky together, you will succeed!"

The old man smiled kindly, touched Gu Niansheng's little head, and continued to rest on the rocking chair.

(End of this chapter)

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